I always find myself thinking deeply about Pisces energy during Pisces season, perhaps because of the impact it has on me as my  Pisces Ascendant, and especially now, with this New Moon at 9 degrees Pisces sitting directly on it. Trying to articulate the essence of Pisces is never easy and we are about to get a lot of it come flooding in. It is the most elusive of energies, mystical, fluid, and hard to define. Pisces has an incredible ability to attract and draw in energy, to weave an intricate web of connection, yet it can also be nebulous, confusing, and even contradictory. The symbol of Pisces, the two fish swimming in opposite directions perfectly captures this duality. This energy can flow upstream, downstream, or, in its mutable nature, attempt to do both at once. This New Moon in Pisces may feel very much like that an ebb and flow, a push and pull, a moment of quiet surrender before the next wave of motion.
On February 28 at 11:44 AM (AET), we arrive at the final New Moon of the astrological year. This is no ordinary New Moon. Sitting at 9 degrees of Pisces, it carries potent significance, ushering us into eclipse season and occurring within a rare window where all planets are in direct motion and A LOT of them are in the sign of Pisces.  This alignment might feel intense, deep yet it also is an opportunity for some  clarity and momentum, an opportunity to set intentions before we transition into a retrograde-heavy period with Venus and Mercury soon slowing down. Yet, Pisces reminds us that endings are just as important as beginnings. So while we are invited to dream forward, we must also reflect: What emotions, beliefs, or patterns are we ready to release before we step into the new astrological year? How have our spiritual insights evolved over the past twelve months?
This New Moon is a rare and extraordinary concentration of Pisces energy, one we will not experience again in this form. With both Neptune, Pisces' ruler, and Saturn still in this sign, we are witnessing the culmination of a deeply introspective and spiritually significant cycle. Neptune and Saturn will soon depart for Aries, marking the end of this era and this New Moon acts as a threshold, a closing chapter before a bold new beginning. Though New Moons traditionally symbolise fresh starts, this one carries the weight of both endings and rebirth. What is dissolving in order to make way for something new?
The emotional undercurrents of this New Moon may feel vast and all-encompassing. The Sun and Moon in Pisces form a trine to Mars in Cancer, offering emotional courage and inner strength. Yet, a square to Jupiter—Pisces’ modern ruler—magnifies everything, stretching emotions to oceanic proportions. Neptune’s conjunction with the North Node deepens the mystical and fated quality of this moment, while Saturn and Mercury align, urging us to seek clarity amidst the Piscean fog. Dreams may be especially vivid, filled with messages from the subconscious. Intuition is heightened. Synchronicities are more frequent. This is a time to pay attention—to dreams that linger, to signs that nudge, to whispers of insight that seem to come from nowhere. What is being revealed to you?
The Lunar Nodes have now fully settled into the Pisces-Virgo axis, and as we move toward the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, we are invited to stay present with the unfolding. The time between this New Moon and the eclipse is a liminal space—one foot in the past, the other reaching toward the future. What new chapter might we now be preparing for?
Pisces is the sign that teaches us the art of surrender. It reminds us that we cannot control everything and that sometimes, the most powerful choice is to soften our grip. This New Moon—and the upcoming eclipse—asks us to embrace the flow rather than resist it. Can we trust in the unseen forces at work? Can we cultivate a sense of ease in uncertainty? Rather than forcing our way forward, this is a moment to pause, breathe, and allow life to move through us.
As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces invites us to release the old, to dissolve what no longer serves us, and to create space for what is to come. Soon, we will be propelled into Aries’ fiery initiation, ready for action. But for now, we dream. We reflect. We align with our soul’s path—not through force, but through deep inner knowing. What dreams, visions, or inspirations are surfacing? How can we nurture them? What inner wisdom is asking to be honored?
Trust in what is dissolving. Trust in what is emerging. And most of all, trust in the unseen magic that Pisces so effortlessly weaves.