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Unless you have been hiding away, you are probably well aware that Pluto is moving into Aquarius and does so on the same day as the Sun also moves into Aquarius. They are lined up in this sign together for the first time since 1778!! This change is as significant as it gets astrologically. There is a myriad of information out there, including a couple of posts I have written for my Instagram page, so if you don’t already, hop on and follow me on either Instagram or Facebook to get an excellent overview, including a post about what Pluto transiting through the signs means for you.



To celebrate this shift, I, too, am making some changes, and I will be launching some classes this year, starting with a FREE ASTROLOGY MASTERCLASS. I am giving you first access to be able to register.

To learn more, check out this video.


Please feel free to e mail me with any questions you may have regarding these classes. I am super excited to do this and would love to see you there.

Ok, onto Aquarius Season and yes, it is a big one.

We start the Aquarius Season with the Sun holding hands with Pluto. They join up in the very last degree of Capricorn on the 20th and then jump into Aquarius together the next day.

Whenever the Sun and Pluto join up, we can expect a couple of intense days where we may be affronted with possible power plays collectively. Depending on your astrology chart, this could also be felt personally.

I will not dive into the depth of the interpretation of what Pluto moving into Aquarius means right here, as I have written about this elsewhere. However, I will say that throughout this period, we will have Mercury join up with Pluto on the 6th, Mars meets Pluto on the 14th, and Venus joins the party on the 17th. That’s a lot of our personal planets coming together to welcome Pluto into Aquarius. This adds a powerful intensity to this Aquarius Season with a potential for some deep motivations for transformative experiences around Aquarian themes such as rebellion, revolution, originality, striving for freedom and breaking away from outdated structures. I suspect this will be an exciting time politically on the world stage. 

Personally, wherever Aquarius falls in your chart or indeed wherever you have fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, you may begin to feel the pull for more freedom, breaking away from restrictions and in true Aquarian fashion, a quest for progression and humanitarian ideals.

Aquarius is an air sign, an active Yang energy moving forward rather than being receptive, which was more the vibe when Pluto was in Capricorn. This means the energy that we will feel collectively is more active. Expect to see more protests and more pushing for equality. Whereas Capricorn is all about the maintenance of the status quo, structure and order, Aquarius is the antithesis; this energy wants to emancipate us from rigidity; the individual becomes most important, and a bubbling will begin that will see more of us strive much more for whatever freedom means for us.

Venus moves out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn on January 23rd but only stays there for a short time, and Venus will then move into Aquarius on the 17th. 

Whilst Venus is in Capricorn, we have opportunities to get serious about our finances and material resources. We can harness this energy nicely for any traditional business exchanges, and we may value relationships based on reliability and faithfulness.

On the 26th, we have a Full Moon in Leo. This axis emphasises a need to find a balance between our personal and impersonal aspects of life but also illuminates our creative potential, self-expression, romance and relationships. We must be careful not to overdo it emotionally during this full moon. There will be more on this full moon down the track.

Uranus has been retrograde in Taurus for about four months, and as the ruler of Aquarius, we will have a pretty significant shift when Uranus turns direct again on January 27th. With Uranus going direct, our Aquarius season gets a kick along with energy that may feel like a reawakening, encouraging change and authenticity in our expression.

Mercury then joins the Pluto party on the 6th as it shifts into Aquarius and connects to Pluto. Together, these two may bring some truths to light. This could be a pretty intense time for bringing hidden but interesting subjects to the fore. Mercury and Pluto together stir up deep thoughts and conversations around progressive and innovative themes, which may be felt personally and collectively. This could act like a portal for opening up new and original ideas.

The Aquarius energy heats up on the 10th when the Moon joins the gang in Aquarius. The moon will briefly greet Pluto in Aquarius and then join the Sun to stir up ideas for progressive change and ignite within us intention-setting toward illuminating where we need to be more of our authentic selves. This is also a time for social connections with friends or, indeed, group activities.

And in case you need more, Mars then comes along to stir up the pot on the 14th, when it also meets up with Pluto in Aquarius. Mars and Pluto can be quite an explosive, dynamic, erratic energy together, so we are warned not to take on unnecessary risks. We will, however, feel this shift toward doing things differently from how they may have been done before. This is all about unconventional energy, which may be directed towards attempts at solving intellectual conundrums. 

A strong focus will fall on our need for freedom and independence, which may especially be felt in any relationships that restrict us in any way when Venus joins the party on the 17th. This will see us with Venus, Pluto, Mars together and with Mercury and the Sun all in Aquarius. This has not

occurred for a very very long time. To me, it feels very much like the beginning of the beginning of a totally new phase for humanity.

I will be watching world events very closely around this time as I expect to see a push gather momentum for change, emancipation, and liberation both personally, especially if you have personal planets in the early degrees of the fixed signs and, of course, collectively. 

We may get a slight pause when the Sun moves into Pisces on the 20th, but it does so still with this gang of personal planets in Aquarius. The pot is being stirred. I am so interested to discover how this plays out collectively.

