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This my friends is a beautiful, abundant, generous and energising Full Moon in Sagittarius, reminding us probably more than anything else to allow ourselves to think big, broadly and abundantly, to find gratitude for even the smallest of things that bring us joy, to focus on the positivity of life and to let indeed go of negative beliefs that may be holding us back from expanding our perceptions in the world, broadening our horizons and shooting our arrows into the future we would like to see unfold for ourselves.


I have created my Free Full Moon Workbook for you to tap into this special Full Moon.


The workbook provides a carefully selected set of questions to help you work through some of the themes and key issues that might arise during this Full Moon. The workbook also includes an in-depth overview of what it means to have your natal moon in the sign of Sagittarius. I have also included a specific self-reflection set of questions for those with the Moon in Sagittarius.


Also, don’t forget I am offering a special promotion on all my chart readings during Gemini Season to help celebrate Jupiter moving into Gemini. This offer is for any of you with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. If you don’t know, drop me a DM and I will find out for you. Meanwhile to book head to and quote JUPITERINGEMINI at check out to receive a 20% discount on any astrology consultation

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs in Australia on May 23rd at 11:53 PM. It falls at 2 degrees of Sagittarius, so check where this degree falls in your chart to determine which area of your life will be most influenced. This Full Moon is particularly significant, aligning with expansive and opportunistic aspects that pave the way for Sagittarius' ruler, Jupiter, to move into Gemini a few days later. This event echoes the themes of the upcoming Jupiter in Gemini transit: balancing the expansion of new ideas, information, and communication within the context of our personal truths and broader, deeper spiritual understanding.

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, embodies the archetype of the philosopher and the explorer, urging us to transcend our current limitations and pursue higher understanding and meaning in our lives. This Full Moon calls us to reflect on our personal beliefs, values, and the broader vision we hold for our future. Are we living in alignment with our highest truths? Are we open to new perspectives and experiences that can expand our horizons?

When was the last time you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone to understand a different perspective without judgment, allowing yourself to listen, understand, and seek perhaps a new meaning or philosophical perspective? We are often so tied to our belief structures, constantly echoed back to us by the media we consume. This Full Moon sets the path to let go of limitations and broaden our experiences, thinking, and beliefs.

With the Moon opposing not only the Sun but also Venus and Jupiter, we can explore ways to seek a harmonious balance between broadening our horizons and engaging in detailed information. Sagittarius is a truth seeker, influencing how we structure our belief systems, philosophies, and ideas, and how we approach personal growth. This Full Moon energy asks us to examine our belief systems, our relationship with spirituality, our perspectives, and fundamentally, what we believe to be true. Each of these broadens the mind, aiding in understanding the world and our place in it.

This period calls for letting go of what no longer serves us or what is no longer accurate in our belief, philosophical, and truth systems. It can be a time of facing things we've been afraid to confront or actions we've hesitated to take for fear of others' judgment. This is a time for expanding our vision, ideas, and philosophies, opening up to new possibilities and allowing ourselves permission to grow—whether through education, travel, or other means exposing us to new and exciting ideas.

We are blessed during this Full Moon with a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, offering an opportunity for transformative growth by embracing new ideas and social changes. Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, forms a harmonious trine with the Full Moon, amplifying its transformative potential. In Aquarius, Pluto's energy is directed toward revolutionary change, innovation, and breaking down old structures to make way for new paradigms. This aspect invites us to delve deep into our psyche, confronting hidden fears and releasing outdated patterns that no longer serve our growth.

Pluto's influence encourages a deep, introspective journey. We are called to face the shadows within ourselves, embracing the process of transformation as a pathway to greater authenticity and empowerment. This aspect supports us in shedding layers of conditioning and societal expectations, allowing our true selves to emerge.

Neptune, the planet of dreams, intuition, and spiritual transcendence, forms a supportive sextile to the Full Moon. In Pisces, Neptune's energy is at its most mystical and compassionate, enhancing our ability to tap into the collective unconscious and our own inner spiritual guidance. This aspect encourages us to integrate our quest for truth and adventure with a deeper sense of spiritual wisdom and compassion. It supports us in developing our intuition, enhancing our ability to perceive subtle realms and connect with the divine.

