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Welcome to Pisces Season. I don’t know about you, but the last few days of Aquarius Season, with Mars and Venus meeting up with Pluto in Aquarius, have felt a little wild. As someone with no air in my chart, I have felt this quite intense buzz and certainly found it harder to sleep. I have, however, been able to tap into this energy and used it to work hard on creating my Astrology Course.

If you have not heard, I am teaching a 10 Week Astrology foundations course, with the objective being to help you learn your personal astrology.

The lessons are interactive and will focus on helping you learn about astrology in your own chart so you can gain a greater understanding of yourself. The course has been designed with the beginner it mind who needs a launch pad to dive into their astrology and learn the foundations required. 

I am offering an early bird discount until Feb 25th so click through to find out more. Use the code ASPECT to activate the discount. I would love to help you embark on your astrology journey

Meanwhile, embrace this Pisces Season, which will be a little easier to ride than the Aquarius Season just past, but with it comes an opportunity to weave some more focus, structure and discipline into our creative or spiritual pursuits with the Sun meeting up with Saturn in Pisces toward the end of Feb. 



The Sun moves into Pisces in Australia on the 19th at 3.12pm AESDT, making way for the watery realms of our imagination to take flight and connect deeply with the essence of our spirituality if we choose.

Pisces is the end of the astrological cycle. All things have passed, and now we come to the phase where we connect with otherworldliness, that which is beyond. Pisces is all about alternative realities. This could be beautiful and magical, but it can also be challenging to navigate. Symbolically, the two fish are together, but they swim in opposite directions. One is moving downstream; the other is moving upstream. This can tell us much about the duplicitous nature of this sign. Not only is Pisces ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, but the energy is constantly battling a choice of either the high or the low road. To move with the current or to swim against it. The challenge for Pisces is to merge the two and integrate both parts of this contrary nature, which is not necessarily easy. Pisces' shadow side is overly escaping via the use of substances or fantasies that take us away from the real world. However, the ultimate end goal for Pisces is to merge with spirit, feel divine love, and surrender to loving unconditionally.

As we move away from the high energy of Aquarius into the depths of watery and mutable Pisces, we are primarily invited into the feeling realms, but perhaps with a little more potential structure available to us when Saturn in Pisces meets up with the Sun in Pisces. We will start to feel this energy around the period of the Full Moon on the 24th, with the exact conjunction on February 29th. This will colour some of this Pisces Season with the opportunity to put some structure and definition around what are often elusive boundaries during Pisces season. During the final weeks of February and into early March, this conjunction will offer us a dose of realism and practicality that can be very favourable when tapping into the creative and imaginative worlds. This could be an excellent time for self-reflection, realism, and blue sky thinking, particularly when Mercury also moves into Pisces on the 23rd. As Mercury slips into this water sign, our mental landscape gives way to rich imaginations, and we feel the need to be able to express and communicate with depth and emotion creatively.

Pisces season and Pisces energy is very much about feeling the feels and going with the flow. We are called to connect with our heart, be mindfully kind where it counts, and be of service to others in an altruistic fashion. This theme is exaggerated during the Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th. The Pisces Virgo Full Moon is our invitation to examine how we find a balance between work and service, practically and creativity and the critical mind with the surrendered mind. There will be much more about this Full Moon at the time, but with Saturn’s influence in the mix on the 29th, we may certainly be able to define our creative impulses more parasitically now.This conjunction tends to emphasize the themes of boundaries,spirituality, and realism. Pisces is a sign associated with dreams, imagination, and the subconscious, while Saturn brings a practical, grounding influence. Therefore, this alignment can prompt us to confront our dreams and fantasies with a dose of reality. It encourages us to examine our aspirations and ideals in a more realistic light, potentially leading to a period of self-reflection and reassessment.


On the 9th of March and the periods leading up to and a little beyond this date, our creative imaginations may take flight as Mercury in Pisces meets up with ruling planets of Pisces, Neptune. On one level this is a wonderful opportunity for our creative imaginations, writing, music and all types of creative communication but is essential to be conscious of what is real and what is not, as this is also a time where can confuse and delude ourselves and others. These energies will also be prevalent during the New Moon in Pisces on the 10th which is an unusual fusion of energy. The New Moon will touch both Saturn and then make its way toward Neptune. This period could be an interesting feeling of acknowledging our responsibilities whilst also feeling surges in inspiration and faith. Meanwhile this New Moon also is sextile to Uranus which will add a flavour of innovation into the mix.  At the same time, Mercury moves out of Pisces and into Aries, which will quicken our thinking and mental agility. 


