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Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you will all know we are in eclipse season and are currently approaching a doozy. On Tues 8th, at 10.02 pm Eastern Australian Daylight savings time, we experience the second of this eclipse season with a full moon partial solar eclipse in the fixed sign of Taurus.

Navigating this eclipse will be particularly intense for the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo Scorpio and Aquarius, as we have 8 Astrological planets or points being activated in the fixed signs. If you know your chart, you want to investigate in particular where 16 degrees of Taurus and Scorpio fall in your chart, as this will be the area that will be most activated.


There is a lot of fear-mongering on social media about eclipses, but I genuinely believe they are not to be feared. What they ask is that we be prepared to let something go, that we surrender to being open to self-reflection in the areas activated by these fixed signs, that we allow ourselves to move forward with the direction the universe, in fact, our karma prompts us to move toward. This eclipse is all about facing the fears of letting the old go and bravely stepping into new beginnings despite potentially feeling uncomfortable. Themes across our sense of self-value and self-empowerment are being highlighted now. Being in fixed signs, there can be tremendous resistance toward change; there can be a tendency to stay put, dig in our heels and fight against the new opportunities and paths in front of us. It can truly feel scary, but this eclipse is all about feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

Given we are in Scorpio season, the theme here is very much about a six-month theme of alchemy, turning lead into gold, transforming, and bringing the pieces across the Taurus Scorpio axis together to ultimately align you toward stepping consciously into your power. What is unique about this eclipse, though is that we also feature many of our personal planets, such as Mercury and Venus with extra special guests Uranus, Saturn and of course, the nodes. A lot is going on.

I have spent much time working on the current full moon workbook. Unlike other workbooks where we actively participate in manifestation, release or spell work, this one encourages us to sit with some questions that may arise during and around this eclipse period. The workbook is there as a guide to help us delve into some self-reflection via questions we can ask of ourselves and the conscious observations we then feel. There is more detail in the workbook about this particular eclipse, the questions and self-reflection exercises and a detailed overview if you happen to have your natal Moon in the sign of Taurus.

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And so we begin the period of eclipses with the first New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio on October 25th at 9.49 pm. Unlike other lunations where we actively release or manifest our intentions, the eclipse energies open a portal of sorts that in some way asks us to let go of our control and surrender to the energies at play. Eclipses are not to be feared but we do need to let go of attempts to control situations around us. Eclipses have an element of fate attached to them and if we pay attention we can find ourselves in a position where we experience endings, change and openings toward our fated path that aligns with the themes across the Scorpio Taurus axis. Often there is a change of direction, and a new pathway is revealed. This will be especially so for the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo Scorpio and Aquarius and even more so if you have any planets in these signs sitting at the 2-degree mark. Where these signs fall in your chart is where you are likely to experience endings and new beginnings. for those born around the same time as me and have the lunar nodes in Scorpio and Taurus, this is a particularly fated time, especially in relation to the houses the nodes fall into.

I have 4 slots left for readings now until the end of the year, so if you are keen, get in touch.

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Welcome to Scorpio Season. There is so much going on during this Scorpio Season that I hardly know where to start. We have planets moving direct after being in retrograde motion for a while, Some going retrograde, planets changing signs, interesting aspects, a Venus star point activation and of course, this Scorpio season, we also have both the Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio followed by the Total Luna eclipse in Taurus. I will be writing much more about these eclipses separately, but with the aspects that are formed by other planets at the same time, they cast a significant flavour on this Scorpio Season, it is going to be intense but also potentially deeply transformative.

As we move into Scorpio season, I will continue to highlight information on my Instagram page @aspectastrology all about the Planet of the Season, focusing on Pluto as the modern ruler of Scorpio as Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio resonates with me deeply. Pluto I find is one of the most powerful planets in our charts and absolutely represents the same themes as Scorpio. So buckle up, we are in for a bit of a ride. If you don't follow my instagram page, jump on board. @aspectastrology

I am now booked into mid way of November and only have a few places left before we hit the end of the year. If you've been keen to get your chart explored professionally now is the time.

There will be a fair bit of information coming in over the next few days to help you navigate this intense and transformative time.

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