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So, we have made it to the second last Full Moon of the year, where we are offered a chance to release of all that we wish to leave behind before we step into 2024. The last few months have been pretty intense with the eclipses and oh-so-many retrograde planets.

The energy is lifting now, where we take all we have allowed ourselves to immerse in and begin to process our learning. The themes for this Full Moon are very much around how our thinking affects our beliefs, how we use the information we have gathered throughout the year and especially the last few months to consciously release any pent-up anger or confusion before moving forward.

I have also created my free Gemini Full Moon workbook, which goes into additional detail about how to work with this Full Moon and includes questions for reflection, affirmations and some rituals to work with. An extra focus for those of you who may have your natal moon in Gemini: there is a special section included just for you.


The Gemini Full Moon occurs in Australia on November 27th at 8.16 pm Australian Eastern Time.

This Full Moon is an excellent opportunity to take all we have learned over the past few months and acknowledge, shift, sort through the information you have acquired and sort through what thinking, thought patterns or beliefs you now know you no longer need, you are ripe to release before we head into the New Year.

A brief warning, though, as buoyant as Saggie Season is, this Full Moon may have our energy levels feeling a little scattered, like we are not too sure where to land or what to focus on. With Saturn in a square aspect to the Sun, Moon and Mars, we may feel edgy a little discombobulated, and there is a risk of our emotions perhaps being a little tricky to access and harness. This is also due to Lilith's passionate and firey appearance during this Full Moon. On the upside, Saturn can possibly help us to reign in some of the usual excesses that can come with both Saggie and Gemini energy.

As we explore the Sagittarian Gemini Axis, we are reminded of the power of perception and the importance of accumulating, integrating, and absorbing information to shape our belief systems or philosophical backbones that ultimately shape our value systems and life choices.

This Full Moon emphasises how we choose to use the information we now have in front of us.

Feeding our higher mind is the realm of Sagittarius, but collecting the information, to begin with, is in Gemini’s court, so this is an opportunity to bring both into balance, to explore where we may be too big picture blue sky focused and lacking detail or conversely where we spend too much focus on the minute details of life, not allowing ourselves time to free fall into blue sky ideals. Both are needed.

We can now explore how the knowledge we have accumulated this year has served us, or otherwise, as the case may be. Have we learned things that have helped us grow, and how can we integrate it into a platform to launch from as we approach the New Year?

We can use this Full Moon to really focus on these themes and especially release and let go of any thinking patterns that no longer serve us.

Themes of learning may arise now, too. As adults, we can be scarred by how we experienced learning in a traditional education environment: it can lead us to hold onto beliefs about how we learn that may hold us back from pursuing new educational experiences.

If there is something you have wanted to learn but have been afraid of the process, this is an excellent time to consciously let that fear go and embark upon a new frontier of learning.

The Square to the Sun, Moon and Mars in Sagittarius from Saturn in Pisces could possibly help us consolidate and bring some structure to ideas around these themes, but it could also bring up some fears and barriers we might need to work through still. With Saturn in the mix of this Full Moon, we may be confronted directly with fears. Let's sit with this for a few days either side of this lunation and shift through what might be holding you back.

When discussing Gemini, we must mention the fine art of communication. Relaying information, getting messages across and making ourselves heard and understood by others is all in the realm of Gemini energy and with Mercury the ruling planet of Gemini, also in Sagittarius, we can harness this time to think broadly about our communication needs and goals. Are we being understood by others? Do we listen to understand or are we thinking about what we will say next, not taking the time to hear what the other person has to say?

Do you need to communicate some specific messages to others as part of your business? Is it being embraced, heard and responded to or not? This can be a great time to think about our communication goals, styles and responses to others and to think about letting go of traits, habits or styles that may not serve us in this regard.

Both Gemini and Sagittarius energy is mutable, meaning it is adaptable, flexible and well-able to embrace change. Change can be difficult for many of us, and so this is a time where we can think about what changes we may want to make in life, what changes we resist and what we fear around change. This can be an excellent time to let go of any nuances that may prevent us from embracing the change we know we need or the change we would like to see in our lives.

Overall, however, this is undoubtedly a more harmonious and workable Full Moon compared to some of our more recent lunations. This is a great time to have more fun, to access your inner child, play, let go of heaviness and find the joy of the holiday season.