Themes of romance are heightened when on the 12th our planet of love moves into Pisces, where it feels very comfortable and brings elements of empathy, understanding and deep connection to our approach to love and relationships. 


The Sun meets up with Neptune on the 18th before moving into Aries on the 20th. This will place an even stronger Piscean theme to the end of the season as this is a mystical, spiritual, potentially confusing, and delusional energy as the boundaries between reality and illusion can be blurred. The key here is to attempt to stay grounded where we can whilst also allowing our creativity and imaginations to roam free. This theme will carry over into Aries season too when the Sun moves into that sign on the 20th .


This season reminds us to look after our psychic natures, where and how we tune in. Pisces rules the gateway to other dimensions and offers us the opportunity for divine connection to give our spiritual practice some love and attention. However, we can sometimes become overwhelmed when working with Pisces energy, so we are also reminded to look after ourselves, spend some time recuperating, and be on our own if needed.





Well, this is a very new phase we are in, our first New moon in Aquarius whilst Pluto is also in the sign. I don’t know about you, but I have certainly been feeling the ‘buzzy’ energy of not only this upcoming new moon but with the arrival of Mercury in Aquarius; I am finding sleep a little elusive…I have however been having some pretty wild ideas. I guess this is the point, we are in a wave of high energy, culminating with some dynamic interplay with the ruling planet of Aquarius, Uranus also being square this New Moon. So get ready for this buzzy energy to elevate the mind and perhaps even our nervous systems to some degree but the point is the stage is being set for a period of electrifying change and revolutionary insights both personally and collectively.

This new Moon is a taste of the rest of the month when we also have Mars and then Venus move into Aquarius, meeting up with Pluto along the way.


In true Aquarian Fashion, take this opportunity to learn some basics about astrology. I have ONE FREE MASTER CLASS still on offer THIS SATURDAY AT 3.15PM Australian Eastern Time.


The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on the 10th of February at 10.00 am in Australia. The Sun and The Moon in Aquarius join up at 20 degrees of Aquarius, affecting those of us with personal planets and between 17 to 25 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) the most.

This is a buzzy New Moon and sets the stage for more heightened Aquarius energy combined with Pluto also now in Aquarius,bringing us themes that motivate change, new insights, new ideas and even rebellion both personally and collectively.

This Aquarius season punctuated with this New Moon is an invitation for us to ask ourselves where we need to break free from convention or self-imposed restrictions and allow ourselves to feel more authentically ourselves and to indeed embrace freedom.

This is the ideal time to ask ourselves where we may want to cultivate more freedom in both our personal and professional lives. As with all New Moons, this is a time of setting intentions so we can use this New Moon to think about how we want to bring a greater sense of freedom into our lives.

It is worth being aware of the square aspect being formed by the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus as this energy during this New Moon amplifies the disruptive influence of Uranus in Taurus and we may both personally and collectively feel a compulsion toward breaking away from restraints, self imposed or otherwise and old structures that we feel are outdated and in the way. The energy is ripe with this configuration for rebellious feelings and may manifest internally, personally and within the collective. This can be an ideal time to consider and set intentions around how you may benefit from a fresh perspective or a break from tradition.

Ideas, innovation and sudden insights are also themes marked by this New Moon. We can really use the days around the New Moon to allow ourselves some blue sky time and to allow ideas to drop in, especially ideas that may feel a little whacky or out there. Don’t dismiss them, sit with your ideas right now and let them marinate for the seeds could be being planted for something genuinely innovative and revolutionary to grow. Spend some time thinking about the ideas or projects you are inspired to pursue and how you could bring them to fruition.

Aquarius energy and especially when being ignited by Uranus encourages us to embrace our most authentic selves. The word authentic gets thrown around a lot but it is important. Do you really know who you are, separate from who your parents, society, and family want you to be? Are you being true to yourself or pleasing others, and if so, at what cost? These are themes to consider during this New Moon.

We can use this time to think about setting intentions around how we may be able to step outside of our comfort zones and embark on the journey of real self-discovery

Uranus, by nature, is all about change, so themes of what may need changing can also come up now. Change is at the core of growth, they go hand in hand so this is an ideal time to examine how we approach and navigate change in our lives. Do we invite it in or resist it? This New Moon invites us to become friendlier with the idea of change, however uncomfortable it may feel, especially if that change leads us closer to who we really are.

