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Aries Season- A Bold New Cycle Begins



Aries season kicks off with the March 20th Equinox, the moment when day and night are in perfect balance. Light either wanes, as it will for us in the Southenr hemisphere as we descend into Winter or beiging to brighten and herald the time of new beginnings in the Northern Hemisheres

However, as the Sun enters Aries, it does so under interesting skies. Mercury and Venus are still retrograde,( for now at least) and  Mars (the ruler of Aries) lingers in Cancer, and Neptune teeters at the very last degree of Pisces before making its monumental shift into Aries at the end of March . The usual Aries charge forward is tempered, to start with at least.  This isn’t an Aries season where we hit the ground running,  instead, we’re being asked to pause, reflect, and reimagine what our Aries energy will look like moving forward as none of us have ever experienced an Aries season the like of which is coming this year.


Neptune Moves into Aries: The Dawn of a New Era

One of the most defining moments of this Aries season is Neptune’s transition from Pisces to Aries on March 30th. This is no small shift—Neptune takes 165 years to circle the zodiac, meaning the last time Neptune entered Aries was in 1861. This planetary movement marks a profound collective change, a shift from Piscean idealism, dreams, and spiritual surrender into Aries’ raw drive, courage, and pioneering spirit.

For those of us with strong Pisces placements, this marks the beginning of a transformation. We’ve had both Neptune and Saturn moving through Pisces, deepening our connection to spirituality, dissolving illusions, and pushing us through some serious existential reckonings. Now, as Neptune crosses into Aries, it calls us into embodied action—to take what we’ve learned in the ethereal realm and apply it in the real world.

At its best, Neptune in Aries inspires spiritual warriors, brave visionaries, and passionate leaders who act from a place of higher awareness. At its lowest, it can manifest as conflicts driven by ideology, misguided crusades, and idealism without wisdom. This is the beginning of an era where we are asked to align our highest dreams with real-world action. No more sitting on the sidelines. What will you fight for? What will you create? I will be writing more about this separately but this is a very important beginning marked by this Aries season

Adding another layer to this season, Venus retrograde slips back into Pisces on March 27th, offering a dreamy, nostalgic, and reflective period around love, values, and finances.

Venus retrograde in Pisces asks us to revisit our deepest desires, our fantasies, and where we may have been deceiving ourselves in love. It may have us reflecting on just how we do endings in general , do we linger, being sentimental and pining for what once was or are we able to let go and move on?  These themes might play a significant role during this Aries Season.

This is a time to reflect, reimagine, and refine our understanding of what truly fulfills us. Venus will turn direct on April 12th, and bring more clarity to our love lives, what we value and our relationship with our own self worth and our finances.


The Aries Solar Eclipse (March 29th): A Cosmic Reset

As if that wasn’t enough, Aries season brings with it a powerful Solar Eclipse on March 29th, marking a profound new beginning. Eclipses tend to bring sudden shifts, revelations, and fast-tracked transformations. This Aries eclipse highlights themes of self-assertion, courage, and independence, but with Mercury still retrograde and Neptune on the verge of shifting, there’s a deep undercurrent of re-evaluation.

This eclipse is a cosmic nudge (or shove) toward authenticity. Where have you been holding yourself back? Where are you ready to take the leap? Expect revelations around personal power, self-mastery, and where you need to be bolder in claiming your truth.

Mercury retrograde in Aries moves back into Pisces on March 29th, blurring the lines between logic and intuition. Decision-making may feel murky, and communication can carry an extra dose of nostalgia or confusion. But Mercury turns direct on April 7th, and by April 16th, Mercury re-enters Aries in direct motion, finally clearing the fog and allowing us to move forward with clarity.


Full Moon in Libra (April 13th): The Relationship Reckoning

Opposing the Aries Sun, the Full Moon in Libra on April 13th brings relationship themes to the forefront. Aries is about the self our autonomy, desires, and courage while Libra focuses on the other, harmony, and compromise. This Full Moon illuminates where we need balance in our relationships. Are you asserting yourself too much? Or are you giving too much away? Expect heightened emotions, relationship revelations, and a deeper understanding of what fairness means to you.


Finally, after an extended journey through emotionally charged Cancer, Mars moves into fiery Leo on April 18th, reigniting passion, confidence, and bold action. With Aries season wrapping up, this shift brings a welcome return to courageous leadership, creative expression, and the motivation to act on our desires without hesitation.


After all this action, energy shifts as the Sun enters Taurus on April 20th, reminding us to slow down, integrate, and build stability. Taurus season asks us to ground our Aries-season dreams into tangible reality—to take those bold new steps and make them sustainable.


This is no ordinary Aries season. With Venus and Mercury retrograde, Neptune shifting signs, a Solar Eclipse, and Mars moving signs, it’s a time of deep reflection and recalibration. Aries asks us to charge ahead, but this season reminds us that clarity comes in waves. Before we launch forward, we must first ensure we are truly aligned with what we are pursuing.

P.S. If you're fascinated by relationships and astrology, I’m thrilled to be presenting a lecture on April 12th at the Victorian Astrology Association: The Alchemy of the 7th House—Turning Relationship Challenges into Gold. This will be an insightful deep dive into the astrology of relationships, and I would love for you to join me! Whether in person or via recording, this is a talk you won’t want to miss.

WHEN - April 12th 1.45pm for a 2.00pm start.

WHERE- Liardet Community Centre, 154 Liardet St, Port Melbourne.

FREE- for first time attendees



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