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How have we all survived the latest cosmic weather? It's been a bit of a ride, and l even got to a classic Mercury retrograde moment when my ex called me out of the blue; I had not spoken to them for 8 years. This also occurred whilst Jupiter and Uranus were conjunct in my third house of communication. Seriously, sometimes astrology still blows my mind. And so now, with the Sun in Taurus, it is getting colder here in down in the south of Australia, and we move into a rather heavy Full Moon in Scorpio. This Full Moon is a bit special, too, as the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto, makes a square to both the Sun and the Moon. This is the first Full Moon to be squared by Pluto in Aquarius and it might certainly up the volume on intensity and transformative energy.

I have also dived deep to put together my Scorpio Full Moon Workbook, which you can download here.

The workbook offers in depth detail about this full moon. It also provides a carefully selected set of questions to help you work through some of the themes that might arise during this time. I have not trodden lightly. Some of the themes that my arise and that I have covered in the workbook are intense to say the least and may be triggering for some, so be warned. I believe very much that when we are called we should step into the darker places of our psyche and deal with what is there, this is one of the most profound ways we get to release, grow and transform, very much the themes of this full moon.

The workbook also includes an in depth overview of having your natal moon in the sign of Scorpio. So if you have a Scorpio moon this is the workbook for you. I have also included specific self reflection questions for healing and growth for Scorpio Moons.

The Full Moon falls at 4 degrees of Scorpio on April 24th 9.49am in Eastern Australia. The Sun and the Moon in opposition are also met by the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto who is in a challenging square aspect from its position of 2 degrees of Aquarius. This energy will be intensified for our Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

As with every full Moon, it is a time of release, of letting go. There is very much a theme of pattern-breaking of releasing what is old and no longer working for us emotionally, of dealing with what comes up from the psyche, from our past and how we will move forward. 

Scorpio is our fixed water sign, the sign that does emotions deeply and extremely privately, even secretly. Scorpio as energy is not well understood by those of us who may not experience this sign predominately in our chart. It rules our deep unconscious drivers, those parts of ourselves that we would prefer to pack away and not have to deal with. Scorpio is all about the taboo subjects of life: sex, death, money, power, the occult and ultimately, transformation. We are mainly conditioned not to discuss or flaunt these areas of our lives; these important human condition subjects usually lie behind closed doors and often beneath the surface.

Scorpio does not do triviality; it is deep, intense, and yes, it can be dark, but when we consciously allow ourselves to consciously go into the darker parts of our psyche, the most significant transformation and healing can occur.

We are conditioned to avoid these parts of our nature; We are much happier in the Taurean realms of pleasure-seeking, security building and the practical realities of getting on with life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that; this is all part of our existence, but so are deeper, emotional parts that we usually prefer to avoid, cover up or project onto others. This lunation may bring the subject areas that we may have avoided facing up to the surface now.

If you feel safe and willing, this is an excellent time to stop, take a deep breath and turn inward and explore what you may have been holding onto and holding off dealing with. This may manifest as a conscious choice to seek the counselling you know could benefit you; it may be writing to express emotions you have not put a name to; it may simply be deep meditation and allowance of what needs to come to you. The Full Moon can serve as a spotlight, illuminating the shadows within us and urging us to confront suppressed emotions and buried desires. Like a pressure valve releasing pent-up energy, this lunation demands emotional expression and release. It's a time for raw honesty and deep introspection as we confront the complexities of our inner world. The square aspect to Pluto amplifies this intensity, urging us to confront and transform any emotional blocks or patterns that hold us back.

It is worth remembering that Scorpio and Pluto are yes associated with the darker places within but they are also agents of transformation, that is the end game, renewal, re birth, catharsis, metamorphosis and ultimately powerful healing. It's a time to confront our deepest fears, embrace change, and step into our true power with courage and authenticity.


In the coming days and weeks, we may find ourselves drawn back into our past, especially as we confront unresolved issues and seek closure. It's a time to break free from emotional entanglements, cut cords, and move forward with clarity and purpose, which we will be able to better achieve after the 25th when Mercury turns direct.

Scorpio as an energy, can be quite attached to the concept of control. This need manifests as a necessity to keep intense emotions at bay. By subconsciously controlling our environment or others in our lives, we can keep the wolf from the door but we all know this catches up with us eventually. Both Scorpio and Taurus energy can become overly attached, obsessive and controlling, and when things are not going their way, the darker sides of their natures can surface. Whether these feelings lie within you or are triggered in others toward you, they are best to be dealt with and cleared during this Full Moon. This is a time to consider and to question how controlling or manipulative we are being to ourselves and of course to others?