Aquarius energy is also about the collective, human societies, tribes, friends and like-minded souls who share our passions. This is the time to embrace our tribe, to make efforts or intentions around discovering who your ‘people’ are. We all need others who can support us in our goals and aspirations, and this is one of the greatest assets of Aquarius energy- connecting us to others who help us grow, inspire us, and offer us a sense of belonging… long as it is in the right group however. So, we can use this time to explore how we can contribute positively to our community and society as a whole and, equally, how we may be able to foster greater collaboration with others whilst honouring our individuality.

Aquarius cares about the collective, the planet, the future of society and especially about those who are disenfranchised or marginalised. This is one of Aquarius energy’s most incredible superpowers. This is a time to consider what causes we might want to become more actively involved in and how we can use our voices to activate change.

Collectively I feel we can see sudden shifts in the status quo, unexpected breakthroughs in technology, or revolutions in social and political spheres, if nothing else then the collective will at least all be called upon to question existing norms and to embrace new ways of thinking.


Attempting to remain open to receptive to change is one of the keys for this New Moon as is finding the courage to embrace our uniqueness and be brave enough to bring it to the world.



So here we are. Our first full moon post-Pluto’s move into Aquarius, whilst it is wide, the Sun in opposition to the Moon is still theoretically conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, adding an element of a new vibrational intensity potential to this full moon which any placements of the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will most significantly feel.

To get your teeth into the majestic opportunity of this LEO FULL MOON.


This Full Moon, with the complex tapestry of energy from various aspects and with Uranus moving direct, calls for a balance between what is true in our heart that we need to express creatively and how we balance this with consciousness toward our contribution to the collective. 

I am also super proud to inform you that I am offering a FREE ASTROLOGY MASTERCLASS via zoom, coming up soon. The course is designed with the absolute beginner in mind, to help you begin to understand what you are looking at when you are looking at your chart. My motivation is to provide you with a clear and accessible path to understanding the foundations of your chart. CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER MORE

The Full Moon in Leo occurs on January 26th at 4.56 am AEDT and falls at 5 degrees of Leo. These fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius will feel the greatest impact of this Full Moon, so look to see where 5 degrees of Leo falls in your chart to discover which area of life will be most activated now. The day after this Full Moon, Uranus, the ruler of our Sun in Aquarius, will turn direct. This will help us move forward and work toward expressing ourselves and what is in our hearts in its most authentic and creative ways. This alignment also implies that all planets will maintain direct motion until April 1st, offering us a more conducive energy to move forward and activate our goals. Mars and Mercury also form a harmonious trine energy to the ruler of the Sun, Uranus, which can positively infuse us with innovative energy, quick thinking, new ideas, assertiveness and a desire for change. Additionally, Jupiter in Taurus forms a square aspect with the Full Moon in Leo, and there is an influential presence of Pluto, newly situated in Aquarius.


Aquarius by nature, values the principle of the team, of collective, and even though they are highly individual, the energy is focused on ensuring inclusiveness where possible.

Leo, on the other hand, although very generous of spirit and heart, is more self-focused.

This full moon illuminates the polarity of the self vs the collective, personal objectives balancing with the group's objectives, the autocratic principle with the democratic principle. We are asked to consider and find balance between our most authentic self expression, ego elevation, seeking pleasure,delighting in romantic connections and a focus on finding some Aquarian objectivity, equilibrium and reconciling the dual needs of our personal and impersonal modes of self-expression, as well as the balance between romantic and

friendly connections. 


We may experience intensified emotions with the Moon in opposition to the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius, which could bring up themes of power dynamics in our relationships. The Leo Moon wants expression and recognition, but the opposition of Pluto in Aquarius seeks transformation toward real authenticity. So, this may bring forth themes of personal power, control and the need for authentic self-expression within social structures. 


At the heart of this Full Moon, however, we are illuminating our true selves, not that which others want us to be, but who we are at our most authentic core. With the Pluto Sun opposition we are invited to seek the depths of and to get real about about who we really are,

tap into our individuality, and express it with confidence. This is

a wonderful opportunity to dig deep and discover where we may have been holding back in transmuting old pains in the potential of discovering our real selves, of tapping into our creative power and self-expression in order to help shape our future realities in this new world order.

