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For someone with very little earth in their chart, I have to say; I really love a Taurus New Moon. It reminds me to stop and smell the roses, literally and metaphorically, to connect with the physicality of life and to bring some consciousness to the incredible gifts of our five senses.

This New Moon occurs in Australia on the 20th of May at 1.53 am and in the US EDT at 11.54 am on the 19th. The New Moon falls in late Taurus at 28 degrees. See where 29 degrees of Taurus occur in your chart to see which area of your chart will be activated by this New Moon.

A reminder also that this New Moon will likely be felt most profoundly by our other fixed signs, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius

Accentuating the Sun's energy in Taurus, this New Moon highlights our base nature selves, making us feel secure, grounded, and in touch with our physical senses and the practical realities of everyday life.

The New Moon is always about setting intentions and beginning new cycles. We are ending the Aries New Moon phases and moving into the Taurus New Moon Phase.

This is a very harmonious New Moon as it receives positive aspects from Mars, Neptune and Pluto. We can work positively with these energies to bring forth active, spiritual change and rejuvenation in the areas associated with Taurus. For this reason, we should be able to tap positively into our energy reserves and motivations for spiritual connection, especially regarding nature, which in turn may make us feel emotionally transformed on some level.

On a mundane level and with Jupiter having moved into Taurus recently, this is an excellent New Moon to set new intentions around our relationship with material resources and money. We can use this New Moon to set intentions for actively making plans to get our finances under control, start a new saving scheme, reassess how money and resources are working for or against us and make the relevant changes required.

Taurus reminds us to simplify our lives where possible. This is the sign that craves life's simple pleasures and alignment with our senses.

We can use this New Moon to remind ourselves of our physicality and seek new ways to ignite our five senses. Taurus is also about pleasure seeking. With harmonious aspects from Mars, Neptune and Pluto, we can actively set positive intentions to connect with earth's beauty and richness, appreciate our physical bodies, and derive profound and possibly transformative realisations. Taking time to not only indulge the senses but consciously being aware of what comes us for us when we do, is a very positive potential outcome for this New Moon.

Setting new intentions around how we seek physical pleasure and derive meaning from this, where we may have been holding back, and how we can positively make changes here is a great way to tap into this New Moon energy.

Bring consciousness to not only the health benefits of the food we eat but also the sensuous elements associated with food, sight, smell and taste. We can also bring conscious awareness to the food we put into our bodies. Finding ways to bring new intentions to our sensory relationship with food is also a positive action.

We have an opportunity now to make deep and spiritual connections with nature, to be reminded of the wonder of the natural world and all it can offer us, especially in terms of feeling rejuvenated by it.

During this New Moon period, find some time to take a walk in nature but also to stop and smell, touch and find gratitude for the earth. Take your shoes off and feel the earth under them, being reminded of the magnificence of this planet.

Taurus is also about being real, being in the world with your feet firmly planted on the ground; therefore, one can use this New Moon energy for any practical, focused goals. We can use this energy to ground and solidify any of the goals we may have actively set during the Aries New Moon phase. This is the time to bring some form and grounded intention around our ideas.

The day after this New Moon, Mars, our planet of action, energy and intention, moves out of watery Cancer and into Firey Leo. This will offer us some extra fuel to activate our desires and intentions, but there will be more on this soon.

Meanwhile, enjoy setting intentions around the areas associated with Taurus. Cook up that delicious dish, play that music loudly, get out the essential oils and embrace and enjoy the magnificence of nature.

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Yummy Yummy, On May 17th in Australia at 3.19 am and May 16th at 1.19 pm US EDT, our planet of abundance, growth, hope and opportunity move out of fiery Aries into the earthly and grounded sign of Taurus where it will stay until May 25th 2024. It's time to hug some trees and find your spiritual connection with nature.

Jupiter moving through our chart, highlights areas in which we are ripe for growth, positive opportunities, and joy if we are willing to seize it. Look to see where the sign of Taurus falls in your chart to see which area of your life will be touched for the next 12 months by this planet of potential abundance.

