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I always find myself thinking deeply about Pisces energy during Pisces season, perhaps because of the impact it has on me as my  Pisces Ascendant, and especially now, with this New Moon at 9 degrees Pisces sitting directly on it. Trying to articulate the essence of Pisces is never easy and we are about to get a lot of it come flooding in. It is the most elusive of energies, mystical, fluid, and hard to define. Pisces has an incredible ability to attract and draw in energy, to weave an intricate web of connection, yet it can also be nebulous, confusing, and even contradictory. The symbol of Pisces, the two fish swimming in opposite directions perfectly captures this duality. This energy can flow upstream, downstream, or, in its mutable nature, attempt to do both at once. This New Moon in Pisces may feel very much like that an ebb and flow, a push and pull, a moment of quiet surrender before the next wave of motion.



On February 28 at 11:44 AM (AET), we arrive at the final New Moon of the astrological year. This is no ordinary New Moon. Sitting at 9 degrees of Pisces, it carries potent significance, ushering us into eclipse season and occurring within a rare window where all planets are in direct motion and A LOT of them are in the sign of Pisces.  This alignment might feel intense, deep yet it also is an opportunity for some  clarity and momentum, an opportunity to set intentions before we transition into a retrograde-heavy period with Venus and Mercury soon slowing down. Yet, Pisces reminds us that endings are just as important as beginnings. So while we are invited to dream forward, we must also reflect: What emotions, beliefs, or patterns are we ready to release before we step into the new astrological year? How have our spiritual insights evolved over the past twelve months?

This New Moon is a rare and extraordinary concentration of Pisces energy, one we will not experience again in this form. With both Neptune, Pisces' ruler, and Saturn still in this sign, we are witnessing the culmination of a deeply introspective and spiritually significant cycle. Neptune and Saturn will soon depart for Aries, marking the end of this era and this New Moon  acts as a threshold, a closing chapter before a bold new beginning. Though New Moons traditionally symbolise fresh starts, this one carries the weight of both endings and rebirth. What is dissolving in order to make way for something new?

The emotional undercurrents of this New Moon may feel vast and all-encompassing. The Sun and Moon in Pisces form a trine to Mars in Cancer, offering emotional courage and inner strength. Yet, a square to Jupiter—Pisces’ modern ruler—magnifies everything, stretching emotions to oceanic proportions. Neptune’s conjunction with the North Node deepens the mystical and fated quality of this moment, while Saturn and Mercury align, urging us to seek clarity amidst the Piscean fog. Dreams may be especially vivid, filled with messages from the subconscious. Intuition is heightened. Synchronicities are more frequent. This is a time to pay attention—to dreams that linger, to signs that nudge, to whispers of insight that seem to come from nowhere. What is being revealed to you?

The Lunar Nodes have now fully settled into the Pisces-Virgo axis, and as we move toward the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, we are invited to stay present with the unfolding. The time between this New Moon and the eclipse is a liminal space—one foot in the past, the other reaching toward the future. What new chapter might we now be preparing for?

Pisces is the sign that teaches us the art of surrender. It reminds us that we cannot control everything and that sometimes, the most powerful choice is to soften our grip. This New Moon—and the upcoming eclipse—asks us to embrace the flow rather than resist it. Can we trust in the unseen forces at work? Can we cultivate a sense of ease in uncertainty? Rather than forcing our way forward, this is a moment to pause, breathe, and allow life to move through us.

As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces invites us to release the old, to dissolve what no longer serves us, and to create space for what is to come. Soon, we will be propelled into Aries’ fiery initiation, ready for action. But for now, we dream. We reflect. We align with our soul’s path—not through force, but through deep inner knowing. What dreams, visions, or inspirations are surfacing? How can we nurture them? What inner wisdom is asking to be honored?

Trust in what is dissolving. Trust in what is emerging. And most of all, trust in the unseen magic that Pisces so effortlessly weaves.



I absolutely love a Leo Full Moon—how could I not? With my own Moon in Leo, I’ve spent a great deal of time understanding how this fiery energy operates within the watery realm of emotions. The Moon represents our emotional world, while Leo is often associated with the ego. This combination can create an emotional need for validation, but the real lesson of the Leo Moon is that the most important approval comes from within.