Scorpio is also associated with secrets, mysteries, and hidden truths. When squared with Pluto in Aquarius, there's a potent energy for uncovering hidden information, personal or collective. This may involve confronting uncomfortable truths, facing shadow aspects of ourselves, or exposing hidden agendas within our communities or society.


On a more mundane level, this Full Moon will also bring up general questions about managing our finances and any shared resources we may have with others. The Taurus Scorpio duality highlights power and control issues around money and resources so that these things could come up for people. Having Jupiter and Uranus still close together in Taurus can help us release any financial habits that may not be working for us as well. So this can be a good time to let go of such things as excessive spending to accumulate things we don’t really need for the feel-good quick fix. It is also a time to explore where financial issues and especially how we share our finances, may be out of balance, overly controlled or fair.

Yet, amidst the intensity of Taurus season, it is wise to allow ourselves time, patience, and peace as well. Remember to treat yourself with compassion and self-awareness.  

This Full Moon is a reminder to allow ourselves the space to process our emotions, to seek support if needed, and to navigate the turbulent waters of change with grace and resilience. Ultimately, though the Full Moon in Scorpio reminds us that true transformation requires courage and honesty, a willingness to confront our shadows and embrace the light.

If you are interested in a deep dive into what may be lurking in the hidden realms of your psyche, consider booking a personal exploration of your astrology. You can explore the options here:, or feel free to email me directly if you have any questions.


How well are you really asserting yourself? How often do you honestly express what your authentic needs are to the significant others in your life? When was the last time you truly celebrated your self-worth? If you don’t do such things, the question now arises as to what do you need to heal in order to actively put yourself first when you really need to?

These are triggering questions to me and questions this New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse is asking of us. They are triggering to me because I know I don’t do any of these things enough. I certainly am not that great at asserting myself and expressing my authentic needs, I prefer to keep others happy. Why? Why are so many of us more concerned with the well-being of others than ourselves? These are the themes that will raise their heads during this eclipse.

This eclipse is potent energy and, like all eclipses, can herald some profoundly transformative outcomes. These may not be immediately evident on the day of the eclipse, but as a new cycle and in the sign of Aries, this is a time when we may find life sending us in new directions. Newness is the key here. Aries is the beginning of the zodiac, and this eclipse marks the beginning of a new cycle. So many warn of not actively ritualising during an eclipse as the energy is so strong. I, however, certainly think we can ponder on the questions such energy is asking of us, sit with our answers, and think about setting some intentions later. Mercury is retrograde, after all, so use this time for contemplation and inward focus.

This is a BIG eclipse; there is a lot of potent energy here, and it may well bring some intense global events, but I am not going to get into this this time. I want to focus on the questions the universe is asking of us right now and how we can best align with this energy for a new direction forward.


The Aries Solar Eclipse occurs in Australia on the 9th of April at 4.21 Australian Easter Time. The eclipse will fall at 19 degrees of Aries. It will certainly be felt if you have any personal planets between 14 – 24 degrees of any of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in particular. Look to see where 19 degrees of Aries falls in your chart, as this area will be most impacted and where you plant your focus during this eclipse season.

This eclipse is about the new, a new cycle, a forward-facing energy that is asking us not to look back but to look forward and make some bold steps with courage. Aries is all about embracing life's journey with open-hearted curiosity, trusting in our instincts, and embracing a new direction with courage and optimism. Eclipses are known for closing doors so new ones can open. Often we find ourselves standing on the threshold that is not yet clear, or unexpected opportunities arise sending us down different pathways. This particular eclipse is very much infiltrated with these themes. We may, in some way, be embarking upon a new dawn and shifting ourselves toward new horizons. Rather than fight against these tides and choose the known, we are advised to surrender to the currents of change with courage, putting our most authentic selves and needs first in order to be carried toward a new path.

I believe we co-create our realities and, as such, have an opportunity now to use this time to think about intentions we may like to act upon after the eye of the eclipse has passed. As Mercury is also retrograde this is a time for internal questioning around areas in our lives where we need to be more bold, more courageous and more aligned with our personal needs and desires.

This is not a time for abundant rituals right now but it is a time for examining where we want to bring more courage, vigour and forward-focused intention to various areas of our lives and move away from the familiar, the comfortable and push our own boundaries, dreaming big and yet also willingly allowing the universe to help guide the directions we should take.