Use this time to allow new ideas to emerge without forcing the situation. This potent energy aligns us with our dreams and the messages they bring. It’s a beautiful time for letting go of self-imposed boundaries or restrictive thoughts that keep us from connecting with our higher selves, inner truths, and spiritual desires. This energy also inspires creative visions, helping us overcome any creative blockages.

A significant feature of this Full Moon is its opposition to Venus in Taurus and especially Jupiter in Taurus at its very last degrees. Jupiter sits at 29 degrees of Taurus, known as the anaretic degree, a fated point where the energy is expressed with heightened urgency and intensity. This is important as it signifies a culmination of what Jupiter in Taurus has meant for us, regarding both the lessons we've learned and how we might ground the Full Moon's energy to bring something new to harvest on the material plane.

Jupiter in the last degrees of Taurus during the Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights a period of culmination and intense focus on material and financial growth, stability, and sensual enjoyment. It’s a time to reflect on the lessons and gains of Jupiter’s transit through Taurus and prepare for a shift towards intellectual expansion and communication as Jupiter moves into Gemini.

To make the most of this Full Moon reflect on your personal beliefs, values, and the broader vision for your life. Identify any limiting beliefs or patterns that need to be released to embrace your true potential. Use Pluto's transformative energy to confront and release deep-seated fears and outdated conditioning. Embrace transformation as a pathway to greater authenticity and empowerment.

Cultivate your intuition and spiritual awareness through meditation, dream work, or other practices that enhance your connection with the divine. Allow Neptune's influence to guide you toward deeper compassion and understanding.

Find ways to integrate your quest for adventure and higher truth with stability and practicality. Ensure that your pursuits are grounded in everyday reality, honouring both your need for growth and your desire for security.

Use this time to contemplate outdated belief systems that you don’t want to bring with you as we transition into Jupiter moving into Gemini.






This is one very big and important Gemini Season, especially for those of you with Gemini in your natal chart or any of the mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces. I will be writing much more about this, but Jupiter, our planet of expansion, opportunity, growth, hope, and faith, moves out of earthy Taurus, where it has been for a year, and into Gemini. This happens in Australia on the 26th and will mark this Gemini season with buoyancy. Jupiter expands everything it touches, so along with Jupiter in Gemini, where it will be for a year, this particular Gemini Season is energetically a bit like Gemini energy on steroids. Change is in the air, and we are beginning a wider shift of the outer planets moving into Air signs.


Personally, we have welcomed the birth of Twins into the family. My beautiful stepdaughter gave birth to a boy and girl, and our family has expanded in the most wonderful of ways. My Gemini Husband is busting with Cancerian Moon love and my Leo moon is exploding with Joy. This is a lovely example of what  Jupiter can bring when moving into a natal 4th house, which is happening for me right now.  

To celebrate all things TWINS and JUPITER MOVING INTO GEMINI. I am running a special promotional discount for those of you with Sun, Moon or Ascendant in mutable signs. If you don't know if you have these placements, get in touch, and I will let you know. Otherwise, head to and enter code JUPITERINGEMINI to receive a 20%discount off any reading.



The Sun moves out of earthy Taurus and into our mercurial, changeable, curious sign of Gemini on the 21st of May. We may not feel the initial rush of Gemini energy, as for the first few days, we still have a lot of activity in Taurus. But after the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd, Venus moves into Gemini, quickly followed by Jupiter on the 26th. This is when we will start to really feel the buzz in the air, our mental agility turn up a notch, and our need to satiate our curiosities become more apparent. There is much to say about Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini, and there will be a separate post on this. Suffice it to say, when we think of all that is represented by Gemini, it is all about growth via learning and sharing ideas, multi-tasking, stimulating one's mind, and feeling alive mentally and physically. With Jupiter added into the mix, this is abundant energy increasing our thirst for knowledge, our need to get our facts straight, an expansion of our thinking, and, of course, a possible explosion in the use of mercurial technologies such as AI. Jupiter will throw open the doorways we may have had closed while it was in Taurus, allowing us to explore new ideas, stretch our minds, engage in conversation, expand our communication style, learn new languages, and possibly even share discussions where divergent perspectives are honoured and listened to.