This particular Full Moon is infused with a strong Aquarian influence, with the Sun, Mercury, and Ceres all positioned in Aquarius, directly opposing the Moon. Adding to the intensity, Uranus forms a challenging square, stirring up unpredictability and emotional highs and lows. You may feel pulled in different directions, struggling to embrace your individuality, but at its core, this lunation is asking us to celebrate ourselves fully and unapologetically.

SPEAKING OF GROUPS- A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU TO JOIN OPA- The Organisation of Professional Astrologers. Exclusive Discount Available until Feb 28

I wanted to personally invite you to take your astrology journey to the next level by joining the Organisation for Professional Astrology (OPA)—an international community dedicated to connection, learning, and growth. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A PROFESSIONAL ASTROLOGER TO JOIN, you just need to LOVE ASTROLOGY

As an Australian astrologer, joining OPA gives you access to a global network, professional development, and a wealth of resources to expand your practice or enhance your love of astrology.

As an OPA member, you'll enjoy:

  • Free Presentations Almost Every Week – Gain insights from expert astrologers through Speaker Series talks and Community Talks for emerging astrologers.

  • The Evolving Astrologer Quarterly Magazine – Stay updated on the latest trends and submit your own articles.

  • OPA LIVE! Panels – Learn from 3–4 leading astrologers as they discuss transits and key themes, with free recordings for members.

  •  Exclusive Discounts – Save on workshops, conferences, and retreats.

  • Peer Group Work & Certification – Engage in professional group mentoring and take steps toward OPA certification.

Special Offer – Join by February 28 & Save $20!

Use code FAA2025 at checkout to receive $20 off your membership.

This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with astrologers worldwide and gain valuable professional support. I’d love to see more Australian astrologers represented in OPA!

Let me know if you have any questions—I’d be happy to chat more about the benefits. Looking forward to seeing you in OPA!

OK Back to the LEO FULL MOON


The Full Moon in Leo occurs in Australia on the 13th of February at 12. 53am at 24 degrees of Leo. See where this falls in your chart to determine which sphere of life is going to be most affected. Being in a fixed sign, see where you have planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarians as these signs will feel the impact of this Full Moon the greatest.

No matter what your sign a Leo Full Moon is an invitation to step fully into the spotlight of your own life. Leo energy asks us to shine unapologetically, to own our unique brilliance, and to lead with heart. This Full Moon is a powerful time to embrace self-love, creative expression, and personal sovereignty. However, with Uranus in Taurus squaring this Full Moon, the universe is also throwing in a bit of chaos—unexpected shifts, breakthroughs, and a push toward authenticity that might feel disruptive but is ultimately liberating.

This Full Moon is urging us to release anything that stifles our ability to love ourself and express our truth. It is a time to shed self-doubt, people-pleasing tendencies, and fears around being fully seen. You are being called to put on your proverbial crown, claim your throne, and embody the regal, radiant being that you are. The question is: Are you ready?

Uranus, the planet of rebellion, sudden change, and awakening, forms a tense square with this Full Moon, ensuring that stagnation is not an option. If there are areas in your life where you have been playing small or conforming to outdated expectations, this aspect will likely bring revelations and shake-ups designed to set you free. This Full Moon asks us to question –

Where we might be  holding back from expressing our authentic self? What unexpected changes have arisen recently, and how might they be guiding us toward greater self-expression and what might we need to rebel against in order to find our true voice?

The energy of Uranus reminds us that true self-expression requires breaking free from societal conditioning and self-imposed limitations. Sometimes, stepping into our power means disrupting the status quo—both externally and within yourself.

Leo rules the heart, making this Full Moon a beautiful time to tune into what truly lights you up. Are we expressing our heart’s desires fully? Are we honouring the things that bring us joy, passion, and fulfillment?

Spend some time during this Full Moon to consider how much fun we have been having lately and where we might be able to invite more pleasure into our lives? When was the last time you did something purely for the joy of it?

So many of us deny ourselves pleasure, fun, and creative expression out of guilt, fear, or the belief that it is unimportant. This Full Moon reminds us that joy is not frivolous—it is fuel for the soul. Make time to celebrate yourself, whether through art, music, dance, or simply laughing wholeheartedly.

