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We have talked a lot about the astrology of 2023 already. The recent changes that have occurred with two outer planets, Saturn and Pluto, changing signs feel big enough, however now we also have an important, rare, and what I think is a significant New Moon Eclipse in the firey and first sign of the zodiac, Aries.

There are some very special features about this eclipse. It is known as a Hybrid Eclipse; it is the first in a new series of eclipses across the Aries/ Libra axis, it is the 2nd New Moon in Aries, and it falls in what is called the anorectic degree, 29 degrees, which it is claimed can really activate a level of higher consciousness.

Eclipses are points of intersection where the Sun and the Moon’s paths meet; they are aligned, which is why this is important. We can not say if the effects will be positive or negative, this depends on so many other factors, but eclipses offer us a period of intensification in the sign they occur in – closing some doors, opening others, speeding things up and revealing a new pathways.

This eclipse occurring in Aries will intensify Aries themes of self-direction, courage, mastery, bravery assertiveness. We may feel very self-focused now, and this is precisely the point.

This particular eclipse will be felt most strongly by those with strong Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer in their charts. If you know where 29 degrees of Aries falls in your chart, the eclipse will be activated in this house. So take a look to see where the eclipse will fall.

This is a special eclipse and one I encourage you to embrace if you would like to activate change in your life. To dig into what real change could look like for you, book in an astrological reading now. Head to to book directly. Note I will be putting up my prices at the end of this financial year, so get in now.

Read below for more on what this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries may mean, and do feel free to let me know how it plays out for you.

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The Full Moon in Libra occurs in Australia on the 6th of April at 2.34 pm and in the US Pacific time, 12.34am the same morning.

Download your free FULL MOON WORKBOOK HERE

Fifteen years ago, during this Libran Aries full moon, I actively put out into the universe who I would like to attract for my next relationship. After much healing and self-growth after my divorce, I felt ready. I spent time releasing habits I had taken into relationships I no longer wanted to carry. I also did some serious manifestation exercises around potentially finding my next love. Two weeks later, I met the man that was to become my husband, and 15 years later, we are still very happy with each other. However, we always compromise in relationships, and it is necessary to do so. With this upcoming Full Moon, one of the questions we all face is how much we compromise and potentially lose our sense of self. How authentic are we to our true selves whilst balancing the needs of the other? The Aries singular focus attempts to find balance with the Libran duality, other people focus.

I have created my Full Moon in Libra FREE workbook for you to download and help you work through some of these polarities in your life and your relationships. The workbook is also designed to help you release and let go of any traits that may be holding you back from authentic relationships with yourself and with another—a special bonus if your natal Moon is in Libra. A section is designed to help you know your Libran Moon better and specific questions just for you.

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I debated for a while to write anything about Pluto moving into Aquarius, which is weird as it is probably the biggest and potentially most significant astrological shift for a very long time.

There is a myriad of information out there about what this could all mean.

However, I decided to post primarily as a reminder to everyone not to fall into the “The Sky is Falling” mentality.

Humanity has been going through changes forever, that is what we do, we change and hopefully evolve to become the best versions of ourselves and ideally the best versions as a species.

Historically we do see significant shifts when Pluto changes signs and Pluto has not been in the sign of Aquarius since the end of the 18th century, between 1778 and 1798, which some historians consider being the age of revolution. I am not going to go into detail about the history other than to say it is only the history and the symbology of both the planet and the sign that astrologers can work with. None of us really know exactly how this will play out.

A more important reminder is that Pluto moves very slowly and the individual impact Pluto in Aquarius will make will totally depend on your individual chart. So if you want to know how Pluto will affect you personally please consider seeing a qualified astrologer.

I am taking a break after these couple of posts for a family event. I will be conducting chart readings again from mid April, so head to the link in the bio and follow the prompts to book in.

Meanwhile these are my thoughts on the potential of this change on the collective actions and collective consciousness.

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