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Welcome to Virgo Season. For this season, the vibe is very much life under review as we have an abundance of planets in retrograde, including Virgo's ruling planet Mercury. This is a delicious time to review your life and gain some new perspective.

One way to achieve this is to get a professional chart consultation head here to see what type of consultation would be best for you bookonline.


On August 23rd we move from the firey sign of Leo into earthy, practical Virgo. This Virgo season may, however, feel different to others. We have the ruling planet of Virgo, Mercury turning retrograde on the same day as the Sun moves into Virgo.

We may feel a fundamental shift away from the outward-flowing expressive energy of Leo toward a more introspective vibe.

This is especially accentuated as not only will Mercury be retrograde until the 15th, Venus is still retrograde until the 4th, and many if not all, the outer planets are either already retrograde or about to be.

This really means that we are more likely to feel the energies of this Virgo season in a more self-aware, reflective fashion; much more may be up for review, re-assessment and even renegotiation. This is not necessarily a time of doing, but more of going in and reviewing.

The theme this month, from my view, is to try not to push against the tide of what you may be feeling but to learn to go with the flow to tap into the opposite sign of Virgo, Pisces and relinquish some need for control and let the season play out as it will without trying to fight or control the energy.

Feelings of frustration may be prevalent around the 28th. Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus and the Sun forms an opposition to Saturn.

For a few days around this time, we may feel frustrated in our efforts to achieve our goals. We may feel restricted and come up against some roadblocks.

This is more of a time to look within and get in touch with the roadblocks we may place on ourselves, especially regarding areas surrounding how we approach the practical elements of our daily life.

On August 30th we will be asked to look for a balance between how we manage our practical and spiritual lives, as we experience the Full Moon in the watery sign of Pisces.

This duality revolves around service, how we serve ourselves, others and our spiritual life. This Full Moon period may offer us a time to reflect on where we may be over striving, analysing, exerting too much control and instead relaxing into a simpler path, letting go and surrendering to what is unfolding before us.

Virgo likes to carefully control, plan, strategise and execute the path to reach its goals.

However, This Virgo season may be harder to get a grip on accomplishing our goals. With so many planets in retrograde, this season is about taking stock, reviewing and re-assessing the Virgo-associated themes in our life, like our health, daily routines and work.

Rather than pushing forward, this Virgo season is all about review. Consider this your annual review period.

On September 4th there will be some relief, however, as Venus turns direct in Leo.

Venus has been retrograde for quite some time and has been a very focused period on our current and past relationships. We will now have more energy to activate and put into action what may have come up for us whilst Venus was retrograde. More than anything, we should be able to harness more self-value, self-love and appreciation.

The themes of self-love and growth may be emphasised on the 5th when Jupiter turns retrograde in Taurus. This can be a time to review once again our philosophies around how we use our material resources, including money and again to look within for new perspectives or beliefs that may be emerging around these themes.

We can move forward again, especially after September 15th, when Mercury turns direct.

This can be a positive time to put into action some of the aspects of life that have been under review whilst Mercury and many other planets have been retrograde.

This day also coincides with the New Moon in Virgo, a poignant time to now harness all things Virgo and put our plans into action, set some new intentions and get planning.

Virgo energy often gets a bad wrap in popular sun sign astrology for being the detailed, overly organised, nit-picky, critical zodiac sign. It is true, Virgo expressed in its most unconscious manifestation can very well behave like this, but at its core, Virgo is a sign that wants to improve. This energy has a critical eye, and they view the world from the lenses of being able to see what is wrong, with a genuine desire to improve it.

Virgo is a sign most willing to grow within themselves, always looking for a way to better themselves and the environment around them. Considering this, this is the season to review our lives on a practical, everyday level. This includes our health, our daily routines, the little details and of course getting organised. However, this season we may feel like there is a veil over our traditional organised Virgo energy. Where our heads may be willing, our energy may not be able to match our desires to sort, sift and organise our lives.

Virgo season offers is an excellent time to review our work life, where we may be exerting too much control in our life and our daily habits that can be affecting our physical and mental health and how we may be able to make some positive changes, especially around the New Moon period.

To discover how Virgo energy and all these retrograde planets is playing out specifically for you, book a chart reading for yourself, head to bookonline.


