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Updated: Jun 24, 2021

The Full Moon occurs in Australia on June 25th at 3.00am Australian Eastern Standard Time

This is the full Moon of work-life balance, asking us to stop and assess how well we are doing in both areas of our lives and ensuring these polarities are in harmony.

The Sun has moved into Cancer, the sign that rules our inner life, our homes, our family, where and how we nurture ourselves and others. The Moon in Capricorn in opposition represents our outer

worlds, how we approach our responsibilities, our careers, our public standing and or reputation.

These are some of the traditional meanings of Cancer and Capricorn but on an inner level, these energies can reveal much more about how our inner world affects and influences our outer world and vice versa.

Cancer is indeed a water sign, it is emotive, deep, reflective, protective, caring and works on the feeling realms. The Moon is ruled by Cancer, which provides us with a glimpse of how this energy works, it is changeable, sometimes moody, ebbing and flowing, like the tides, but it is also nurturing, caring, introspective and very often family-focused. Family of course, can mean more than our biological family. Family are the people with whom we intimately share our lives, those who know us, warts and all, those whom we build our sense of security and stability around, those on whom we depend emotionally.

On the flip side, Capricorn as energy is very much about not 'needing' anyone, standing on one's own two feet, growing up, meeting the outer world and functioning in the public sphere but learning to not 'need' anyone's approval. Capricorn needs to work with integrity to better the self in achieving something real in the world, reflecting their values, that can be of benefit to others and ultimately to themselves.

In Australia, we are in the middle of the year, having just passed the shortest day of the year with the winter solstice happening just prior this full Moon. This is time to stop and reflect on how we are travelling. We begin the year with the Sun in Capricorn and the first full Moon in Cancer. We set up our goals for the year, our resolutions, very much in line with Capricorns energy of planning, goal setting, achieving. Now in reverse, this full Moon asks us on one level to review and make any changes we may need to make to our priorities, our goals and ambitions.

Given it is a full moon, we need to examine what areas in our home and outer lives are illuminated now? How are our plans working out, what do we need to achieve or commit to on a practical level?

The full Moon is always a time of releasing what no longer serves us. Working with this energy, we can review and release anything that could be holding us back from achieving our outer world ambitions.

Are we holding ourselves back, and if so, why. Are we too locked into pleasing our family, perhaps and not forging ahead in fear of keeping them happy? Capricorn is also very much about responsibility and being dutiful, but this is a time of reviewing whether we are too dutiful and responsible or not enough.

Capricorn is also about growing up, standing on our own two feet, so this may be a time to come to terms with that very notion and make changes that enable us to be more independent, less reliant on others, and face our realities.

Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn which approximately ten days before this full Moon, makes

an exact square to Uranus. This combination is strong throughout the entire year, with three direct hits, one in Feb, the one we just experienced in June and another in December.

Saturn being emphasised by this full Moon, is serious and heavy and currently asks us to reassess where we may have taken on too much, worked too hard, over committed ourselves and what we can shed and release to free us up. A reality check is all about reassessing our priorities and possibly setting new goals and new commitments.

The good news is that Mercury is now direct, out of retrograde, and making harmonious energy to Saturn. This will enable us to think more clearly about what we want for the rest of the year and plan how we will put any new ideas or goals into action.

Jupiter also supports us in Pisces, which is making harmonious energy to both the Moon and the Sun during the full Moon. This will enable us to gain wisdom, bring deeper meaning to what we are currently experiencing, or simply allow us to go with the flow, perhaps slow down a little and recuperate as we approach the year's halfway point.