Prior to the move of Jupiter into Gemini, the Full Moon will be in Sagittarius on the 23rd. More will be written about this too, but given that Jupiter rules Sagittarius, this Full Moon might be laying some groundwork for what is to come. This Full Moon will illuminate the need to expand our beliefs, broaden our horizons, and combine curiosity with meaning. The day after our Full Moon and a day before Jupiter moves into Gemini, Venus also moves into the sign, beginning what is going to be quite a lineup of planets in this sign. Venus adds a dimension of appreciation and value to what ignites our curiosity. Our need to share our ideas and connect intellectually with our loved ones is heightened now. For a few days, Venus is also in close proximity to Jupiter, which expands this energy even more. Once Jupiter moves into Gemini, it will make a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, which is bound to spark innovation, thinking, and expansive communication. This is a perfect time for brainstorming, bringing life to new ideas, and finding unconventional ways of perceiving the world around us.


Networking is also the natural domain of Gemini energy, and when Mercury moves into his home sign of Gemini on June 3rd, the Gemini energy will be hosting the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury, who are all networking together in a combined energy to bring a very interesting period of intellectual stimulation, desires for connection, communicating and sharing ideas, and networking. If there was ever a time to bring new ideas to your community, launch new technology, communicate new messages, or connect with others, the period around the first week of June is energetically set up to enable all of this to happen. This is also an excellent time to get out and meet new and exciting people and share ideas. This period may lead to better discussions, as we are more likely to see both sides of a story. Gemini is dualistic, so this is an excellent period if you need to understand something from someone else's perspective. Attempt to actively listen to what others are saying to understand their perspective, enabling you to expand your awareness.


Given that Gemini energy is about communication, this is also a good time to literally 'find your voice' to express your inner thoughts and perhaps convey ideas you have thus far not expressed. What I love most about Gemini is its Peter Pan quality, the forever child who loves to play, be the trickster, and make a joke about anything. They usually love children and young people and are generally young at heart throughout their lives, laughing and being lighter in spirit. Use this time to lighten up, play a little more, see the funny side of life, and learn not to take things so seriously.


We take it up another notch when we have a New Moon in Gemini on the 9th, adding another gust of wind into the Gemini sails. Some of us may not respond well to this strong air energy. So much air can frazzle some nervous systems, and it is therefore important to stay grounded, which may become more possible when Mars moves into Taurus, adding weight to the end of that kite. During the New Moon period, it is also worth being aware of some of the shadow sides of Gemini energy, including the propensity to scatter our energy, being overly distracted, inattentive, superficial, or highly strung. Enjoy the energy to get your mental work done, write that piece you have meant to write, say and communicate those messages, but remember to take time out to do something grounding, and make an effort not to be too much in the head. The heart and soul will need taking care of too.


The buzzy energy may dissipate when Venus and Mercury move out of Gemini on the 17th and into watery, more emotional Cancer. This is the time when we are more able to connect with our emotional needs and not just satiate our intellect. The shift of these two will open opportunities for more self-nurturing and the ability to nurture others, to have more empathy for those we are in constant communication with, and to allow ourselves to rest. When the Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st, we may feel a little respite from the crazy, buzzy, but exciting Gemini season and take some time to go within and emotionally digest all we have had going on in our heads.


This season marks quite a shift, especially for the mutable signs, so I invite you to explore how a professional astrology session with me can help you best ride this huge wave of possibilities from Jupiter’s move through Gemini. We can uncover how it can bring opportunity into your life, and how you can best harness this once-in-a-12-year energy to help you navigate life with greater clarity and confidence. Together, either in person or online, we will explore the ways in which you can understand yourself more deeply, align with your true path, and bring a richer, more meaningful perspective into your world.