Leo’s energy is often associated with the ego, but ego itself is not the problem—it's how we use it. A healthy ego empowers us to express ourselves, set boundaries, and pursue our passions. An unhealthy ego, however, seeks constant validation, leading us to perform for approval rather than embody our truth. We can take a moment to reflect on how we seek external validation at the expense of our true selves and where we might be hiding aspects of ourselves for fear of judgment?

This is a potent time to release ego wounds—especially those that cause us to either dim our light or overcompensate by seeking attention in inauthentic ways. True confidence is rooted in self-love, not in the need to be seen in a particular way. Chiron, the wounded healer, forms a harmonious aspect to the Full Moon, offering an opportunity for heart-centered healing—both personal and collective. If there are wounds around love, self-worth, or feeling unseen, this is a moment to acknowledge and begin to heal them.


Healthy Leo energy is generous, loving, and fiercely loyal. This Full Moon offers a chance to express appreciation for your tribe, to recognise the people who uplift and support us, and to reflect on how we show up for others. This is the time to express our love freely—whether through words, gestures, or simply showing up. This is also a great time to shower your Leo friends with compliments (they’ll love you for it!).

With the Sun in Aquarius opposing this Full Moon, we are also being asked to find the balance between individuality and community. Aquarius energy reminds us of the importance of the collective, while Leo teaches us to embrace our personal essence. Leo thrives in self-expression, while Aquarius values inclusiveness. This Full Moon highlights the tension between the self and the group, between personal leadership and collective progress. It invites us to stand fully in our truth while also considering how we contribute to the greater whole.

This Full Moon in Leo invites us to align with our heart, express ourself unapologetically, and step into our power. It asks us to recognise our unique gifts and share them with the world—not from a place of seeking validation but from the joy of simply being who we are.

And with Uranus in the mix, expect surprises. Embrace change. Allow yourself to break free from anything that limits your radiance.

So, what will you release under this Full Moon? And more importantly—how will you shine?


To discover how to shine in your most embodied, empowered, and authentic true essence, consider exploring your natal astrology with me.

Together, we will explore where and how in life you need to shine your light, what challenges might be holding you back, what gifts and tools you have at your disposal and how to step into being unapologetically YOU

My Books are open for March but filling fast so click this link- and book in now.

I would love to work with you



The New Moon in Aquarius on the 29th offers us a deep and introspective invitation to put our most authentic self forward, engage with our community and set intentions for new or innovative ideas - read below for all the details- but in that spirit, I am also reminded to remind you all, what it is I offer in my Astro business now. I have spent some time focusing on my passions and strengths to bring some exciting new offerings to the table, creating even more opportunities to work with you in ways that inspire, empower, and align you with your purpose.

February is almost full, so book your spot soon! Head to to lock in your session—or feel free to message me to ask any questions you may have about my 2025 Astrology offerings


Astrology for Business & Branding: This year I am utalising my past business skills and astrology to help you align your business with your astrological strengths and the cycles of divine timing for maximum flow and success.

Author Services: With my deep experience in publishing—particularly in the mind-body-spirit space—I now offer specialised services for authors. Using your astrology, divine timing and my industry expertise, I help you navigate the best approaches to:

  • Positioning your work in a way that resonates deeply with your intention and your ideal audience.

  • Branding, sales, and marketing strategies tailored using your chart to align with your goals and ideal timings.

  • Navigating the complex worlds of publishing or self-publishing


Understanding Your Relationship Patterns Relationships have been my biggest teacher and astrology illuminated so much that was operating unconsciously. So now I have taken this passion to help you understand why you keep attracting (or not attracting) certain types of people, patterns, or themes in your relationships and how you can:

  • Uncover subconscious drives, blocks or shadows that may be influencing you attracting the same patterns and bring conscious and empowering reclamation to you and therefore your relationships.

  • Deeply understand yourself and your needs in connection with others.

  • Find ways to attract and nurture more authentic, empowering relationships.

It’s a chance to move beyond old patterns and align with the relationships that truly support and fulfill you.


The Year Ahead: We explore the key themes and opportunities 2025 holds for you. Or book in a session on your Birthday to see what the Solar Return has in store for you.