How is Leo season treating everyone, especially as we still have Venus in Leo in retrograde? I do like a good Leo Season and have put myself out there this season with a release of a podcast I was featured on. The Pod Cast is called Quantum Living, and the host, Anna, delves deep into all things metaphysical. I was asked to talk about Evolutionary Astrology and past lives. We had an interesting chat, so you can listen here

Meanwhile, whilst Venus is retrograde and while this New Moon is occurring, I will be on the Australian east coast attending a week-long astrology conference on relationships. How beautifully Venus retrograde to spend a week deep diving into this theme.

I have been doing a lot of writing and thinking about the astrology of relationships. I find myself reflecting and using an astrological perspective to heal and shift some past relationship trauma once again. I am so completely blown away by the symbology in my own natal chart regarding relationships and how these symbolic archetypes have played out in my life. I will be discussing astrology and relationships on the same podcast in a few week's time.

The New Moon in Leo occurs in Australia on the 16th of August at 7.38pm

Every New Moon is a time to set our intentions or what we would like to manifest and bring into our lives. The New Moon meets the Sun in Leo, enhancing and prompting us to set goals around some of the Leo principles. Leo is ruled by the sun, the heart of our universe, and therefore

rules our hearts astrologically. Leo's energy is often misrepresented as that egoic, 'look at me' energy; sometimes, it is expressed this way. But at its higher manifestation, Leo is about giving, receiving, and expressing from the heart.

So, on this new moon, we can actively set some new intentions around how we feel and express our heart desires.

Leo energy is naturally warm, generous of spirit, childlike, playful and creative. Use this time to set an intention around how you give love to yourself and how you'd like to give and receive love to others.

Spend some time treating yourself like you would like to be treated by others.

This New Moon is an excellent time to set some intentions around bolstering your confidence if you lack confidence. One of the best ways to do this is to write some affirmations, place them on your mirror, and speak to them out loud.

This is a wonderful period for setting new intentions around how you express yourself, your creative endeavours, and how you approach fun- do you allow yourself to have enough?

The fire energy of Leo is expressive and creative and loves to move. Put on some music and dance around your lounge room. Grab that hairbrush microphone, sing loudly and allow yourself to play and indulge in joy. If this is not your scene, spend some time on creative pursuits or planning a future creative project that brings you absolute enjoyment.

Leo energy is childlike at its core, and sometimes there is nothing better to remind us how to play and have fun than spending time with the children in our lives.

Consciously allowing yourself to play, be a child, interact with children, and laugh hard from the belly is therapeutic.

The Sun and Moon also receive a challenging aspect from Uranus in Taurus. This energy may feel a little itchy…what I mean by that is that

during this New Moon you may feel the underlying tones of needing a change in some areas of your life, of looking for new and exciting adventures, a feeling that you may not know what to do with.

This energy may have a bit of rebellion, so it is also a good time to ask where and what you may need to rebel against. Equally, Uranus in aspect to Leo, can heighten the drive to express our beliefs and truths, and we may find ourselves pushing up against others' perspectives. It is worth remembering to open your heart and allow yourself to hear others' points of view, understand others' rights to their opinions and find love and acceptance anyway.

With Uranus in the mix, this New Moon insists that we are faithful to what our hearts want and desire whilst fully accepting the rights of those around us to believe and feel what they do.

On a more personal level, this square may also trigger similar vibes within our romantic relationships and with Venus still in retrograde in Leo, we would be wise to be cautioned of the potential for frustrations to arise, especially in matters of the heart.

Life may feel a little on shaky ground for some of us, particularly those of us with planets in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scoprio and Aquarius. This could also manifest as an increased level of nervous energy within, that feeling like you have had one too many coffees is very much what Uranian energy can feel like.

Be reminded that this phase will pass; look at what changes do need to be made but don’t be overly rash in making them, let this New Moon energy pass and then regroup, check in on whether you are still feeling the same way, then you will have a clearer view of what changes are required.

Of course, with Uranus, we can also use that typical cliche of expecting the unexpected; it is true unforeseen and out-of-the-blue events can occur at this time, both positively and negatively. If such things occur, try to understand what they may mean on a deeper soul cantered level.

Jupiter is also still in Taurus and makes a very wide connection to this New Moon as well.

Jupiter expands what it touches and in combination with the Taurean and Leo energy, we might be inclined to overdo things, overspend, over indulged or be overly arrogant.