We can best use this eclipse to be open to receiving divine downloads to help illuminate the paths. We have a generous window of opportunity to set our intentions, in fact, it wise to listen to and observe what unfolds now and then set our intentions over the coming weeks

We have quite a lineup in Aries right now with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Chiron and Mercury retrograde all in this fire sign but also with Mars, the ruler of Aries, in passive Pisces. On the one hand, this is a call to awaken our courage, leadership, and forward self-focused energy, but with Mars in Pisces, we are reminded to blend assertiveness with compassion, to find ways to assert ourselves whilst remaining mindful of the feelings and needs of others. More than this, though, is a call from Pisces during this eclipse to remind us to trust the cosmic flow of energy during this time and to surrender to the divine timing, knowing that everything serves a purpose in your soul journey.

There may be some pain that arises within us during this eclipse. Chiron, the wounded healer, is closely aligned with this eclipse and may shed light on scars of our past that should not be allowed to any longer hold us back but rather become agents for lessons learned that help us move toward a brighter future. This is a time to courageously source wisdom from what once wounded us.

This eclipse is really a potent time to re evaluate our relationship with ourselves and examine where we may have been holding ourselves back, where we don’t put ourselves first and how we can make efforts to do so in the future.

During this eclipse, we can explore the following kinds of questions from a general perspective. I have also produced another post focusing on specific questions that may come up for us depending on what house the eclipse will fall in, so look out for that in my Instagram feed. www.instagram@aspectastrology.

This eclipse may prompt questions around these themes?


  1. What aspects of my identity do I feel most passionate about expressing to the world?


  1. In what areas of my life do I need to assert myself more confidently?


  1. What past wounds or insecurities hinder me from fully embracing my potential?


  1. What new beginnings or initiatives am I ready to pursue with courage and determination?

  2. How can I cultivate a greater sense of self-reliance and independence in my life?

  3. What fears or doubts do I need to confront in order to step into my power more fully?

  4. How can I balance assertiveness with consideration for others' needs and boundaries?

  5. What changes can I make to align more authentically with my true self and passions?

  6. How can I use this time of intense energy and transformation to set intentions for personal growth and empowerment?


Beware of falling into the trap of believing the sky is falling and all is doomed with such a potent eclipse. It is true that it may bring up some uncomfortable themes, that we may be confronted with woundes from the past or surprising impulses or events that feel like we are being thrown off course. However, bringing conscious awareness to the themes associated with this eclipse offers us the opportunity for positive growth and transformation in a new direction. This is a time to challenge ourselves, to find our inner determination, to explore new ideas and to boldly put ourselves first.

To find out how this eclipse could affect you personally, book in for a 30 minute session for a personalised perspective. head to


Its eclipse season and we begin with a Full Mon Lunar eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra occurring on March 25th.

This is the third eclipse occurring across the Aries Libra Axis, and themes and questions about our individual autonomy and relationship harmony are now up for consideration. We first began this cycle of the Aries Libra eclipse in April 2023, where the initial questions were set for exploration. This axis theme has had us confronting issues around self-reliance and asserting our individuality. However, now we explore the opposite side and navigate how we dance between ourselves and the other, how we balance our need for autonomy with a need to connect.

With a trine from Pluto in Aquarius, this particular eclipse offers a potent blend of emotional intensity, transformation and possible evolution both personally and collectively.

This eclipse is a time to ponder a myriad of questions about the themes of relationships in our lives, not only our intimate relationships but all relationships where the ‘other’ is reflecting back to us lessons and themes we are encouraged to face about ourselves. Relationships can be hard, and being in them or not being in them can also be hard. Therefore, in my Libra Full Moon Workbook, I have devised 30 questions to help you reflect on the themes of relationships in your life.


 Meanwhile, remember to register for the talk I am giving for the Organisation of Professional Astrologers next Sunday. Its only $15.00 and will be so worth it.


The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs on the 25th of March at 6.00pm Australian Eastern Time and will occur at 5 degrees of Libra. So look to see where you have between 0-10 degrees of Libra or indeed any of the planets in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn as this is where the alchemy of personal evolution unfolds.

