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Get your party dress out, it's season, also known as the silly season, for a good reason. The sun moves into Sagittarius on the 22nd of November. Things become a bit chaotic socially as we head towards the end of the year and well, let's be honest, Sag as energy is rather 'silly'.

Those born under this sign, yours truly included, know all too well how important being silly is. Given the years we have just had, this is the time to let your hair down. It is time to come up from the proverbial basement of Scorpio season and come out into the world, to dance like no one's watching and revel in the sheer joy of life.

In Australia, Saggie season marks when we progress out of Spring and toward Summer, getting our holiday vibe on, letting go of the stresses of the year. Sag is our mutable fire energy, the last of the fire signs in the zodiac. It is forward moving energy, always looking forward to the next adventure, the next great idea, the following philosophical trend.

Optimism and Sagittarius energy go hand in hand. They have great faith in the bounty of the universe and a tremendous capacity to learn from and gain meaning from life's hard knocks. In general, Sagittarius energy is hard wired to see the glass half full, to look for the best in life and be consistently faithful that 'she'll be right mate."

At its core, Sagittarius's is compelled to search. They are forever on a quest, whether this is physical, mental, philosophical or spiritual. Their purpose is to ask life's biggest questions and seek answers and meaning.

Sag season asks us to not only have fun but to expand our awareness, to seek new experiences that offer us growth and broaden our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

Sag rules the wondering spirit, the traveller, the nomadic types that wonder lustfully and never put down roots. Travelling is so important to the Sag as it is one of the many ways to expand their awareness. There is nothing like new and foreign lands and cultures to broaden our world view, increase our understanding of the world, and gain deep self-knowledge during the experience.

If you can take yourself outside of your comfort zone and travel anywhere that you have not been before, this is the perfect time to do so.

If travelling is out of the picture, pick up that book you have been meaning to read, take that short course you have been seeking to take, make the honest effort to learn something new, something that broadens your horizons and that can add meaning to your life

Mercury, the planet that rules our cognitive rocket fuel, moves to meet the sun in Sagittarius on November 24. Mercury in Sag will ignite our mental need to explore. This would be ideal to start blue-skying and brainstorming what ideas you may have for the upcoming year. Mercury in is Sag is big picture thinking. This is not a time for detail orientated work; this is a time of imagining all possibilities for yourself, for accessing your dreams and sharing your wild ideas as far and wide as possible.

During Saggie season, we can tap into the energy of abundant gratitude, seeing the nuances and meanings in life's events. What are you most grateful for? How does it add meaning to your life, and how can you integrate it into a philosophical foundation for life?

We have a new moon in Sagittarius on December 4. This new moon coincides with a solar eclipse and will heighten this new moon phase's energy, particularly for the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sag and Pisces.

This new moon is all about throwing your wishes, hopes and dreams out to the universe to wish upon a star. To find internal faith in yourself and in the universe to look after you. Saggies are one of the most spiritually focused of the signs, always seeking meaning. Facts for fact's sake and interesting information is the realm of the opposite sign Gemini, but in Sag we need to integrate those facts and give them meaning. This will be a wonderful new moon to focus on your spiritual and growth goals and what you will manifest into your life to support them.

The ability to tap into our imaginations will be heightened around the 8th - 15th as Mercury, and then the sun makes a square energy to Neptune. Neptune rules our dream state, our deepest imaginations and our creativity. Neptune heightens our sensitivities, and this manifests and can be used and abused in various ways. We can use this energy to connect to deep meaning in our lives, deep spiritual connection, or we can use it literally to drown out any overwhelming feelings. Using and abusing substances and addictive tendencies often come into play when Neptune is involved. Similarly, Sagittarius often does not know when they have had enough of a good thing. You would be wise to take it a little easier during the party season

On the 14th, Mars also joins the clan of planets in Sag, heightening our need for travel, freedom, partying, celebrating, reading, and philosophising. Mars in Sag can be brutally honest. This is the time of classic Sagittarius foot in mouth disease, of not thinking before you say or do something you might regret later. Mars in Sag is an excellent placement to have seated at the table of any brainstorm sessions you might need to have before the New Year.

ON December 16, we have our last full moon for the year in the sign of Gemini. It will be a fitting full moon for the end of the year that has seen such polarisation of ideas and belief, information and misinformation, freedom of movement and restriction. These polarities may come to a head once more as Saturn and Uranus T off in their final square for the year on December 28. We will be feeling the energetic pull of these two from the period of this full moon into the rest of 2021. This will heighten the focus on big ideas with details, the known and unknown, belief versus fact, and logic versus wisdom.

