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So we have made it to the final full Moon of the year, where we are offered a chance of real release of all that we wish to leave behind before we step into 2023. The themes that we can focus on are very much around how our thinking affects our beliefs, how we use the information we have gathered throughout the year and how we consciously release any pent-up anger or confusion before moving forward.

I have also created my free Gemini Full Moon workbook, which goes into additional detail about how to work with this full Moon and includes questions for reflection, affirmations and some rituals to work with. An extra focus on choosing what we wish to let go of and what we have learned this year. You can download it here

Finally, don’t forget I am running my Giveaway until December 10th. As a thank you to my clients and social media supporters, I am offering a free 90-minute professional chart reading, which can be conducted via zoom or online. Head to my Instagram account @aspectastrology for all the details on how to enter. Don’t miss your chance for a free astrology consultation that goes much deeper than anything you can get online. if you don't enter and are keen to explore what 2023 has in store for you, I have openings for readings mid-way from January 23. We can look at the major themes, challenges and opportunities for the year ahead. There are going to be lots of changes in 2023 so make sure you are personally prepared in the best possible way. You can e mail me at for times and details.

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November 23 and 24th are big days astrologically and should see us start to feel an upward momentum. The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 23rd, the ruling planet Jupiter turns direct and then the Sun meets up with the New Moon in Sagittarius at 9.57 am Australiana Eastern Daylight Saving time.

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, has been dancing back and forward between Pisces and Aries, two very different energies. This is his last visit into Pisces for 12 years before he moves into Aries again on December 21st. Jupiter in Pisces suits Sagittarian energy and brings a deeply empathetic and spiritual focus to this New Moon due to the harmonious trine energy that will be happening between the Moon and Jupiter on the day. This is our opportunity to take a deep sigh and find space and time to begin planning our new intentions around what we have learned, especially in the previous eclipse lunations.

Setting intentions now around the themes of Sagittarian energy will be met with a bit of a magical fairy dust sprinkling from some of the aspects being made now. This is the time to “wish upon a star.”

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Welcome to Sag Season. I am pleased to say that we have smoother sailing ahead as we steer toward the end of the year and dive into silly season as the Sun finds joy in the sign of Sagittarius. The sun moves into jovial Sagittarius on the 23rd of November and is quickly followed by a new moon in Saggie and the ruler of Sag, Jupiter tuning direct after having been retrograde in the sign of Pisces.

We have been traversing some rocky roads over the last few months with eclipses, planets being retrograde and some tricky aspects to navigate. I don’t know about you but this period post the eclipse has personally been very challenging, and I have been dealt a big does of medicine I needed to take care of but was avoiding and right on time, post eclipse my time ofr burying my head in the sand is no longer, I must take note. I have sat with this and allowed things to come up in their own time, in their own way and fortunately things have so far turned out for the best. Now as we head into Sag season I can reflect, find meaning and do some blue sky thinking and planning for the future, taking all that 2022 has taught and consciously applying it to the forthcoming year ahead.

So lets step into Sag season and shake off the shackles of the year, laught, be silly and celebrate all you have achieved this year.

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