Now we also have had Mars move into the sign of Leo, and around the beginning of July, Mars will be in opposition to Saturn, the ruler of this full Moon. This might throw us some push-pull energy about how we want to go about setting our new priorities, as Mars in Leo can be very much about doing things our way and forging ahead. However, as it comes into play with Saturn, we may be forced to stop and think about how our actions may affect others and how our actions may affect our everyday responsibilities. In one way or another, we may need to pause and review. We may receive pushback from an authoritative figure in our lives, such as a boss. Either way, we are being asked to pause and make sure we have all our ducks in a row before moving ahead. In the long run, this is probably a good thing but can feel very frustrating, especially in early July, Mars will also make a square energy to Uranus, whilst in opposition still to Saturn. This energy can shake things up a bit; it might manifest as unexpected events or a feeling of wanting to break free, of being somewhat reckless, hyperactive. I believe it is essential to be cautious, though as we may feel impulsive and impatient, taking more significant risks, making us more prone to injury and carelessness. Meanwhile, Saturn is saying Ummm, no, if you get into the Ferrari, so to speak, drive it with the handbrake on.

Following this we then get the dance of Venus in Cancer, making opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. Venus in Cancer can represent the women in our lives, as Venus is an archetypal feminine energy and so is Cancer. It can represent how we value our family, how we value ourselves, our relationship with money, and how we value our relationships. In Opposition to Pluto, we can face power struggles in one or more of these areas, either with other people or internally. Pluto in opposition, asks us to face reality, take a good hard look at some of these areas of our lives and face past wounds we may have buried associated with these areas of life. Pluto digs under the surface of life and insists we make some trans-formative change, get over things and move on. This might be rather uncomfortable energy, but a few days later, Venus will enter the sign of Leo and help release some of the challenges of this period.

So there is quite a lot going on up until we approach the next New Moon in Cancer on July 10th. If you are interested in discovering how astrology can help your evolutionary journey, book in for a consultation online or in person. Just go to online or e mail me at Stay safe, and I will see you around the 10th for the New Moon

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Happy Winter Solstice for us in the Southern Hemisphere and a Happy Summer Solstice for those in the Northern Hemispheres; either way, it is a special time, signifying the beginning of winter in the south and the beginning of summer in the north, celebrating the changing of seasons, the light and the dark.

As we experience our shortest day in Australia, we begin an ascent upward, moving out of the dark and further toward the light. As we do this, today we also move out of Gemini season and into Cancer Season. Here in Australia, Cancer season beckons us to go within, stay indoors, nurture ourselves and others, connect with family, and move away from the heady experience of Gemini and into the more feeling realms of Cancer. These next few days, as we approach the upcoming full moon in Capricorn, we should be able to access deeper parts of ourselves and our spiritual natures as we have a lovely aspect with Jupiter before it turns retrograde on the 22nd. I will have much more to say about the upcoming full moon in the next few days.

Jupiter is still transiting in the sign of Pisces but will now move backward and move back into the sign of Aquarius on the 29th, where it will stay retrograde until October and then begin its move back into Pisces. When planets are retrograde, we internalise, look within, access deeper parts of ourselves. Combined with the sun now in Cancer, this time is about going within, recharging our batteries, nurturing ourselves and nurturing our spiritual practices. This is an excellent time to focus on your biological or chosen family, attend to those little home maintenance or renovation projects, cook some delicious meals, and overall nurture ourselves and others.

Cancer by nature is a beautifully emotional, sensitive, nurturing energy whose focus is very much on looking after others; it is the sign of the archetypal mother, protective, caring and willing and able to defend the family. The moon rules Cancer, and like the moon, it is changeable; it ebbs and flows like the ocean's tides. It can be moody, sometimes broody, but at its essence, it is all about honouring the divine feminine energy in all of us.

Enjoy the Cancer season by spending time with your family, honouring the mother or mother role in your life, thinking about your ancestors and the long line of women who came before you. Commit some time to self-love and nurturing, allowing yourself to feel emotions as they arise in you and allow yourself some time to rest before we step into fiery Leo season on July 23rd

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Updated: Jun 7, 2021

New Moon Gemini- Solar Eclipse. June 10th 8.08 pm Aust Eastern Standard Time

We recently experienced the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. I hope many of you got to witness this spectacular event and took the opportunity to release any belief systems that were no longer working for you. Two weeks later, with this solar eclipse and new Moon in Gemini, we are entering a phase of assessing and reviewing possible new ways of thinking of taking in new information.