The best way to find out how these changes may affect you is to book a personal astrology consultation. My books are open, and I would love to explore your astrology with you. 



Are you looking forward to this New Moon in Capricron, I certainly am. I have really been able to ride this Capricorn wave and am feeling more focused than I have for some time. Mars in Capricorn is an excellent ally to help ground my usually flighty, distracting energy and set some goals I have wanted to achieve into motion, which this New Moon will help solidify.

For those of you who missed it, I have created a full 2024 Astrology Calendar. It covers all the major astrology dates, including Lunar phases, eclipse dates and all dates for planetary sign changes. You can download it here:

In the back ground I have also been super busy pulling together my upcoming free intro to astrology workshop and the subsequent 10 week “ Charting the Basics” immersive interactive beginner course, designed to help you learn the basics whilst diving into your own astrology chart. There will be more information about this coming soon.

This is the beginning of our New Moon Cycle for the year so I do encourage you if you feel inclined to really use this to focus and set your intentions on what you would like to achieve for the year. There will be some big shifts, and one of the main ones, Pluto entering Aquarius on the 20th, happening very soon. As with any outer planet shifting signs, it will affect us both personally and collectively. I will offer much more about this shortly, but this is a significant transformational energy shift in an air sign. We are moving from a more introspective and passive phase into a more extrospective and active phase.

So in honour of this wonderful earthy Capricorn energy, which is one of the most forthright, practical and steadfast signs of the zodiac, hardworking, determined, strong and ambitious, use this New Moon to tap into this lunar energy to strategise, plan, prepare and plant the seeds for whatever you want to see grow in 2024.

The New Moon in Capricorn occurs on the east coast of Australia at 10.58pm on the 11th of January and will occur at 20 degrees Capricorn, so look to see where you have between 17- 25 degrees of Capricorn in your chart to glimpse where you may be able to invite and activate this energy. Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer Libra and Capricorn will also be most impacted.

This is the first New Moon of the year, making it extra special for setting intentions and getting into action. This a special time for really embracing all those wonderful qualities of our earthy cardinal Capricorn energy and seek ways in which we may want to set intentions around how we are executing our discipline.

If there are habits we want to change this year, this New Moon in Capricorn is a beautiful time to set the intention for change and access the wells of inner discipline within to enact the change we wish to see. We can really meditate on where and what changes we would like to see in our lives and how we will access and utilise the discipline to do so.

Being a New Moon in an Earth sign, I love to write these intentions out, bury them in the ground, and plant seeds over the top. The blossoming of the plant becomes the physical reminder of the intention set. It can be mighty powerful to watch that plant grow.

However, be reminded that we can often put a lot of pressure on ourselves during heavy Capricorn transits, pressure to set resolutions, achieve goals, get moving, doing all the things. As much as we can use this energy in this way, it is also a time merely to think about the changes we want to make, to set intentions perhaps without placing too much undue pressure on ourselves.

With Uranus in the mix of this New Moon, this is all about doing what is right for you, not what everyone else wants for you and being the Moon we are working with, it's all about how you are feeling. So perhaps one of the intentions to set is as simple as thinking about how you want to feel in the year ahead.

With Mars, our planet of action, also in the sign of Capricorn, our will is certainly more directed toward aligning our ambitions with purpose, tapping into our inner strength and wisdom we have acquired over the years and finding the goals that resonate most deeply with who we are at our core. We can think about how we would like to achieve that which requires patience and long-term vision and aligns with our growth and soul happiness.

One of Capricorn's key qualities and lessons it can teach many of us is the utilisation of accessing and working with boundaries. Creating safe and healthy boundaries that help nourish your soul is often elusive for many of us, preferring to “ give in” to others' demands rather than pay honour to our needs. Therefore, this is an excellent time to work with the concept of boundaries in your life, how you would like to integrate them more concretely into your life and what you may need to do to make this change.

We have extra help during this New Moon from a lovely harmonious aspect from Uranus in Taurus making a trine to both the Sun and the Moon. This energy will allow us to interact with our goals, think outside the box, try new approaches, and access the goals that help us align with being our most authentic selves. This energy will allow us to accept change more gracefully.

This is a beautiful alignment for focusing on personal growth and liberation, especially about practical, grounded daily life matters. We can now explore how we can break free from limiting beliefs again to be aligned with our most authentic version of ourselves.

On a mundane level, with Uranus being in Taurus in harmony with this Capricorn energy, we also find opportunities to gain positive ideas or insight around our material and financial resources and again to find ways to break free from self-imposed limitations around these themes.

Saturn the ruler of Capricron also comes to the New Moon theme in a couple of ways. To start, Saturn in Pisces will be in harmonious aspect to both Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Capricorn during this New Moon.  This energy gives us extra impetus to build a strong foundation for whatever goals we want to enact. The duality of Jupiter and Mars in earth signs combine well for doing groundwork, setting secure intentions, and building strong foundations, but also for integrating compassion with determination.

