Welcome to Pisces Season. I don’t know about you, but the last few days of Aquarius Season, with Mars and Venus meeting up with Pluto in Aquarius, have felt a little wild. As someone with no air in my chart, I have felt this quite intense buzz and certainly found it harder to sleep. I have, however, been able to tap into this energy and used it to work hard on creating my Astrology Course.
If you have not heard, I am teaching a 10 Week Astrology foundations course, with the objective being to help you learn your personal astrology.
The lessons are interactive and will focus on helping you learn about astrology in your own chart so you can gain a greater understanding of yourself. The course has been designed with the beginner it mind who needs a launch pad to dive into their astrology and learn the foundations required.Â
I am offering an early bird discount until Feb 25th so click through to find out more. Use the code ASPECT to activate the discount. I would love to help you embark on your astrology journey
Meanwhile, embrace this Pisces Season, which will be a little easier to ride than the Aquarius Season just past, but with it comes an opportunity to weave some more focus, structure and discipline into our creative or spiritual pursuits with the Sun meeting up with Saturn in Pisces toward the end of Feb.Â
The Sun moves into Pisces in Australia on the 19th at 3.12pm AESDT, making way for the watery realms of our imagination to take flight and connect deeply with the essence of our spirituality if we choose.
Pisces is the end of the astrological cycle. All things have passed, and now we come to the phase where we connect with otherworldliness, that which is beyond. Pisces is all about alternative realities. This could be beautiful and magical, but it can also be challenging to navigate. Symbolically, the two fish are together, but they swim in opposite directions. One is moving downstream; the other is moving upstream. This can tell us much about the duplicitous nature of this sign. Not only is Pisces ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, but the energy is constantly battling a choice of either the high or the low road. To move with the current or to swim against it. The challenge for Pisces is to merge the two and integrate both parts of this contrary nature, which is not necessarily easy. Pisces' shadow side is overly escaping via the use of substances or fantasies that take us away from the real world. However, the ultimate end goal for Pisces is to merge with spirit, feel divine love, and surrender to loving unconditionally.
As we move away from the high energy of Aquarius into the depths of watery and mutable Pisces, we are primarily invited into the feeling realms, but perhaps with a little more potential structure available to us when Saturn in Pisces meets up with the Sun in Pisces. We will start to feel this energy around the period of the Full Moon on the 24th, with the exact conjunction on February 29th. This will colour some of this Pisces Season with the opportunity to put some structure and definition around what are often elusive boundaries during Pisces season. During the final weeks of February and into early March, this conjunction will offer us a dose of realism and practicality that can be very favourable when tapping into the creative and imaginative worlds. This could be an excellent time for self-reflection, realism, and blue sky thinking, particularly when Mercury also moves into Pisces on the 23rd. As Mercury slips into this water sign, our mental landscape gives way to rich imaginations, and we feel the need to be able to express and communicate with depth and emotion creatively.
Pisces season and Pisces energy is very much about feeling the feels and going with the flow. We are called to connect with our heart, be mindfully kind where it counts, and be of service to others in an altruistic fashion. This theme is exaggerated during the Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th. The Pisces Virgo Full Moon is our invitation to examine how we find a balance between work and service, practically and creativity and the critical mind with the surrendered mind. There will be much more about this Full Moon at the time, but with Saturn’s influence in the mix on the 29th, we may certainly be able to define our creative impulses more parasitically now.This conjunction tends to emphasize the themes of boundaries,spirituality, and realism. Pisces is a sign associated with dreams, imagination, and the subconscious, while Saturn brings a practical, grounding influence. Therefore, this alignment can prompt us to confront our dreams and fantasies with a dose of reality. It encourages us to examine our aspirations and ideals in a more realistic light, potentially leading to a period of self-reflection and reassessment.
On the 9th of March and the periods leading up to and a little beyond this date, our creative imaginations may take flight as Mercury in Pisces meets up with ruling planets of Pisces, Neptune. On one level this is a wonderful opportunity for our creative imaginations, writing, music and all types of creative communication but is essential to be conscious of what is real and what is not, as this is also a time where can confuse and delude ourselves and others. These energies will also be prevalent during the New Moon in Pisces on the 10th which is an unusual fusion of energy. The New Moon will touch both Saturn and then make its way toward Neptune. This period could be an interesting feeling of acknowledging our responsibilities whilst also feeling surges in inspiration and faith. Meanwhile this New Moon also is sextile to Uranus which will add a flavour of innovation into the mix. At the same time, Mercury moves out of Pisces and into Aries, which will quicken our thinking and mental agility.Â
Themes of romance are heightened when on the 12th our planet of love moves into Pisces, where it feels very comfortable and brings elements of empathy, understanding and deep connection to our approach to love and relationships.Â
The Sun meets up with Neptune on the 18th before moving into Aries on the 20th. This will place an even stronger Piscean theme to the end of the season as this is a mystical, spiritual, potentially confusing, and delusional energy as the boundaries between reality and illusion can be blurred. The key here is to attempt to stay grounded where we can whilst also allowing our creativity and imaginations to roam free. This theme will carry over into Aries season too when the Sun moves into that sign on the 20th .
This season reminds us to look after our psychic natures, where and how we tune in. Pisces rules the gateway to other dimensions and offers us the opportunity for divine connection to give our spiritual practice some love and attention. However, we can sometimes become overwhelmed when working with Pisces energy, so we are also reminded to look after ourselves, spend some time recuperating, and be on our own if needed.