During this lunar phase, focusing on the heart's truth is advised. Set aside time for introspection, allowing yourself to listen to your heart and explore emotions that may have been avoided or suppressed.


This full moon offers us a beautiful opportunity to let go of anything that does not serve our ability to love ourselves and express who we are authentically. We are being asked to shine, put on our proverbial crowns, and take our places on our thrones, wherever possible.

We can use this full moon to propel us forward in becoming more self-aware and, with that showing up in our lives, willing and able to express ourselves truly. Equally, we learn to respect our own identity and the individual needs of others.

Where are you truly unique from others, and how do you go about showing this part of yourself to the world? What do you need to rebel against in order to find your

true voice?


We will need to be conscious, however, of the potential to possibly overdo Leo right now as we have Jupiter in Taurus making a challenging square energy to this Full Moon, which can exaggerate our connection with our emotional revelations. We may feel more extravagant, feel infused with heightened emotional expression, or go out and spend way too much money to make us feel good. All these potentials are on the cards right now, so watch any potential to go over the top with your emotional expression or, indeed, to go over the top with your spending.

This is undoubtedly the Full Moon to find out potential to love ourselves, that is for sure, but we are talking about finding this on a deep inner level, not by adoring ourselves in that expensive new designer outfit. This is superficial Leo, we want deep Leo right now.

Leo rules the heart, so this energy is all about connecting with what is in your heart, and expressing your heart's desires, love and wisdom. We can use this energy to get in touch with our love for ourselves and honour ourselves in the most beautiful of ways.

On the day of the full moon, do something that celebrates

you. Express your creativity, get in touch with your inner child, play a

little, whatever it takes to applaud you for you, is what Leo full moons are

lovely for.



Leo energy also reminds us to get in touch with the principle of pleasure, joy and fun. Leo is about play,accessing our inner child, having fun and coming to terms with allowing ourselves to experience pleasure and delight. 

How much fun have you been having lately? Where could you bring more joy into your life? When was the last time you did something completely pleasurable just for yourself? 

Use this time to bathe in the delights of being in your physical body, to laugh out loud and to have fun. So many of us don’t permit ourselves to let go, have fun, or dance like no one is watching. The Leo Moon reminds us to get in touch with this part of ourselves. Leo's energy is also associated with the ego. Is ego a dirty word? It depends on whether you use it or let it use you. Healthy ego can motivate our desire for action, self-expression, seeking and giving respect and love toward others. Still, we can become overly attached to seeking the approval of others to the degree that we are not our authentic selves. An unhealthy ego can colour how we show up in the world, where anything, including dramas, that gains attention is better than no attention. 

With full moons comes a time of release. This is an excellent time for releasing any ego wounds that no longer serve us. This is especially true if we hold ourselves back and don't offer our authentic selves to the world in fear of what others may think of us. 


Healthy Leo is extremely generous with their spirit. If you need someone to stand up for you, fight for you or shine a light on your brilliance, find someone with strong Leo in their chart. They will go above and beyond, but make sure you appreciate it; that is

all they need, appreciation. So, use this time to express your love and

gratitude for your tribe and people. Tell them how much you love them. Shower them with compliments ( especially if they have Leo in their chart). The full moon energy allows us to acknowledge, remind, and express our love for them. 

Therefore, we can also use this full moon to think about where in our lives we are being generous and where we could bring more generously into our lives and the lives of others. Consider this time as a period of self-awakening of sorts, which may manifest on a personal and collective level but is asking you to find your most authentic and radical way to shine.

Leo's energy also aligns with the archetypal qualities of the benevolent leader who leads with courage, empathy and honour. We are offered an opportunity to explore our role as leaders in whatever community or environment that may be for us. In any role of leading or influencing others, keeping our egos in check can be one of our greatest challenges. So we can use this Full Moon to think about what kind of leader we would really like to be, how we are leading and where we may see areas for improvement. 

During this full moon, align with the invitation to consider all we do with our heart, our need to be seen, our authentic self-expression, our need for love and how we go about attracting, earning and keeping it. Be mindful of where we may fall into patterns of control or unconscious ego-based behaviours that may prevent us from receiving the love we need. At the same time, this is a period to own our power and connect with our gifts and how we express them, a period to find our inner generosity of spirit and how that weaves into the betterment of the collective. 

And of course if you want to know how best to authentically activate Leo in your chart, book in for a personal astrology reading with me.


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