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Get ready to embrace the whirlwind of Aries Season 2024! Happy New Astrological Year, Happy Vernal Equinox, and welcome to the onset of eclipse season, topped off with Mercury also going retrograde this season.

This, my friends, is shaping up to be quite the Aries Season.

Personally, I've increasingly found solace in aligning the transition of the Sun into Aries as my energetic New Year. After a few months since the traditional January 1st New Year, this is an energetic time for reviewing how we are travelling and consciously activating what we aim to manifest for the rest of the year. The cycle's closing during the past Pisces Season has brought us full circle, where we were offered a serene backdrop for daydreaming, reflection, and those sky-blue dreams. But now, as we step into Aries Season, it's time to ignite action.

However, don't expect the usual fiery fervour of Aries to hit you like a bolt of lightning this season. As we make this transition, the Sun's proximity to Neptune invites us to linger a little longer in the realm of imaginative play or perhaps feeling a tad foggy. Meanwhile, Venus and Saturn are still  in Pisces, with Mars, the ruler of Aries, poised to join them shortly. These planetary alignments soften this Aries energy a little and also take on added significance as we brace ourselves for eclipse season, spanning the Libra-Aries axis, which, of course, is ruled by Venus and Mars. Mars will stay in Pisces for this Libra Season and Venus will move from Pisces into Aries in a few weeks.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th sets the stage for reflection and release around themes of relationship—with both the self and others. It's an opportune moment to shed layers of dependence and co-dependency, liberating ourselves from the need for external validation. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is then followed by the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 9th, a powerful catalyst for new beginnings and self-assertion.


On a side note, I'm thrilled to extend a special invitation to join me for an online seminar where I will be talking about Jupiter's move into Gemini. Hosted by the Organisation of Professional Astrologers in Australia, we have me alongside three esteemed Australian astrologers, and we'll delve into the rest of the major changes for 2024. I will be personally talking about Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini, which is set to have profound effects on the collective and especially for our mutable signs. You will get so much from this seminar, whether you're a seasoned astrologer or simply a curious enthusiast. Only $15.00 to register and you can watch live, or later…even better consider becoming a member of OPA. Your support and presence would mean the world to us.


And last but not least, my astrology sessions are open for booking. If you're seeking guidance or clarity on your personal astrological journey into the new Astrological year or to review how the eclipse season may affect you,  I'm here to help navigate the currents. Head to



The Sun moves into Aries on March 20th Australian Eastern Daylight Saving time at 1.14pm. The Suns shift into Aires also marks the Vernal Equinox. On this day we have equal light and equal dark, making it a poignant time to contemplate balance, which indeed is really the whole theme for this Aries Season. Here, in the Southern Hemisphere, as the days begin to shorten, we bid adieu to the extended daylight, while our counterparts in the Northern Hemisphere revel in the lengthening days.

On the 22nd of March, Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, moves into dreamy Pisces, infusing our actions with a touch of compassion and a hint of idealism. Mars in Pisces may infuse the typically assertive and action-oriented Aries energy with a more compassionate and introspective approach, potentially softening the usual aggression and encouraging a more nuanced approach to pursuing goals. Our energy levels might also fluctuate, mirroring the ebb and flow of Piscean tides, and our focus might turn towards serving others rather than solely pursuing our own ambitions. This gentle influence of Mars in Pisces is quite significant especially as the ruling planet of this eclipse season.

On March 25th, the spotlight falls on the scales of Libra as we experience a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra. So look to see where 5 degrees of Libra is in your chart as this is the area of life that this eclipse will activate.

Just we have been navigating the impact of the eclipse we then have Mercury turning retrograde on April 2nd. Mercury will be in Aries as it sojourns through its retrograde period and being in Aries rather than launching boldly into new endeavours, especially ones that centre around communication or messaging, it’s a time for review, reflection and perhaps even renegotiation in our relationships, given the overarching themes of this season. Patience and adaptability will be required of us now as Mercury will stay retrograde until April 25th 

Venus, the ruler of Libra, slips into its opposite sign of Aries on April 5th. This move might add a more passionate fuel to our relationships now, but also re emphasises the strong themes of this eclipse season, those focusing on how we relate, how we merge with another, where we may give too much of ourselves or not enough. Venus in Aries in this eclipse mix will help to stir up these themes just in time for the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 9th.

With the Sun, Moon and Venus in Aries during this eclipse, the energy is ripe for exploring new beginnings and opportunities in both our personal growth and in how we ‘show up’ in relationship to another. This is a time of allowing ourselves to take on some bold initiative and courageous leaps of faith particularly around themes of how we assert and express ourselves, how we express and embrace our individuality and pursue our passions. There will be much more about the eclipses in upcoming posts.