Jupiter moving in Taurus will be a very welcome reprieve for anyone with strong Taurus in the chart or indeed our fixed signs of Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, as we have had some challenging aspects to Taurus and the fixed signs over the last few years.

Depending on your chart, this period may offer new opportunities and rewards for the hard work endured over the last couple of years. This is not to say it is all over for Taurus; we still have Uranus in this sign, shaking up our financial foundations and ensuring that the possible rigidity that Taurus can sometimes be, is shaken up a little and pushed to more authenticity.

With Jupiter moving throughout Taurus now, we have opportunity to solidly build on the ideas and inspirations we may have been cooking while Jupiter was in Aries. The following 12 months allow us to solidify our goals, build on what we may have started with Jupiter in Aries and develop the patience and solidarity to endure.

Growth will come from learning how to harness the gifts of the material and physical worlds and align them with sensory gratification. We can improve ourselves now by being productive and reliable and finding time and space for simplicity and peace.

As an earth sign, Taurus is all about the practical realities of our existence. Taurus is a very pragmatic and realistic sign, and Jupiter here can clarify how we seek to achieve our goals, especially our materially focused goals. There is much potential here in learning how to be committed and resourceful in life, which will go a long way towards growth and prosperity here. Jupiter here offers excellent potential for financial magic; this is a great time for learning how to make money grow.

Growth comes from harnessing Taurean principles of slow and steady wins the race. Growth also comes from developing a positive sense of self-value and self-esteem.

This can be linked to our many toys, so we must carefully find our self-worth without dependence on material trappings.

One risk of Jupiter’s transit through Taurus is to overdo everything associated with the material world and our sensory selves. Delving into feeding our senses via smell, touch taste sound and sight are all beautiful ways to embrace this transit, but we also need to watch any tendency to overdo things in a possible hedonistic way.

Recharging the soul, especially with the gifts of nature, is one of Jupiter's best gifts and should be harnessed as much as possible. Focusing on using our hands, and our senses, being in connection with nature and getting our hands into the dirt are beautiful ways this lovely transit can be embraced.

Much can be learned from this period in seeking time out, finding peace, serenity, and a connection to spirit in nature.

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How was the Aries Solar eclipse for you all? How did it feel?

I thought I was managing ok until I accidentally slipped on some wet stairs and fell hard on my arse. Bruised and sore, I have once again been reminded not to forget to connect to my physical body. This is an essential reminder to act and take charge of my physicality.

But here we are now with our full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, occurring in Australia on 6 5 at 3.34 am or EDT US 5.5. 1.34 pm.

The last eclipse in Aries was a nudge to think about how we honour ourselves, the new we wish to bring in, a period of action.

As with all new moons, the focus was on bringing forth an intention. Now two weeks later and once again across the Taurus Scorpio Axis theme we have been experiencing since last October, we are letting go and releasing.

The themes to explore now are focused on breaking patterns and releasing what is no longer working for us emotionally. This full moon eclipse is very much about endings, releasing, and dealing with emotions that may have been buried.

It is also a significant period for genuine transformation and moving toward your karmic destiny, especially if you have planets or nodes in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo and Scorpio and Aquarius and even more so if your placements sit at 14 degrees. Check out to see where 14 degrees of Scorpio falls in your chart, as this is the area that is activated by this eclipse.

🌕♏I have also dived deep to put together my full moon lunar eclipse workbook, which is downloadable via the link in the bio. It offers details about the eclipse and provides a carefully selected set of questions, reflections, ritual ideas and affirmations to help you work through some of the themes that might arise during this full moon eclipse.

The workbook also includes an in-depth overview of having your natal moon in Scorpio. So if you have a Scorpio moon, this is an extra special workbook for you.


Let me know how this full moon plays out for you.

IF YOU HAVE BEEN THINKING OF GETTING A CHART READING, GET IN TOUCH NOW. I am heading overseas all of JUNE. I have a few spaces left in May. DM me or go to to book directly.

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