During a lunar eclipse, we are encouraged to embrace what unfolds. This is a time of accepting rather than resisting whatever revelations come to us now. Rather than pushing against this tide of energy, this is a time for absorbing and reflecting on how we can harness what comes to us now. Even if the events now may not initially feel welcomed, the point with eclipses is that when significant events occur, they are pushing us toward what we need in our evolutionary journey. Sit with it as themes that arise are now are designed to push us out of stagnant patterns and toward forward momentum. If the eclipse reveals aspects of our lives that no longer serve us, rather than resist, it is best to release them and move forward gracefully

With the Full Moon in Libra opposite the Sun in Aries, the most significant themes now will occur around themes that directly relate to the energies of these signs: relationships and our individuality. With the Fu.ll Moon in Libra, ruled by Venus, the planet associated with love and beauty, we might be prompted to connect with what brings us genuine joy especially in joy in our relationships with others. We can question and reflect on whether we are experiencing genuine heart connections and honest communication. Libra is all about connection and, indeed, getting to know more about ourselves via our relationship with one another. But for Libra energy to work at its best, the relationship must reflect back with love and acceptance and a willingness to understand and support one another. This is a time to consider where the scales may be tipped too far on one side.

We many need to question relationships that could  hinder our growth and evolution. This is very much a  time to consider what circumstances, actions, barriers or questions around relationships, relating and connecting with others might be keeping us from reaching our highest potential

Libra energy can be too strongly geared toward people pleasing, toward finding peace at any cost and therefore suppressing our real needs or speaking our truths. So this is a period in which we can consider how we may have been suppressing or holding back what needs to be said. How far are we going in our attempts to keep the peace and are we losing ourselves in the process?

We can also consider how much we may be absorbing or taking on the energy of others we are in close relationship with. We all become affected by the energy of those around us, but there can be periods in which we take on too much, once again perhaps suppressing our own energy, which can very much affect us on many levels. In Libra, we learn to connect, to relate, but it needs to be a fair exchange of energy. This eclipse may have us more readily recognising where energy exchange is out of balance. Taking a lesson from Aries, we are encouraged to establish healthy boundaries to safeguard our energy from becoming too aligned with another's energy. We need to learn to recognise and honour our own energy to protect it without isolating ourselves from valuable connections.

This eclipse serves as an opportunity to evaluate all our relationships and the boundaries within them. As you navigate this eclipse, centre yourself and acknowledge your completeness independent of others. Reflect on your relationships—are they nurturing or draining? Where do adjustments or firmer boundaries need to be established? Relationships evolve, and what once worked may now require attention.

Aries, the opposite sign to Libra offers us many valuable lessons to connect with our inner truth and evaluate our personal needs from those of others. This is an opportunity to consider how our relationships contribute to our lives and where compromises may be necessary without compromising our authentic selves. Libra seeks balance and balance is best achieved when both parties can maintain their individuality whilst supporting and honouring the individuality in the other as well.

This is not always easy to achieve, however, and therefore, we can spend some time during this eclipse thinking about what needs in us are not being met and, indeed, what needs we have in a relationships that is non-negotiable. At the same time it is also important to consider where and how we could possibly be putting too much emphasis on some of our personal needs and where we could possibly need to adjust or learn to compromise more. This is a time to assess which relationships may need adjustment or release around these themes.

Are we holding onto resentments? Are there aspects in our relationship with others that could use a good dose of forgiveness? What needs healing? Relationships require nurturing of ourselves, the other, and the dynamics of the relationship itself. This eclipse offers opportunity for forgiveness and healing but equally might also pave the way for recognising where things have passed a point of no return, where the relationship may have reached a natural conclusion.

Love can be painful, and all of us, at some time or another, have wanted to protect our hearts; this is only natural. However, this might be a question now to ask ourselves: how far are we going in protecting our hearts? What barriers are we placing up that may prevent love from coming in? With the Sun in Aries, we are encouraged to face these questions bravely and expand our hearts to enable more profound interactions with others. What might you still need to forgive about yourself or, indeed, from a past relationship that can help you open your heart to receiving new love?

This eclipse involves the energies of both Aries and Libra, representing opposing forces. Aries urges boldness, self-reliance, and decisive action, emphasising the power to overcome obstacles. Conversely, Libra emphasises inner peace, harmony, and the importance of shared experiences. Aries needs to learn to let others in, to act in service for the self and in relation to the other. Meanwhile, Libra has to learn to become more independent and stand on their own two feet.

During this eclipse, Pluto, our planet of transformation, is harmoniously positioned with the Moon and the Sun. This offers us a wonderful opportunity to revisit past wounds, pain, themes, and limiting beliefs about relationships and to reflect on what we can learn, heal, and release, which in turn will bring us a chance to reclaim personal power.

In a similar vein, Pluto's presence during this eclipse may also offer us more clarity and truth around the realities of relationships that are not serving us productively. PLutos presence is a wonderful tool for reassessing and even finding the courage to let go of relationships that are hindering our personal growth.

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