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This is the first of a series of eclipses across the Taurus, Scorpio axis, the last to occur in Oct 2023. This full moon occurs

on the 19th of November and accentuates and accelerates the big astrological themes of the year between freedom, responsibility and or restriction and our self vs the collective. This full moon is a crucial lunation, especially since it is also an eclipse that will heavily influence the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius… again. If you have personal planets in these signs, you will have been feeling the intensity, duplicity, and push toward transformation all year. Now with an eclipse, you can no longer keep what needs to come up down. It will find a way. Eclipses mark a turning point; they ask for dealing directly with those parts of yourself or your life that no longer serve you. It is time now to let them go.

We are setting up a theme on a personal level about digging deep to find a true source of self-worth and self-love. What is it that is REALLY important to you, and what are you doing about it? This is a period of self-awareness and revelation, bringing to the surface hidden or repressed aspects that you may not have been willing or able to deal with in the past. Now is the time for what is buried to come to the surface and into the light. Let go of a part of yourself that you may have been clinging onto for no reason to begin the serious transformation process.

The moon is full in the sign of Taurus opposite the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, with Mars in Scorpio close by. The Scorpio clan are asking you to review what you really want and how it adds to or detracts from your sense of self-worth. What do you need to let go of that could be affecting your self-love? Working with this full moon, you are offered the opportunity to see more of what you want and don’t want, and if you ask, you may get a very clear answer.

The moon in Taurus is ruled by Venus, which has just moved into the sign of Capricorn, where it will stay for six months. Venus in Capricorn, being in another earth sign, is a supporting influence during this full moon to help you focus your energies on determining what you want and giving you the self-confidence to go forth and achieve it. Where are you going to invest your energies for the long term?

This is a very real time of showing up to face any restrictions that are holding you back from being your true and most authentic self. This is a period of facing what is yours on your own terms and dealing with what is not. You are being asked to fully accept and own what is important you now and face the consequences of these truths. This may mean you have to deal with some issues like: What are you prepared to sacrifice for this? What or who is standing in your way, and what are you going to do about it? This is an important question to deal with as we may come up against resistance from others as we seek our truth. We could face power struggles, control games and potential manipulation from others who don’t want to see any change.

Relationships could suffer now as we come to terms with who supports us in our truth and who does not. We may be faced with asking the questions around who in our lives is truly aligned with us and what we want. Who has our back, and who does not?

Venus ruling the Taurus full moon is positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus and a sextile to Mars. This energy is very dynamic and will work to support the changes you need to make right now. You may be feeling so ready to propel ahead, but you may need to assess who is coming with you and who is not. Again, this is all to honour yourself and your self-worth.

As invigorating as this energy may be in propelling the need for change, we still need to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. You may be so rearing to go, but there is a thing called our responsibilities holding you back. Mars and Saturn are still in wide square energy. Mars wants and is ready to charge ahead, but Saturn stops you at the door and reminds you, you have mortgages to pay, mouths to feed, people, jobs and responsibilities holding you back. This is ok. You don’t have to charge ahead in the changes you wish to make right away; you simply have to be honest with yourself, your values, your sense of love for yourself and be comfortable in your knowledge. If you cant make the changes right away, start planning for them in the long term and try not to get overly frustrated. This eclipse theme will last for a while; this may be starting the ignition in the engine well before the bags are packed.

This full moon is very powerful energy to be asking the universe for what you want to manifest on a material level. Starting with assessing your values around money, this full moon can be used to release worn-out belief structures around how you value money and how that is tied into how you love yourself? Do you feel worthy of abundance, of attracting the resources you need in your life? Write down any traits that you think are holding you back, and during the full moon, burn them. Then, write down what you wish to bring forth for yourself on a material level. If you can, take that paper and bury it with seed or seedling and watch t it grow as a representation of your future psychological, spiritual and material wealth. Being focused and aware of what you now want enables you to bring forth abundance in your life. The Scorpio Taurus polarity on a more mundane level is about resources and sharing resources. Use this full moon to help manifest abundance in your life.

There are some potent energies with Jupiter during this full moon as well; Jupiter amplifies everything. In this case, be careful of overspending, over investing, and feeling overly confident when it comes to resources. If you can avoid making any significant financial decisions until after the full moon, I recommend that.

This is big energy for the fixed signs that traditionally don’t like change, This energy will be building into December and punctuating the big themes of 2021. So take note and even if it is a small step, take a step toward the change you want to see and remember to be kind to yourself and others along the way

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