Get in touch now if you would like astrology answers to your life questions and to book a reading to explore how 2024 looks for you. Head to

Perhaps you would like to give the gift of peace of mind to someone for Christmas. Please e mail me directly at to enquier about gift vouchers.


Are you ready to breathe a collective sigh…not that the world is in a great place, let's be honest, but boy, has this past Scorpio Season been intense. Don’t get me wrong, I love a conscious journey into the underworld, but there was much more in the basement than I had remembered.

With the last of the eclipses across the Scorpio-Taurus axis, I hope many of us are feeling purged and released from any ties that may have bound us to lessons we needed to learn.

As a Sagittarian, I am already planning various celebrations. Yes, it will be my solar return in December, so look out for my Birthday Giveaway on Instagram ( Follow here if you don't already), where I will offer one lucky person an opportunity to win a free full 90-minute chart reading with me. Details to come, so stay tuned.

I am also celebrating a super important milestone. It is ten years since I was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer, and I have been on some pretty intense medication every day for ten years. As the Sun moves into Sag, it ends; I have made it to this milestone. Not everyone has been so lucky, and I have lost one very special friend. Still, I feel like I have no lifeboat now and need to swim on my own. It feels a bit scary but also such a relief. I feel incredibly joyful, grateful and blessed to be here still and to engage with the future again as all Saggies should.

So now we are in Saggie Season, it is time to sharpen our arrows and shoot them off into the future, to think big picture and to engage with our personal philosophies of how we would like our life to look, especially as we head toward the end of the year and into 2024. So take a break and allow yourself to do some big-picture dreaming.

The Sun moves into fiery mutable Sagittarius on November 23rd, Eastern Australian Time at 1.03 am. We are followed very quickly after this, with Mars joining the Sun in Sagittarius on the 24th. With both these Firey planets in this Firey sign, we will feel an upward shift of energy, a momentum into the future of blue sky planning and possibly a little partying as we head into the silly season.

Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius are all about increased energy, a desire to activate and move toward what inspires us, helps us grow and gives us a sense of meaning and purpose.

We might feel more inspired now to think about how we would like to expand ourselves, our awareness, and our perspectives. This is an excellent time to envision how we can manifest new possibilities, opportunities, and growth potential.

This is also excellent energy for planning a trip, embarking on an adventure, or starting new projects that require a lot of optimism. We do need to be aware of perhaps making sure we have covered all the details as this energy is all full of enthusiasm but not necessarily staying power. Do remember to plan to plan

In Australia, Saggie season marks a time of moving into Summer, getting our holiday vibe on and letting go of the year's stresses. Sag is our mutable fire energy, the last of the fire signs in the zodiac. It is forward-moving energy, always looking forward to the next adventure, the next great idea or philosophical trend.

Optimism and Sagittarius energy go hand in hand. They have great faith in the bounty of the universe and a tremendous capacity to learn from and gain meaning from life. In general, Sagittarian energy is hard-wired to see the glass half full, look for the best in life, and be consistently faithful that things will be ok.

On the 27th, Mars and the Sun oppose the Full Moon in Gemini at 4 degrees of Gemini. This Full Moon will feel lighter energy than some of our more recent Full Moons. The Gemini Sagittarius polarity includes themes that may come up regarding which piece of the picture we see, are we obsessing over details or spending too much time with our heads in the clouds? We may also have the opportunity to solidify some of our ideas and plans as Saturn is in relationship to this lunation, adding a little more of a serious and grounded note to the equation. Of course, there will be much more about this Full Moon at the time.

We may find our thinking and communication styles more grounded, practical, and real when Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 2nd. This is a positive element throughout this Sagittarius season, helping us focus and solidify our ideas. However, Mercury will turn retrograde on December 13th until January 1st and, on the 23rd of December, will move back into Sagittarius for a while, then turn back into Cap on the 13th of January.

We taste more Scorpio energy when Venus moves into Scorpio on the 5th of December. This will add an element of intense passion to our already Firey Sagittarian Season and motivate us to connect with others on a deeper level.

Sagittarian energy is all about finding meaning and those elements that can expand our understanding of the world and our place in it. On the 7th of December, Neptune, our planet of spiritual mysticism, finally turns direct in its own sign of Pisces. If Sagittarius is about meaning, Pisces is about higher meaning spiritual connection, so we may feel more inclined toward spiritual pursuits.