So hold in we are in for quite a ride this Aries Season, a lot of energy, a lot of change but like all they ask is that we be prepared to let something go, that we surrender to being open to self-reflection in the areas activated by these Cardinal signs, that we allow ourselves to move forward rather than holding ourselves back, that we need to release and move in the direction the universe wants us to go in.  


I’ve been thinking a lot about Pisces lately. As Saturn in Pisces sits gracefully on my Pisces ascendant, I am deeply reminded of what it is to be blessed with the mutable water energy of this last sign of the zodiac.

The profound essence of Pisces is like a mystical beacon that beckons deep contemplation. I have been struck by the Pisces ethereal power to attract, draw in energy and weave a magic web of interconnectedness. Pisces is like a cosmic sponge, yet if not nurtured carefully and, if allowed to flow without boundaries, we can become burdened by the psychic weight of external influences, leaving us either confused or drained for having unconsciously chosen to carry others' energy. The Pisces symbol of the fish swimming in opposite directions reminds us that this energy can either flow upstream or downstream or, in its mutability, attempt to do both.

However, amongst this duality lies a deep Pisces truth: Pisces, the harmoniser, possesses the profound ability to bring kindred souls together to share in Pisces' deep resonance.

Having just embarked on the journey of teaching my 10-week astrology course, I am amazed by the Pisces orchestration to bring to the class every student, bar one, encompassing a Pisces Moon Sign or Ascendant, myself included. I choose not to see this as a coincidence but a very Piscean serendipitous cosmic alignment. Together we are traversing the current Pisces themes with the inclusion of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and now the joining of the Sun and Moon in this sign, by a collective desire to bring Saturnian structure to our cosmic understanding of the universe by diving together into the depths of astrology. It was a truly magical moment to realise the profundity of this communion of learning and growth, and I have not stopped thinking about Pisces energy since.


With the enchanting influence of Pisces magic, an extraordinary opportunity has unfolded before me. I have been graciously invited to join three of Australia's most esteemed astrologers for a captivating discussion on the energies shaping the remainder of 2024.


Three years ago, I sat in awe in my living room, watching on zoom enraptured by the professionalism, depth of insight, and wisdom emanating from these astrologers. It feels surreal to find myself in their company now, to step into the spotlight as Saturn in Pisces graces my ascendant—a manifestation of a long-held dream.


Admittedly, there's a flutter of nerves within me, but I recognise this as a call from Saturn to embrace challenges and step boldly into the realm of possibilities. Therefore, I extend to you an invitation to join us—to witness these brilliant astrologers delve into Pluto's profound invitation in Aquarius, experience the enchantment of Neptune's final dance in Pisces, unravel the mysteries of the Venus Star point, and explore the transformative potential of Jupiter's ingress into Gemini (presented by yours truly).


OPA, the Organization of Professional Astrologers, stands as a beacon of support and learning for enthusiasts and professionals alike. By becoming a member, you can access a wealth of resources, including this enlightening discussion and many others, all at no additional cost. Alternatively, for a modest fee of $15.00 AUS, you can watch this talk and support four dedicated Aussie astrologers.


So, I invite you, join us. You need not be a seasoned astrologer to watch—only a love for astrology is required. Follow the link below to register for this enlightening event or, better yet, become a member of OPA and embark on a transformative voyage of astrological exploration.This New Moon, which is also the last New Moon for the year, feels somewhat magical, like the closing of a full cycle as we make way for some changes of the guards soon.



The New Moon in Pisces occurs on the 10th of March at 9.00pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time. The Sun and the Moon join up at 20 degrees of Pisces. This New Moon will weave its most significant potential anywhere you may have the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces and especially any planets sitting at 20 degrees in these signs. This is a potent, equally magical, and grounded New Moon with the conjunction of the Sun and Moon to rule planet Neptune and have Saturn well ensconced into Pisces.

Standing on the threshold of the New Moon in Pisces, we find ourselves at the culmination of a cosmic cycle—a moment of profound transition and reflection. As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces invites us to surrender to the ebb and flow of life, to release the old and make way for the new. We are in the liminal space between Pisces and the new beginning in Aries, so we are granted the opportunity to pause, reflect, and imagine what we may like to bring forth in our lives, particularly in areas governed by the realms of Pisces energy.

With Saturn also in Pisces, we can bring our dreams into reality. With Neptune in the mix, this is the time to set our imaginations free, to the blue sky, to dream and connect to all beyond the material plane.

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces, at its most evolved and elevated essence is all about finding within us absolute trust and surrender- a surrender that invites us to let go of control, and allow ourselves to flow and be open to profound trust and faith in the universe. Pisces is about that connection with ALL, with everything. Pisces is the knowing that flows from the depths of our being, reminding us that we are a part of a greater whole.

Pisces energy transcends boundaries of time and space; it unites and connects us all, and Pisces love is that pure love for the wonderment of everything. It is all-encompassing love of the boundless mysteries of the universe and the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our logical understanding.