Enjoy this new moon, set some intentions for your heart that you can accelerate in the upcoming full moon. If you are interested in exploring how Leo energy works in your chart, book in for a consultation at online

Until then, be kind to yourself and be kind to others.


The Aquarius Full Moon reminds us to check in with how we function as part of the collective, where we contribute to society, how we travel with our friendship groups and how we may or may not be expressing our authentic selves.

As usual, I have produced my


The workbook is designed to help you reflect and bring purpose and focus to this Full Moon. The workbook takes you through specifically focused questions, affirmations and rituals for everyone to work with. And I have included a bonus section of what it means to have your natal Moon in the sign of Aquarius and specific questions for reflection for the Lunar Aquarians. So if you have an Aquarius Moon, this workbook is for you.

I am settled back into my Astro and have begun doing readings again. There are only a couple of spots open in August, so if you have ever thought about getting your chart done or want some clarity of what the F*(^&* is going on for you right now, check out my website or feel free to DM me or email me at if you have any questions.

Happy Aquarius Full Moon

The Aquarius Full Moon occurs in Australia at 4.31 am on August 2nd and focuses our attention on the Leo Aquarius axis integrating and balancing our individual needs and needs to participate as part of the collective.

The Leo Aquarian polarity and opposition represent the duality of self vs the collective, what you want vs what others may want of you, being self-determined vs working for the group and personal ownership vs freedom. It's about creativity vs intellectualism and heartfelt emotion vs detachment.

Leo rules the heart, and Leo's energy loves nothing more than expressing that love in significant heartfelt ways, to a point where they can smother others with their need to express love and, sometimes, ownership. Leo says, 'I love you; you are mine", whereas Aquarius say, I love you, so I shall set you free.

This theme can also apply to group situations in your life. Leo likes to lead, control, and be upfront and centre of a project. On the other hand, Aquarius is all about democratic principles, being fair, equitable and letting all have a voice.

This full Moon may offer an opportunity to look at where in your life you may not be being fair and equitable, where you may assert too much control, putting your needs first and not looking out for the collective. Alternatively, it is also a time to observe where we may be playing small regarding our participation in friendship or group endeavours.

This full Moon in Aquarius also highlights where we may not be acting by our most authentic selves. As an energy, Aquarius values authenticity, uniqueness and the expression of one's individuality. With this full Moon, we are offered an opportunity to reflect and release any habits or traits that may hold us back from our most genuine expression.

On a personal level, we may feel push-pull energy between doing the right thing and following the status quo and, on the other, a strong desire to break free from any restriction we think may be holding us back.

Where do you feel you need more freedom in your life?

Are you bending too much toward societal norms and letting fear dominate?

Are you free enough to express your genuine opinion or fall in line with what the collective wants you to think?

This theme of structure versus rebellion, status quo versus change, equality and inequality is a dominant worldwide theme. Aquarius is the energy that works for the collective, especially the disenfranchised. Hence, this is an excellent time for reviewing how we serve those less fortunate than us and what group or collective agendas we may like to align ourselves with.

This is also a poignant time to check in with our use or abuse of technology. Ruled by Aquarius, technology is such a hugely important part of our lives now in both positive and negative ways. We can use this time to release any habits or addictions around the use of technology. This is a great time to assess where technology is working for you and where it may not be.

Given it is a full moon, which is a time of release, it could be wise to become more mindful of how technology is infiltrating our lives.

Both the Sun and Moon are in a square aspect to Jupiter during this Full Moon. This could have various effects on us at this time. We could feel overly confident, prone to exaggeration or taking things too far, especially to get our ideas or beliefs across to others. We need to pay special attention to allowing others the freedom and the safety to have their ideas and opinions aired and respected. Jupiter's effect on the Moon can certainly amplify our emotions as well, so if we are feeling particularly edgy during this full Moon, it could be wise to ensure we exercise and release any pent-up nervous energy.

The Aquarius Full Moon is a time to connect with our heart-felt love of humanity, our friendship groups, and people with whom we share common goals and interests and of course, a time to celebrate diversity and the need for humanitarian evolution and growth.

It's a balancing act, on the one hand being true to yourself, your unique and authentic self-expression and on the other being able to work with and co-operate with others. Anything you can identify that could be holding you back on this themse can be released now.

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