For this Gemini Season and to mark the ingress of Jupiter into Gemini, I am offering 20% off any astrology session for those of you with Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in any of the mutable signs: Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius, and Virgo. Head to to book your session and use code JUPITERINGEMINI upon checkout. If you don’t know if you have one of these placements, send me a DM and I will help you find out.




My amazing partner is on an incredible journey of innovation and sustainability, perfectly aligned with the energies of the Taurus New Moon. His focus is on merging technology and nature to cultivate sustainable and nutrient-rich food. As we were talking, it reminded me of how much of what he does is embodying the essence of this New Moon in Taurus, where innovation meets the earthly realms.

This is a pretty amazing New Moon for intention-setting toward manifestation, especially for evoking abundance on the material plane. It feels like a potent earth-based magical New Moon that can help us align our visions, ideas, and intentions for grounded and long-term success.

After the upheavals of the recent weeks, especially during Aries season, we now reach a softer landing New Moon, that can help us get back in touch with nature, our senses and everyday realities.

This is a reminder that Mother's Day is this coming weekend in Australia. Why not offer Mum the gift of astrology? You can now purchase gift cards directly from my website. So head to to buy a unique and memorable gift for your mum.

The New Moon in Taurus occurs in Australia on the 8th of May at 1.22pm and falls at 18 degrees of Taurus. Look to see where 18 degrees of Taurus falls in your chart to determine what area of your life might be ripe for manifesting and intention-setting right now.

As the Taurus New Moon symbolises new beginnings, opportunities, and insights in earthly realms, this New Moon in Taurus offers us a powerful synergy for the potential for groundbreaking advancements and success in material and practical matters.

The New Moon is always about setting intentions and beginning new cycles, so this is an excellent time to get ones finances under control, start a new saving scheme, reassess how money and resources are working for you, or against you and make the relevant changes required.


Taurus is also about pleasure-seeking, so use this time to indulge your senses, whether it be receiving a massage, eating delicious food, playing beautiful music or simply enjoying nature and grounding yourself in the here and now.

This New Moon is connected with both Uranus and Jupiter also in Taurus which presents an opportunity to awaken our hope, our innovative thinking and ideas that are out side the box. This is opportunity to allign with our connection to the magic of the earth, to revel in the wonder of nature, of lifes cycles, of growth and re birth and let it inspire us toward new ways of thinking and doing.

However Uranus can still through a curveball during this time. As much as its presence can add and embellish a theme of innovation and new ideas into this New Moon mix, Uranus can also bring forth sudden and unexpected changes, changes that may not suit the comfort seeking energy of a Taurus New Moon. Uranus may bring forth sudden events that may necessitate us having to make changes towards our relationship with our material possessions, financial goals or even our stubborn attachment to things. The challenge here will be to let go of something that may not feel comfortable to let go of.

Uranus’s presence during this New Moon might also elevate or activate our physical bodies, perhaps making us feel a little jittery, uncertain, or discombobulated. If this occurs, the remedy is the earth itself, connecting with nature, planting the feet on the ground, hugging a tree…. ( no really, try it, it’s so good)

This is a perfect New Moon for working with the elements to activate new intentions and to innovate towards growth while remaining grounded in steadfast wisdom. It's a time to embrace new ideas, seize opportunities, and manifest positive change in our relationship with the land, our food,our senses and resources.

We are reminded that our planet is inherently abundant with magic power from its own resources and if we can tap into them, these resources can nurture us, ground us, heal us, support us and help us to be in the world with our feet firmly planted on the ground.

The sextile from Saturn will add an extra layer of support, emphasising the importance of grounding vision with earthly wisdom. This alignment offers us opportunity for innovative endeavours that are not only visionary but also firmly rooted in practicality and long-term sustainability.

The period of the New Moon reminds us also to immerse ourselves in the pleasures of being human in the physical realm, relishing in the richness of good food and reconnecting with the natural world. We should use this time to pause, to admire the beauty that surrounds us and to explore what truly brings us comfort and security on a deeper level.

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