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I'm not too fond of astrological fear-mongering, but I acknowledge that this has been an intense week leading up to this eclipse. The astrology and corresponding world events still blow me away, and of course, the effect on all of us.

As we move toward this Solar Eclipse in Libra, the theme is undoubtedly about where things are out of balance and the restoration of peace. However, we need to face some absolutely intense challenges to get there.

I strongly advise us all to breathe, find peace in our own ways and send abundant love and healing to ourselves, our loved ones and the world at large during this Libra eclipse.

On October 15th, at 4:55 AM, we'll experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Libra at 21 degrees. Look to see where 21 degrees of Libra falls in your chart and which area of your chart will be activated. Everyone will feel the eclipse, but those with planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will feel it most significantly.

What began during the last eclipse in Aries on April 20th that needs balance and alignment now?

If you would like help navigating this eclipse and the energies culminating now, contact me via the booking page on my web site for an in-depth or even quick 30-minute astrology session. I would love to help shine a light on what this eclipse asks of you.

This eclipse is a powerful and intense event that marks a period of catalytic change. It's a culmination of all the astrological energy happening in the week leading up to it.

The theme of this eclipse is justice and the restoration of balance, both personally and globally. With tensions and a desire for justice and the restoration of peace, this theme is particularly relevant at this time.

The New Moon Eclipse intensifies and speeds things up, making it an ideal time to face our shadows and bring them to the surface. If our lives have felt unbalanced or unjust, this is the perfect opportunity to explore the hidden issues, deep desires, and shadows that we've been suppressing.

Relationships of all kinds are highlighted during this solar eclipse as Libra rules the relationships in our lives. The evolutionary aim of the Libran archetype is to learn to understand ourselves better due to a mirror being held up in front of us by the other. With Pluto in the equation, we are all being asked to face the shadow parts of our natures.

As Pluto has moved direct and is traversing through the very last degrees of Capricorn, it feels like there are some very Karmic endings to be dealt with before we can restore balance. This is evident globally as we're challenged with tensions and a desire for justice and the restoration of peace.

We're invited to explore our own personal power dynamics and the ways in which we may stand comfortably or not in our own power. We need to examine how we may wield power over others in an effort to mask our own insecurities.

Eclipses are portals for new beginnings, but before stepping into the new, we must deal with any debris, hidden shadows, or imbalance in our lives. To harness this energy, we need to be brave, face hidden truths, seek where we feel disempowered, and work to restore balance.

Let's use this time to advocate for social justice and fairness issues that we're passionate about. We can embrace this opportunity for positive change and set healing intentions for a more balanced future, both personally and collectively. By spending some time alone and identifying those areas that need transformation, we can speak up and have open, honest conversations with our significant others about any areas that we feel are out of balance.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones

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Get ready for some forward-moving momentum as we approach the upcoming Full Moon in Aries on September 29th at 7:57 p.m.

This Full Moon invites us to navigate the space between our personal needs and desires and how we show up in relationship to another. We are offered the opportunity to heal and release any fears, phobias and ruts that prevent us from being true to ourselves and our desires whilst balancing these in the context of our relationship with others.

To really work with these themes, I invite you to download the


I have created it specifically for navigating the balance of ourselves and our relationships. In the workbook, you will find more details on this particular Full Moon, carefully curated questions to help you reflect on these areas and work through some blockages, rituals that you can use for this Full Moon and affirmations.

Additionally, if your natal moon is in the sign of Aries, there is a special section just for you: an overview of what it means to have the moon in Aries and some questions to connect with the meaning of this moon sign.

Also, to understand more about the nuances of Relationships in our lives, check out the podcast where I was recently a guest: I talk with Anna Anderson about Relationships and how astrology can help us navigate incredibly intimate relationships in our lives. The Link is here

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It's Libra season, a time when we traditionally focus on relationships.

Accordingly, I was recently a guest on The Quantum Living Podcast, where we discussed relationships: different types of relationships, our conscious and unconscious needs and how astrology can help us navigate our personal relationship needs and help us understand the needs of our significant partners.

The link to the podcast, which I think is fun and insightful, is here

—perfectly timed to coincide with this Libra Season.

This season is action-packed. We have many changes, but unlike the feelings of inner reflection and possible stagnation, as we have been experiencing with so many planets in retrograde,

we gain some forward momentum and perspective for balancing our individual needs with the needs we may be meeting or not as the case may be, within our significant relationships.

It's all about balance as we experience the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere and the Sun moves into Libra Season on September 23rd. We are marking the moment when the length of night and day are the same; they are in balance, and this is a

time to evaluate where we may need more balance in our lives and where we may be out of balance.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet representing how we attract and express love; it tells us about our love language. We have all just experienced Venus being in retrograde, which seemed to have a profound effect on many people, bringing up issues or people from the past and also asking us to reflect internally on our relationship needs. Now it is moving forward again in Leo with the Sun in Libra; its time to apply what we learned when Venus was retrograde and creatively find ways to express what we need to with the people we love.

Venus also rules what we find aesthetically pleasing and how we engage with and what beauty means in our lives.

The theme of balance extends this season to all areas of life. By nature, Libra perceives both sides of any situation and weighs both sides. Libra is also an air sign, so we may find ourselves thinking about where we need to make compromises, how we attend to the decision-making processes in our life and where we need more objectivity in life.

Libra is the sign associated with the important relationships in our lives.

The axis of Aries and Libra is all about the self and the other and how we achieve a balance between our individual needs and the needs we have in relationships.

This theme will be particularly strong during the Aries Full Moon in Australia on September 29th at 7.57pm. There will be much more about this in my separate post.

On October 5th in Australia, Mercury our planet of communication, also moves into Libra. This will offer us a chance for diplomatic thinking and how we achieve greater perspectives and better balance in our communication styles.

However, it may also colour our decision-making processes. We may feel more inclined to take time to make up our minds, considering and pondering on all perspectives.

On October 9th the ruler of Libra, Venus, moves out of fiery Leo into earthy Virgo, offering a

more grounded, practical and discerning perspective toward our relationships and lessening the crazy dramatic vibe many of us have all been experiencing.

We may be expressing our love language in more practical, helpful ways but we may also view our relationships with a more critical eye.

On October 11th, Pluto our planet of the underworld, moves direct again

This is Pluto's last travel through the sign of Capricorn before moving and staying in Aquarius.

Pluto retrograde was a time of internal change, healing, and confronting our fears and shadows. Pluto moving direct is when we can activate the internal changes we have been traversing. We may also see major changes in our traditional political and financial institutions.

With Mars moving into the sign of Scorpio the following day, on the 12th, the impetus toward working with our shadow selves, of uncovering subconscious parts of ourselves that may have been holding us back or influencing us subconsciously, will gain extra momentum.

The New Moon Solar eclipse in Libra kicks off the eclipse season again on October 15th. The new moon eclipse in Libra will be a time to set new intentions and goals related to our relationships, balance, and harmony but again, there will be much more about this closer to the time.

Finally, on the 23rd, just before the Sun moves into watery Scorpio, Mercury moves into Scorpio adding depth and intensity to our thinking, communication and insights. Honesty is a crucial theme here as is our need to get to the bottom of any situation.

This may feel like a more intense Libran season than usual with so many astrological changes happening but ultimately, it's about celebrating love beauty and finding the balance between our personal and relationship needs.

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