What you have let go of as a belief system during the Sagittarius lunar eclipse now requires new

information. This solar eclipse in Gemini is all about further processing to collate the information you may need to develop new learnings that can later settle into new belief structures to serve you more beneficially.

This new moon solar eclipse sees both the Sun and the Moon in the mutable air sign of Gemini sitting directly next to the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, but Mercury is retrograde. This will slightly temper down the intensity of all this Gemini energy and provide the opportunity to do a lot of mental processing and evaluation about something you may have wanted to start. However, now you need to assess whether you have been thinking things through properly, to re-evaluate, reassess and review whether you have let go of some of the belief systems that could have been holding you back and what new thinking is going to serve you from here.

As much as new moons are about fresh starts, this one may feel like there is still much re-evaluation to be done during this solar eclipse. Perhaps something you have thought or some information you have been working with, you discover is not exactly as you first thought, and therefore you need to restart and make a second attempt.

This is still very much about Gemini energy, which is all about communication, listening skills, activity in your daily life, socialising, writing, speaking, connecting, learning, and our overall mental and sometimes nervous energies. Gemini is a dual sign, and Mercury is retrograde so on the one hand, you may be feeling propelled to begin a new mental activity or projects, but on the other, you discover further information that can potentially cause a pause, a slow down, a review.

During this solar eclipse, we also have Gemini energy in square to Neptune in Pisces, and this may place of veil of confusion over things. Neptune, on one level, can dissolve and confuse, and this aspect may make it harder to have genuine clarity in our mind. Where we may be craving detail and facts, Neptune makes it much harder. We could find ourselves at risk of not hearing what is indeed being said, receiving unclear instructions, getting information that is not exactly as it seems. So be extra aware of this. As much as you may wish to move forward on new projects, especially mental projects, or anything at all requiring detail, Neptune here is saying sorry... not quite yet.

On a higher level, Neptune represents our intuitive, imaginative and spiritual selves and knowing, so it could be very prudent to, rather than push against this energy, surrender to and trust that the unknowns and the timing will be right when it is right. Neptune will be hiding some of the details needed for proper new start energy during this time, so it could be very wise to simply sit with the fact that you don’t have all the details yet; you don’t have to figure it all out yet. This energy will pass, and by the time the Sun moves into Cancer and makes a trine energy to Neptune, things will become much more apparent.

The day after the solar eclipse, Mars moves from the sign of Cancer into Leo. Mars in Cancer may have had our emotions in full drive, where we could have reacted or overreacted to things that would usually not bother us so much, and our overall energy could have been rather sluggish. Now in Leo, Mars is much happier, and our will, passion, creativity and overall energy drive will increase. However, we will need to be aware that Mars is and will be in opposition to Pluto around the time of the eclipse, so any power struggles that we may have been dealing with in our lives could fire up at this time. Make sure you are clear in your listening and your communications, and be aware once again that you may not have all the facts and you may not have all the answers.

Exacerbating this energy is the second Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus aspect for the year. The first occurred in the middle of February this year. This time, Saturn is also retrograde, so this dampens this energy slightly, but this is still a clash both collectively and individually regarding our need for stability, security and certainty and our need for individual expression, freedom and breaking through outdated structures and rules. We can feel increased frustrations by restrictions and limitations placed on us, both individually and collectively; however, we will still need some structure to avoid complete chaos. Being actively creative with these energies can bring rise to new and rebellious ideas that we embed into our daily world. It is about finding a balance between structure and freedom, stability and rebelliousness. No doubt, this is uncomfortable energy, especially for those with strong chart placements in the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These are all fixed signs that don’t budge easily, and one may feel as though they are working at cross purposes.

June is a big month astrologically, but with this new moon solar eclipse, I recommend moving more slowly than you usually would with lots of Gemini energy around. Take your time, and allow your intuition to help you, knowing that things will become clearer by mid next month.

In the meantime, remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel and if you are interested in discovering more about how astrology affects you personally, go to my web site or email me with any questions

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