There is an extra reminder to focus on such themes as we also have the Sun and Moon in a semi-square aspect to Saturn, which is a nuanced interplay of energy at this time that asks us to find ways to integrate balance, structure, playing by the rules, with compassion and empathy. This energy reminds us to pursue our goals with integrity whilst always being mindful of our actions' effects on others.

Overall I feel positively about this New Moon and its invitation to harness change within, to think about how we want to feel, how we would like to grow, what foundations we need to put in place, what boundaries we may need to honour and how we can embrace the new that is coming.

For additional help in setting your goals and working with your best potential, give yourself the gift of a Professional Astrology Consultation. We will look at the year ahead for you specifically and how you can best work with the major astrological changes such as Pluto moving through Aquarius. My books are now open. Head to


Get ready to do some serious intention setting, tapping into your forward-thinking imaginations and creative drives to focus on the big picture ahead for 2024 with this New Moon in Sagittarius, which will mostly be felt by the mutable signs of the zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Also a reminder that I am running an Instagram giveaway to win a free full astrology session with me.To enter, follow me on Instagram here…..and look for the posts about the competition. A winner will be chosen and announced on the 18th. Entries close on the 16th.

Also, for any of you who think that you would like to give others the gift of discovering their astrology, I offer gift vouchers. To purchase, please email me directly

As we harness this last New Moon for the year, it is a perfect time to think about what we would like 2024 to hold for us. It will be quite a year with some significant astrological shifts that I will be commenting about soon. Meanwhile, embrace this end of Saggie Season too.

If you are interested in what 2024 holds for you specifically, I am taking bookings now for early into 2024. It can be an excellent opportunity to learn how to consciously ride the waves coming your way, to help you prepare and ponder on what questions the Universe is asking of you now.

The New Moon in Sagittarius occurs in Australia, Easter Standard Time on the 13th of December at 10.32 am. This New Moon holds powerful Sagittarius energy as we have the Sun, Moon and Mars in Sagittarius. Being a New Moon is a brilliant opportunity to harness themes of expansion opportunity and to integrate the wisdom we have accumulated this year into ourselves as we step forward into the year ahead. This New Moon allows us to take stock of how our belief structures have or have not served us. How have we navigated the path we have walked down to arrive at our version of the truth?

Sagittarius energy is a lot about faith, faith in the Universe, spirit, whatever you like to call it, that gives your life meaning and direction. Saggie energy being about faith can enable you to embark on a new path with confidence all will be okay. We can tap into this New Moon energy to integrate something new; it offers a chance to incorporate new philosophies into your belief structure that will take you forward positively and upliftingly. Look to see where 20 degrees of Sagittarius is in your chart to gauge what area in your life is asking for new philosophical perspectives.

With the ruling planet of Saggitarius, Jupiter being in Taurus, it could be an opportunity to set some new intentions around how we think about and how we utilise our financial resources. This could be an excellent time to set new financial goals for ourselves.

Daily life can lead us to spend most of our time concerned for the mundane areas of life. Still, this New Moon, with so much Saggie energy and with an aspect from mystical Neptune in the mix, asks us to ponder how we may be able to view our philosophies with new eyes, how we can learn, grow and evolve. Where can we expand our philosophical and spiritual truths and practices ? What do we believe is possible for us that we may not have dared believe was possible before? Sag loves to learn, explore and expand our awareness, so this is very much what is being asked of out right now: to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones in the hope that we will find an enlightening part of ourselves we may not have known existed. Where do we need to be philosophically and spiritually courageous? The Sun and Moon are in a harmonious aspect to the North Node, which can offer us some real opportunity for growth in these areas on a soul level.

However, we need to be careful with Neptune here to be wary of where we may also deceive ourselves, where we may be wearing our rose-coloured glasses too much and not seeing reality for what it is, so this is worth being aware of. Where could we be deceiving ourselves in these areas as well? Where might we need more practicality rather than just blind faith and belief? With Neptune playing a significant role during this New Moon, we may be wise to question whether we are really being honest with ourselves.

On a more mundane level, this is an excellent time for some blue sky brainstorming and defining our big picture goals for the upcoming year. We can use this time to actively meditate on what you want to manifest for yourself in the upcoming year. Again, with Neptune in the mix, it is worth considering what is realistic and what may not be realistic.

This is a brilliant time for dreaming and thinking about what is possible whilst waiting for the Sun to move into Capricorn later in the month, which will allow us to start making plans to bring our vision into reality. With Mars in Sagittarius as well, this is very much a time to think about how we would like to actively participate in our lives, how we would like to prepare for opportunities that come our way, and where we should feel more comfortable about taking new risks, learning new things, allowing ourselves to grow and evolve.

But lets not also forget this is also a time to allow ourselves to have some fun. With the World being in such a dark place, many of us are feeling an overwhelming collective heaviness. This New moon is a reminder that we should still look for light, especially when life is dark. Its ok to let our hair down once in a while and celebrate with loved ones, to hold those who are dear to us, close to our hearts and celebrate the good we have whilst we have it.

I hope this New Moon brings you all ou wish and hope for.

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