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Capricorn Season- Get ready to re set


Happy Summer Solstice here in Australia, happy Capricorn Season, and welcome to the first steps toward a year that holds some huge astrological changes. 2025 is BIG. This is the year all the outer planets will occupy new signs following Pluto’s move into Aquarius earlier this year—an incredibly significant and profound reset. The emphasis shifts from the grounded earthy signs Saturn and Uranus recently occupied, and the watery realms of Neptune in Pisces, to a focus on Air and Fire. At its best, the year ahead is about inspiration, creativity, and change.

Pluto’s move into Aquarius set the stage for innovation and collective evolution, and now Neptune transitions into Aries in April, followed by Saturn in Aries in late May. This double Aries alignment signals a bold new era of leadership, courage, and visionary action—or not. Aries energy can also be about doing what one wants when one wants, making it fascinating to see how this plays out globally. In June, Jupiter moves into Cancer, and in July, Uranus shifts into Gemini, igniting revolutions in communication, learning, and interconnectedness—beautifully harmonizing with Pluto’s current position in Aquarius. It’s incredibly rare to have so many outer planets shift signs within a 12-month period.

Adding to this cosmic reset, the nodal axis moves to the South Node in Virgo and the North Node in Pisces, inviting us to lean into compassion and empathy—qualities I feel we will need in spades in 2025. And so, we begin with Capricorn season, asking us to plant seeds of inspiration sparked during Sagittarius season. On that note, I wish you all a beautiful holiday season. Thank you for your support and a special hug to all the gorgeous souls who entrusted me to explore their astrology this year. 2025 brings big changes for me, too, and I can’t wait to share them with you soon.

In Australia, December 21st marks a moment of profound significance—the beginning of Capricorn season and the summer solstice. The solstice, derived from the Latin solstitium, meaning "sun standing still," is a pivotal turning point in the solar year. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, it signifies the longest day of the year, a time to revel in the fullness of light and honour the sun’s life-giving power. It’s also a potent moment for reflection as the sun appears to pause before beginning its gradual descent toward shorter days.

As Capricorn season begins, we step into the grounded, ambitious, and pragmatic energy of the zodiac’s mountain goat. From an evolutionary astrology perspective, Capricorn represents the archetype of the builder and the elder. It asks us to consider the legacy we are creating, the structures we depend on, and the responsibilities we carry. At its highest expression, Capricorn invites us to align our personal ambitions with a sense of purpose and collective responsibility, urging us to climb not just for personal gain but for the greater good.

It’s a time to honour both the external achievements and the internal growth that make life meaningful. By aligning with the energy of Capricorn we can use this time to  create a foundation for executing our goals as we move into the year ahead. This is a time to tap into  both our internal discipline and inspiration. Capricorn energy is all about finding the mountain we wish to climbe in this lifetime and to climb it with purpose, integrity, and to build a legacy that reflects the highest aspirations of our soul


The solstice energy amplifies Capricorn’s call for reflection and intention-setting. The sun’s pause in the sky mirrors the need to pause within ourselves, evaluate our progress, and commit to disciplined action. Capricorn teaches us the power of resilience, patience, and the mastery that comes from embracing life’s challenges. It’s a reminder that true growth requires both effort and integrity.

On New Years Eve in Australia we also have a New Moon in Capricorn which is an extra potent invitation to plant seeds of intention for the year ahead. This is a powerful time to set goals rooted in authenticity and long-term vision. Capricorn’s energy supports strategic planning, so we can use this time to focus on the practical steps needed to manifest our dreams. From an evolutionary perspective, this New Moon asks us to examine how we define success and whether our ambitions serve our soul’s growth.

In 2025, I will be focusing much more on the astrology of relationships and we obviously can not do so without talking about Venus a lot, which I will be. On Jan 2nd Venus, moves into Pisces and brings a dreamy, compassionate energy to relationships and creativity. Pisces softens Capricorn’s edges, encouraging us to balance structure with surrender. This transit also has a special significance this year as Venus will revisit Pisces during its retrograde journey, highlighting themes of unconditional love, forgiveness, and spiritual connection.

On the 6th Mars, whilst still in retrograde motion Mars moves back into Cancer, in opposition to the Capricorn energy of the season This shift from Gemini’s cerebral energy to Cancer’s emotional depth asks us to  reevaluate and re explore the roots of our motivations and to review how we actively seek emotional security.  Mars here also offers us a time for healing past wounds related to family, home, and belonging.

On the 8th Mercury moves into Capricorn from Sagittarius and sharpens our focus and enhances our ability to communicate with precision and authority. This can offer us practical problem-solving and clear decision-making. From an evolutionary lens, it’s an invitation to align our thoughts and words with our highest intentions, using communication to build lasting connections and understanding.


In a really big shift, we have the Nodal Axis shifting from Aries into Pisces on January 12th, which means for 2025, our eclipse season will be across the Virgo/ Pisces polarity. I for one am pretty thrilled about this shift as it marks a collective karmic direction toward compassionate service, spirituality, and surrender. Pisces teaches us the importance of trust, flow, and interconnectedness. This nodal axis will be most significant for the mutable signs this year and will do much to encourage us to balance discipline with faith.


One of my favoured Full Moons, for the year- the Cancer Full Moon occurs on Jan 14th and brings themes of home, family, and emotional security to the forefront. Opposing the Capricorn Sun, this is all about the need to balance work and personal life, ambition and nurturing. It’s a time to honour our feelings, connect with loved ones, and create spaces of comfort and safety.


And then, on the 20th, the Sun’s move into Aquarius, shifting our focus from personal ambition to collective innovation. Aquarius energy invites us to think outside the box, embrace change, and work toward a future that serves humanity as a whole.




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