Happy Full Moon in Taurus, which on the east coast of Australia, falls on the 16th at 8.28 am at 23 degrees of Taurus, so look to see where that may fall in your chart to gain perspective on what area of life will be activated by this Full Moon.
Being in the fixed sign of Taurus, our Tauruean, Scorpio Leo, and Aquarian will feel this one the most intensely, but this is not to say we all wont feel this energy as the Moon is in conjunction with Uranus, which wants to shake up that Tauruean stability and throw some new perspectives into the ring.
This Full Moon may feel like a bit of a wild ride, but I feel it is a reflection of the broader energy happening collectively, as we also have Pluto moving permanently into Aquarius and Saturn stationing directly in Pisces. To say this energy has a huge impact on the collective and on us as individuals is an understatement.
To offer you more information and to really dig into the energy of this Full Moon, download the FREE Full Moon Workbook here :
The workbook offers you information about this full moon, questions for journal prompts, ritual ideas you can do alone or with friends, and affirmations to help harness this energy. And, of course, if your natal moon is in the sign of Taurus, you get a separate section all about having the natal moon in Taurus, and I include specific questions just for you.
The year is coming to a quick close, and I am totally booked out for the rest of November. I only have a few spots available until I wind down for the year. 2025, I will be bringing some new perspectives, focus and offerings to you all, so I am spending time pulling all of this together.
ALSO, don't forget the gift of astrology for Christmas. This is an ideal present for a loved one, and you can purchase the gift vouchers directly here