Neptune falls into the mix during the New Moon in Sagittarius as well, occurring on December 13th. The New Moon will elevate all Sagittarian themes of thinking big, being optimistic, and hopeful, but with Neptune in the mix, we will need to be aware of perhaps wearing rose-coloured glasses and the potential of not seeing the truth in front of us, which can be a very Sagittarian trait. We should be encouraged now to be as realistic as we can but also to embrace this Neptunian energy and tap into our imaginations, intuition, and creativity, allowing us to dream bigger than we have been able to for a while.

Sag season asks us to have fun and expand our awareness to seek new experiences that offer us growth and broaden our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

As we move toward the end of the year, I will be winding up soon. I only have a few spaces left for you to unlock your future astrology with an astrology birth chart reading for this Sagittarian Season, so if you or someone you love would love a reading, follow the links here to book or e mail me directly for gift vouchers


As we approach the upcoming energy shift, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and tired of hearing the same old descriptors of intensity.

However, it's important to acknowledge that we're stepping into a potentially precarious and disruptive energy that may bring about significant change.

With Mars and Uranus joining us for the New Moon, it's time to take a closer look at where we feel our lives could benefit from active change, where we may be feeling stuck or impatient, and where we can move forward more vigorously.

The New Moon in Scorpio will occur in Australia on November 13th at 8.27pm. The Sun, Moon, and Mars will all be lined up in Scorpio, bringing with them the energy of team Scorpio. However, Uranus in Taurus will be in opposition to these three planets, triggering a potential for profound change, dramatic new insights, and breakthroughs, and possibly some instability. While this New Moon energy may not feel particularly comfortable, it does have the potential to bring about life-changing energy and help you have breakthroughs, especially in areas related to Scorpio themes.

As with all New Moons, we can use this energy as a marker for setting intentions and marking the changes we'd like to see in our lives. With the planets in the mix during this lunation, we're set to activate intentions around powerful transformation and change we want to see on a deep personal level.

The momentum, thanks to Mars, can help us actively and vigorously confront our fears and, more importantly, repressed anger that may come to the surface now.

The current energies could work positively to allow us to bravely acknowledge where we may have been holding onto anger and to more assertively find ways to deal with any dormant anger issues and find positive ways to set intentions for how we would like to deal with and express our anger moving forward.

With Uranus in the picture, the theme is very much about moving further toward liberating ourselves from what we may have been holding onto or even dissociating from. We may have sudden flashes of insight, an out-of-the-blue discovery about ourselves, or we may suddenly find out something that has been buried or hidden.

However, when Uranus is in Taurus, it may also manifest as shaking up our core structures and foundations. We might be asked to question the foundations and structures we have built around us and how these are or are not serving us.

Fortunately, during this New Moon, Neptune in Pisces is in a harmonious aspect to team Scorpio and plays a very important part in elevating this energy toward a higher consciousness, helping us see and trust our lives as part of a larger cosmic energy.

The stage is set for receiving some profound messages or downloads if we provide ourselves with enough quiet space to listen to what might drop in right now.

Part of the Scorpio narrative is about deep soul bonding with another, deep connection, and intimacy, and these themes may come up right now. We can set some intentions around where we would like to bring more authentic and possibly energetic intimacy into our lives now.

This can also be a time of working on any issues around trust in our lives, both with others of course but also how the theme of trust plays out in our lives. Are past hurts or anger around where our trust has been betrayed playing out in our lives via unconscious behaviors or indeed via a reluctance to trust and be vulnerable with trusting others?

We can sit with these themes and actively work toward setting new intentions around trust issues. Where may you be prepared to open yourself up more to trusting others without giving away your own sense of self-power?

Be mindful that power plays may arise in relationships now, jostling for power, especially if one person in the relationship feels like they are lacking agency or indeed power. This is just something to be aware of during this period.

Scorpio energy is also all about the quest for truth, for honesty, for revealing what is hidden, and these themes may also come to play right now. Questions may arise around what we may be missing, especially on a depth level. Are we too concerned with following the status quo and potentially missing an exploration to discover more about our own depth?

So yes this new moon is intense; we may be faced with unexpected surprises but we can utilise this transformative energy is such profound ways if we chose to.

I just want to let you know I am going to start winding down after December the 10th. So if you have been considering getting a reading or think someone in your life might like a chart reading, jump onto to book or email me regarding gift vouchers.

Use this new moon to delve deep but remember to be kind to yourself and others

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