Sounds great, hey, but Pisces is a dual sign, a dual stream of consciousness, of understanding and a dual journey.

Before we can really understand the pinnacle of the Piscean beauty, we must first journey through the depths of our being, where we can encounter murky waters of confusion, illusion, disorder and inner turmoil; this is the shadow and a very real side of Pisces that goes hand in hand with this deeply feeling energy. It can be challenging to traverse material existence when our souls seek something more and feel overwhelmed by emotions and energy around us. Pisces's dual curse and gift is that we often don’t seek solace or surrender in the universe until we have travelled through the dark night of the soul. But it is precisely the journey through the dark that hopefully leads to being eventually able to surrender to the universe, to relinquish control and embrace the true Piscean llove and re-emerge with profound insight and clarity.

I say all this as these themes I feel are the essence behind the energy of this New Moon period, we have the opportunity to embrace the most nuanced spiritual, ethereal , mystical and imaginative Pisces energy with Neptune, the ruler of Pisces conjunct the Sun and the Moon or we could find ourselves swimming in a sea of emotional confusion, delusion and turmoil.

It is really important now to bring awareness and consciousness to this New Moon energy, where our sensitivities could be enhanced and we may become more receptive to subtle energies.

Currently all our planets are in a forward motion and we are also heading into Eclipse season shortly. In the sign of Pisces, we are moving away from the more stern yet grounding influence of Saturn and towards Neptune, where we may need to consider how we find a balance between our spiritual aspirations and our early responsibilities or, indeed, use this time to set the intention to integrate them. Having passed Saturn’s influence, we can bring with us lessons of discipline and responsibility and set intentions around how to incorporate these themes more directly into the areas in life that Pisces and Neptune influence, such as our spirituality, imagination and creative pursuits.

The New Moon also makes a harmonious connection with Uranus, offering us the opportunity to bring change, innovation, and new elements into the mix. Combined, these energies offer us the chance to set intentions in areas of life where we wish to break free of old ways and learn to infuse fresh perspectives in setting intentions that resonate deeply with our hearts and emotions. This is a time for setting intentions toward our emotional and spiritual progress in our lives.

Finding quiet time might be very important during this New Moon as we will need time and space for introspection and rest to delve into our imaginations, meditations and connections with our higher selves. Try to stay away from people whose energies are not conducive to peace in your life, this should be a time of restful solace, to sleep, daydream, lie in a bath and allow yourself to float both physically and metaphorically.

Unravel the enigmatic tapestry of Piscean energy and its influence in your life through a personalised chart reading. 

Delve deep into the mysteries of your astrological blueprint to uncover how Pisces' ethereal magic or bewildering confusion manifests in your unique journey.

With Saturn traversing through the watery realms of Pisces, now is the opportune moment to gain insight into the profound lessons and challenges it presents. You can explore how this cosmic alignment is shaping your path and discover how to navigate its currents with wisdom and grace.


The current alignment of Mercury, the Sun, Saturn, and Neptune all in Pisces marks a significant astrological configuration, particularly for those with Saturn in Pisces, born in the mid-60s (March 3, 1964, to January 28, 1967) or mid-90s (February 6, 1994, to April 7, 1996). This conjunction hasn't occurred for 28 years, making this Full Moon particularly poignant for these generations.

For those experiencing their first or second Saturn return, this Full Moon offers a chance to reflect on commitments, responsibilities, and long-term goals, while also finding a balance between practicality and emotional sensitivity and reflecting on past lessons that may help illuminate new ways forward. It's an opportunity to face challenges, celebrate growth, and make necessary adjustments, exploring how to integrate practical concerns with spiritual or emotional needs. While these themes are relevant to everyone, they may have more impact for the generations mentioned above, among which I count myself.

All three of these Piscean planets will be sitting right on my Ascendant. At this moment, I have some rather extreme lessons to learn about getting practical with my physical body, of getting in touch with a more structured daily routine, and this is precisely what this Full Moon is all about. It's about finding that balance between the need for structure and the desire for spiritual connection.

To aid in working with this Full Moon, I've created my FREE FULL MOON WORKBOOK.


This workbook is designed to help harness the energy of this Full Moon by offering insight,questions for self-reflection, journal prompts, and even rituals (perfect for this Full Moon) to help embrace the special energy it carries.

Also, don't forget about my 10-week Astrology Course, designed to help you learn astrology WITH YOUR OWN CHART.

This fully immersive course, designed for beginners, teaches how to navigate and interpret at least the basics of your personal natal chart. There are a few places left, and until Feb 25th, there's an early bird discount. So use the code ASPECT when you check out and come join me on a very special journey of self-discovery.

