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Don’t know about you but I am super excited about this upcoming Taurus New Moon solar eclipse, occurring in Australia on May 1st at 6.28 am. As we know new moons represent the beginning of a new lunar cycle. Well this energy is amplified during an eclipse, in fact this is an opportunity to really start a new, to focus on what you would like to manifest for yourself, this is the time of BIG changes and significant new beginnings.

What comes up for you during this eclipse is highly significant as it can be linked to your purpose, your destiny or karma---however you would like to express it. If you have personal planets or as I do the lunar nodes in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo Scorpio or Aquarius, this is a particularly important eclipse. I have some serious decisions to make about various aspects of my business and where my lunar nodes are ( North Node Taurus in the 3rd house) points to the areas in which I need to focus, and this could not be closer to the truth right now. I will be doing some deep meditations and ritual during this eclipse season, hoping to gain some insight and set some very concrete intentions.

This eclipse is packed with energy including some beautiful aspects of Venus and Jupiter in Pisces which will help us review, re align and attract love into our lives, if this is what we would like.

We also have some unpredictability, with Uranus making a significant appearance with the Sun, Moon and North Node. This may be a time to expect the unexpected, but do not fear, just pay close attention.I suggest we don’t force issues in working with this eclipse but rather be acutely observant of signs, people and themes that arise for you.

Check out my video detailing the specifcs of this eclipse, what to expect and how to best harness this energy or just scroll down for the pic and words version. Have a great New Moon Eclipse everyone.

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Ahhh…. I love stepping into Taurus season. In Australia it marks the beginning of Autumn and a longing to go inside put on the open fire and get baking. I have learned much about the beauty of this sign in recent years, after having met some seriously awesome examples of Taurus being done extremely well.

This Taurus season is accentuated by the first of our eclipses across the Taurus/ Scorpio Axis. We encounter a partial solar eclipse on May 1st where we have an abundance of Taurus energy with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Uranus and the North Node. This is a serious opportunity for setting new intentions around self worth, self love and our relationship to the material aspects of life, including money.

The full moon lunar eclipse then occurs in Scorpio on the 16th, bringing with it a need to face whatever may have been bubbling up inside us since the previous eclipses in November last year. I will be writing much more about this in my Full Moon in Scorpio workbook.

Energy levels start to rise as Venus and Jupiter move from Pisces into Aries this season. In fact it may feel more like an Aries season as we move into mid May than the previous Aries season did.

The ruler of Taurus, Venus is in Pisces, where she happily weaves her magic with Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces. But now, with the Sun, Uranus, Mercury, and the north node in Taurus, the theme to me for the first part of Taurus season at least, feels like a very sensual, creative, physical yet equally disruptive and transformative kind of energy.

Pisces and Taurus are creative, sensual energies. Pisces expresses this more emotionally, and Taurus does so in a more physical sense. With most of our planets falling into one of these two signs throughout most of this season, it will provide a beautiful launch pad for self-expression, creativity, and sensuosity. It is a time for treating our physical senses and basking unashamedly in what brings us pleasure.

Taurus and the experience of preparing, cooking, eating and sharing food are a match made in heaven. Physical nourishment abounds during this time, so go forth and bake that cake, cook that slow casserole, and share the food with family and friends. Whilst you are there, nourish your sense of hearing with the gift of beautiful music. Venus and beautiful music go hand in hand; whether you sing ( most Taureans I know have a great singing voice), play an instrument or bathe yourself in the delights of music, this is the time to do so to assist you in moving into a more relaxed state.

Taurus themes get turned up significantly with the New moon and partial solar eclipse occurring on May 1st at 6.28pm. This is the first eclipse of the year occurring along the Taurean and Scorpio axis. As with all new moons, the focus is on new beginnings but this is significantly accentuated now. On May 1st Mercury moves into in Gemini, and communication, ideas and connections become part of the theme, for a while at least, as he turns retrograde on the 10th.

Energy levels get turned up, and our motivations grow after the eclipse as Venus moves out of Pisces and into Aries, where she can exert her independence and self-reliance.

Uranus in Taurus is not comfortable, and this has been all about disrupting the Taurean sense and need for status quo. This can offer us of course, a genuine impetus toward change and to fully embrace it.

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I am back from my holiday, which was incredible but happy to be home now.

Please find your full moon in Libra workbook downloadable via the link . This workbook offers an in-depth view of what this full moon has in store, and provides questions for reflection, affirmations, and rituals to help you work with the energy of this full moon. There is also comprehensive overview of the meaning of having your natal moon in the sign of Libra and includes an extra section of self-reflection for those with their moon in Libra.

Readings are open again so if you are keen to explore and unlock the potential of your chart and or to look at what is in store for you over the upcoming months, or to focus on a singular question or your relationships, then head to the booking section on my web site or drop me an e mail.

Happy Easter everyone, a wonderful traditional pagan holiday celebrating the Goddess Ostara, the ancient Germanic goddess of the spring, who it is said, transformed a bird into a hare, and the hare responded by laying coloured eggs for her festival… so there you go that is where our association with rabbits and coloured eggs come from.

It has been a rather intense and profound and magical period leading up to this full moon, which occurs at 26 degrees Libra in April 17 at 4.54am in Australia. This is our first full moon of the new astrological year and we have just had the Neptune and Jupiter conjunction and with Mars moving into Pisces as well.

So we are likely to feel as though we are still swimming around in the Pisces realms for a while and we are all rather likely to be super sensitive to the energies of this full moon period.

Mars lays down her sword and moved into Pisces where he joins Venus, Sun, Neptune and Jupiter all there for a little while longer.

With Mars in Pisces, our energy may feel a little less focused, more dreamlike, intuitive, sensitive, and prone to slowing down.

Mars in Pisces is not an active energy, it is internalised and can be somewhat vague, forgetful, dreamlike and unfocused but very much connected to the spiritual and intuitive realms

During this full moon we are joined by Pluto in a challenging aspect to both the sun and the moon.

This offers us a very deep and intense opportunity to examine and delve into some very important aspects of everyone’s lives- relationships- and to question, release and integrate where the relationships in our lives are serving our personal evolution…. Or not.

This full moon is all about facing and releasing habits, emotions and actions that prevent us from participating in authentic relationships with ourselves and with others.

The themes to explore include. how well do we genuinely and authentically show up in relationships?

How are we looking after ourselves and how we are looking after ourselves in relation to another?

This full moon may illuminate where we feel we are not getting our needs met in relationship and, some decisions that are genuinely right for yourself ( Aries) need to be made for the sake of relationship ( Libra).

Conversely if you are not in a relationship and wish to be, the same principles apply. Are you being honest with yourself about what you need to release in order to feel able to safely step into a relationship?

Many relationships will flourish and find deeper and more intimate connection with each other during this full moon. What can you do to bring a deeper ( Pluto) connection into your relationship and help it transform into a better version of itself?

This is all covered in far more detail in the workbook, so if you are keen to explore these themes go to the link in the bio and down load it now.

Meanwhile enjoy the combination of the abundance of planets in Pisces weaving their magic around this special full moon. As usual if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Be especially kind to yourself and super kind to others and I will see you soon as the Sun soon moves into beautiful Taurus.

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