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This Pisces season offers us quite a shift as Saturn moves into the watery sign on March 8th. This is a big deal as Saturn moves out of Aquarius, where he did some serious redefining of the status quo and spends approximately 3 years travelling through Pisces. The last time Saturn was in Pisces was between 1993 and 1996, in fact, when I experienced my first Saturn return and began to study astrology. I have Saturn in Pisces and will have more things to say about this closer to the time. For now, however, as we move away from the high energy of Aquarius into the depths of watery and mutable Pisces, we are primarily invited into the feeling realms, but perhaps with alittle more potential structure available to us when Saturn makes

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Full Moon in Leo time. I should not be, but I am biased. I love this full moon. Having a Leo moon myself it reminds me to get in touch with this part of my being, to stop being so serious and remember to have some fun.

This is a pretty highly charged full moon with aspects from Uranus and Mars and Venus in square to each other just prior. Things may feel a little shaky, and our ego might get rattled a little but really, we are being asked to get in touch with our absolute most authentic selves, to put on our proverbial crowns and step up onto the stage of life as we really are, not caring what others may think.

As usual, I have created a Full Moon Workbook for you to use and to help you tap into the parts of yourself that need to shine to help you release what is not authentic to you. To release worries about what others think. There are questions designed for self-reflection and of course, if you have the natal moon in Leo, you get a bonus. There is a separate section designed just for you to help you connect with what it means to have a Leo Moon.

Access here

Happy Leo Full Moon

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3 questions for this Aquarius New Moon

  1. What newness is wanting to emerge for you?

  2. What would you like to rebel against?

  3. What new intentions do you have for your social life?

Following the Sun moving into Aquarius, we meet up with the New Moon in Aquarius, where Venus also joins her with Saturn and Pluto hanging onto the final degrees of Capricorn.

This is excellent energy for bringing in the new, moving forward, thinking outside the box and reconnecting with our social circles. It is also a time to find your inner rebel, connect to higher frequencies, try new technologies and become active in the causes you care about.

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