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Yay for Leo Season. The sun moves into Leo on July 23rd in Australia at around 7.00 am in the morning. I for one am really excited about this Leo season because I am travelling to Europe to get the sun on my back, do some business, visit family and seep myself in history.

So I am now currently closed off for readings until the beginning of October. If you would like to book in from October 1st, send me an e mail.

This Leo season is peppered with some wonderful energy at the beginning of the season and some little challenges toward the end.

We are reminded throughout this time to find our authentic self-expression, laugh, get in touch with our inner child, get creative and most of all have some fun. How will you be doing Leo season?

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We are about to experience a Super Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn on the 14th of July at around 7.00am in Australia. See post below and click through to access your FREE Capricorn Full Moon Workbook.

We have passed the middle of the year and the Capricorn Full Moon reminds us to take stock and revisit some of the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. Are we on track or can we use this as an opportunity to redefine what we need to do next? How are we travelling with our work life balance?

With some intense aspects from Pluto ad Mercury, we may also find ourselves dealing with information or truths that may have been hidden. This is a time of deciding what to do with this information.

If you are interested, I have begun a series on my Instagram Page @aspectastrology delving into the meaning of the moon through the signs and house placements as well as covering off some major aspects. I thought it was time to focus on the ruling planet of the season. I will be adding this information to this blog too at some point. In a few weeks we will be focusing on the Sun, as the ruling planets of Leo, through the signs and houses so look out for that one too.

I am closed off for readings now until the end of September. I am fully booked and also going to be travelling overseas for a few weeks throughout August and September. If you are keen for a reading, drop me an e mail or message to book in after Sept 20th.

Meanwhile, Happy Capricorn Full Moon everyone.

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It's Cancer season and the Winter Solstice here in Australia. The Sun moves into the nurturing watery sign of Cancer on June 21st as we also experience the shortest day of the year, where we have more darkness than light. However, this day also marks the beginning of the days getting longer from here on it. I have always liked to think of the winter solstice as a representation of beginning to move out of the dark parts of life and into the light. We are ascending from here on in.

The moon rules Cancer. I have decided to begin a focus on the planetary ruler of the season and will be offering quite detailed overviews of what the moon means in each sign and house throughout the season. So, for Cancer season, look out for the posts on social media by following my instagram account @aspectastrology on the moon, which will be followed by the Sun when we head into Leo season. The objective is to teach you more about how your personal astrology can dramatically affect and influence your life. If you do not know your moon sign, get in touch and I can send this to you directly. Even better, book in for a personal chart reading to discover how it all weaves together to make you you.

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