·        The Full Moon in Virgo occurs on February 24th at 10.30pm AEDT at 5 degrees of Virgo. Check to see where you have 5 degrees of Virgo in your chart to gain some perspective as to what area of life will be illuminated by this Full Moon. This is a potent Full Moon as we have Mercury (the ruler of Pisces), the Sun, and Saturn all together in Pisces in opposition to the Full Moon, with the ruling planet Neptune also in Pisces. That’s quite a lineup, and with Saturn in the picture, this is the First Full Moon in Virgo with Saturn in opposition in Pisces for 28 years.

These three together can bring us the duality of free-flow thinking and expression with possible limitations due to Saturn’s involvement. However, it can also offer an opportunity to embrace maturity regarding how we use our intuition, imagination, creativity, and foster our sensitivities.

Saturn can bring some discipline in these areas now, offering an opportunity during this Full Moon to confront and let go of some emotional limitations or find ways to utilise them more practically.

    I feel that this Full Moon in Virgo, opposing these 3 planets lined up together, will bring us an opportunity to look at how we communicate and use our intuition, facing any challenges we have in our communication habits. There may even be themes of asking ourselves and facing up to what we consider our realities to be. Where we may have been deceiving ourselves and where and how we can get more real and practical with these themes. We may also feel the pull to question and examine and place more structure around how we show up regarding our spiritual truth and inner work. Are we all talk, no action? What are the practical ways we can become more mature and grounded in our spiritual practices?

·        The Pisces-Virgo polarity is about being of service, albeit in different ways. For Pisces, the inclination is toward emotional service, offering empathy, understanding, and also being of service to spirit, source, the universe. Whereas Virgo’s service offers itself in a more practical sense, offering problem-solving and organization as an expression of service. With Saturn and Mercury in this mix during this Full Moon, we may be thinking more about where and how we are of service. Are we sacrificing too much of ourselves to be of service to others? How well defined are our boundaries? When do we take care of ourselves?

     This Full Moon also offers a chance to define our boundaries or get more real regarding balancing practicality with idealism. We can tap into Pisces for creative and imaginative inspiration and then ground and bring into reality with Virgo and Saturn. Questions to consider may be where are we out of balance, perhaps being either too idealistic or too practical? How can we bring more structure and discipline to balance either or each?  


   Virgo energy embodies a sense of purity, not necessarily in a sexualised context, but in the aspiration for improvement and refinement. Virgo perceives the world through the lens of potential enhancement. In contrast to Pisces, which represents chaos, Virgo offers order. However, the pursuit of perfection can become stifling, leading to the belief that if something cannot be perfect, then it's not worth pursuing at all. This inclination towards perfection can be oppressive, particularly as Saturn opposes the Full Moon. This opposition provides an opportunity to cultivate a healthy balance of discipline and control regarding the quest for perfection, while relinquishing obsessive tendencies. It's a chance to reflect on the ways in which the pursuit of perfection either serves or enslaves us. Through the clarity provided by Mercury and Saturn, we can reassess our approach to perfection and embrace a more realistic and mature perspective. This may involve accepting some degree of chaos and imperfection, rather than constantly striving for an unattainable ideal.

   With Saturn's influence strongly felt during this Full Moon in Pisces, a plethora of emotions and questions may surface, urging us to confront them with maturity and practicality. Both Virgo, an earth sign, and Saturn, an earth planet, offer assistance in defining and organizing our emotions. This period presents an excellent opportunity for introspection and contemplation on how to effect positive changes. Journaling can be a particularly effective tool for integrating and expressing emotions in a rational and practical manner. Additionally, connecting with the earth can be grounding and therapeutic, providing a sense of stability amidst emotional turbulence. Engaging in activities like gardening or lying on the earth can foster a deeper connection to the natural world and help align with the energies of the Full Moon.

   Furthermore, this Full Moon encourages a conscious release of chaos and disorganisation in our lives, prompting us to tap into Virgo's energy of order and structure. For those seeking more focus and organization, this lunar phase serves as a powerful motivator.

       In Virgo's pursuit of perfection and purity, there's a natural alignment with health and healing. This Full Moon presents an opportune moment to confront unhealthy habits and embark on new health regimens. By letting go of behaviors that no longer serve us, we can initiate positive transformations, especially as Saturn traverses through Pisces.

    If you have Saturn in Pisces and are going through or approaching your first Saturn Return (February 6, 1994, to April 7, 1996.  dates) or your second Satrun return March 3, 1964, to January 28, 1967., consider a professional astrology session to help you navigate and make the most of one of the most significant astrological events in your life. a Saturn return reading offers valuable insights and guidance to help you navigate this important astrological milestone with awareness, intention, and empowerment. It can be a transformative experience that sets the stage for personal growth, maturity, and self-discovery in the years to come.


CLICK THROUGH HERE to book a reading and choose the natal birth chart with 6 month overview but add Saturn Return in the intake form. I would love to help you navigate Saturn as I do the same.



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