Specific Issue Sessions: If you’re feeling weighed down by a particular challenge, we explore your astrology to help you help yourself find clarity and  illuminate your path forward  

Natal Chart Readings: If you have not already, discover your unique astrological blueprint and gain a deeper understanding of who you are at your core and your key life purpose.

Let’s make this year your most aligned and intentional one yet- I would LOVE to work with you


The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on January 29th at 9:26 PM AEDT,  and sits at 9 degrees of Aquarius, ushering in a profound and deep opportunity for fresh starts and inner transformation due to the wide but significant alignment with Pluto in Aquarius . The Aquarius New Moon is always a time to shake things up a bit, an invitiion to embrace thinking differently and to honour those whom think different to us. The New Moon offers some depth from Pluto and expansion from Jupiter to explore deeper truths, and connect with our most authentic parts of our selves and others.

Being a fixed sign,  Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, as well of Aquarius of course, are likely to feel this one strongly, so explore where 9 degrees of Aquarius lands in your chart to see which house is being activated This will tell you the themes of life that are ripe for intention setting and growth.

Aquarius is the visionary, the innovator, the change-maker, the rebel and the humanitarian. Its energy is electric and eclectic, forward-thinking, and unafraid to question the status quo. This New Moon encourages us to break free from limiting beliefs and patterns, especially in how we think and connect with others. As we see more and more division in the world, this New Moon is a reminder to open our minds and hearts to hearing what those who are different to us, might have to say, without judgement. More than ever, we need to listen and hear the various perspectives of others. This is a time to really explore some different and new insights and expand our thinking outside our echo chambers.

This New Moon offers us a little more depth than a traditional New Moon in Aquarius due to a wide but significant alignment with Pluto. So we are invited not only to expand our thinking and perspectives but to also dig deep and explore what might be hidden beneath the surface. We are invited to ask ourselves ,What thoughts or ideas have we buried that are ready to come to light?

With Pluto and Mercury in the mix we are  encouraged to dig deep into our minds, our thinking patterns and possibly uncover hidden insights. Old ideas, suppressed memories, or even buried desires could resurface now and if they do, this is the perfect time to sit with and reflect on how you would like to work with these new insights. We can also ask ourselves, What mental habits, beliefs, or thought patterns are holding us back and what new intention can we set to possibly rewrite the stories we tell ourselves? Set new mental intentions: Think of this as a cosmic reset button for your intellect.

This combination may also stir deep conversations or bring clarity to areas of life where you’ve felt stuck. Be open to revelations—they might not be comfortable, but they’ll be transformative.

As Aquarius rules friendships and particularly groups of people who share our interests this New Moon also shines a light on our social dynamics. Are we showing up as our most authentic selves in our relationships? Are our connections supportive of our growth and aligned with our actual values. Group dynamics that may not be serving us might surface now, so we can use this as an opportunity to realign or set future boundaries and set intentions for the kinds of connections and communities we want to cultivate moving forward.

One of the brightest aspects of this New Moon is its harmonious trine to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini. This energy feels expansive and full of possibility, even as it asks us to reflect and reassess. This is a time for brainstorming on expansive new ideas and to let ourself dream and explore new ideas, dive into learning, or revisit projects that light us up. This is a feel-good aspect, so lean into optimism and curiosity. We can ask ourselves What knowledge, skills or ideas do I want to expand and how can we align with technology or new tools to move our vision forward?

The traditional ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, is in a trine to Mars retrograde in Cancer, bringing some emotional discipline to this lunation. This grounding energy supports deep work on family dynamics, boundaries, and emotional healing. It’s not flashy, but it is a  productive time to think about what family patterns or emotional habits might need our attention and new intentions to move forward

Mars in Cancer also forms a sextile to Uranus ( the modern ruler of Aquarius)  retrograde in Taurus, offering a spark of innovation and spontaneity. This energy also supports taking practical steps toward creating stability in a new, inspired way. So we can think about what changes in our homes, security or routine for bring fresh energy, more freedom and insights?

And of course I am always here to help support you through any changes that may come to the surface now, just reach out or head to to make a time for a session. I would love to work with you.

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