Happy New Moon in Leo. As I have been watching the Olympics during this Leo Season, I am reminded of the unity of humanity when we can work together to celebrate cultural diversity, artistic and creative expression, and the incredible achievements of others. This is a Leo theme that we need to constantly remind ourselves of.
As someone with the natal moon in Leo, I am very much looking forward to this one, which you will all be pleased to know is a rather harmonious and energetic new moon, ideal for intention setting, but get to it before Mercury turns retrograde just a day after this New Moon. This lunation is about celebrating the heart and the self and allowing ourselves to find ways in which we can shine brighter in any area of our lives we would choose to do so. Leo is much more than “look at me” energy ( however I intend to go shopping for some new outfits around this time) and is more about how we show up from our heart centre to be who we really are, how we celebrate what we feel in our heart, how we express our hearts desires and embrace true joy, connect with our inner child and let ourselves shine. So get to setting some intentions around how you wish to really shine in life.
The New Moon occurs in Australia on August the 4th at 9.13 pm on the east coast and falls at 12 degrees Leo. Look to see where 12 degrees of Leo falls in your chart to see which area of life will be energised by this placement. We all have Leo somewhere and the house Leo rules or is in is where you need to pay attention to shinning in life. This New Moon is a fairly harmonious energy, helped allow by a harmonious aspect from Mars and Jupiter who are currently joining forced in Gemini and the asteroid Vesta.
As with every new moon, it is a time to set our intentions or what we would like to manifest and bring into our lives. The new moon meets the Sun in Leo, enhancing and prompting us to set goals around some of the Leo principles.
Leo is ruled by the sun, the heart of our universe, and therefore rules our hearts astrologically. Leo's energy is often misrepresented as that egoic, 'look at me' energy and indeed, sometimes it is expressed this way. But at its higher manifestation, Leo is about giving and receiving and expressing from the heart. So, on this new moon, we can ask ourselves how our heart is going? Are we being true to our heart's desires and expressing those desires honestly and authentically?
Leo energy is naturally warm, generous of spirit, childlike, playful, and creative. Use this time for setting an intention around how you give love to yourself and how you'd like to give and receive love to others. Spend some time treating yourself like you would like to be treated by others. This new moon is an excellent time to set some intentions around bolstering your confidence if you lack confidence. One of the best ways to do this is to literally write some affirmations, place them on your mirror, and speak them out loud to yourself.
This method was taught via the great late Louise Hay. It feels strange when you first start doing this, but it works. Here is a classic from Louise; you can use this one or write your own, but this represents the energy of this Leo new moon perfectly: “I feel my heart opening, and I know that there is room in there for me….I treat myself with unconditional love.”
Adding to the fiery and creative energy of this Leo new moon is a harmonious aspect to Mars and Jupiter, who are meeting up together in Gemini. Mars, the planet of action and drive, combined with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, brings a dynamic and optimistic energy to our new moon intentions. This aspect encourages us to think big and take bold steps towards our goals. It’s a time to tap into our enthusiasm and courage, to pursue what truly lights us up with a sense of adventure and curiosity.
Conjunct this new moon is Vesta, the asteroid representing the sacred flame and devotion. Vesta's presence in Leo calls us to dedicate ourselves to our passions with a sense of purity and commitment. It asks us to honour our inner light, to nurture it, and to allow it to shine brightly. This is a time to reconnect with what truly matters to us, to find that spark within, and to commit to our personal growth and creative expression.
Self-love and self-expression are big Leo themes. We can use this New moon to set some intentions around how we would like to show more love to ourselves and how we may be able to express our true selves more authentically. Leo is also all about confidence, of stepping onto the stage of life and allowing ourselves to shine. It’s a great time to think about how we might be able to boost our confidence.
One of the core essences of Leo is that of pure joy, the kind of joy we experience when we allow ourselves to connect with our inner child and play. This isa wonderful time to unashamedly allow ourselves to have fun. So we can think about how we can incorporate more playfulness, fun and creativity into our lives.
Like all the Fire signs, Leo energy is passionate about those things that light them up. What are your true passions, and are you paying them enough attention? How can you devote more time and energy to those things that really light you up?
Leo loves on a big scale, and expressing this love in a generous, open-hearted way is one of Leo's greatest traits. A Leo whose heart is cold, however, is not a positive sight. It is super important to ignite the heart and equally be active in relationships that honour the heart. Take this time to think about what changes, if any, you need to make to ensure you are receiving and giving love authentically and passionately.
Leo's fire energy is expressive and creative and loves to move. This is a wonderful time to allow yourself to dance like no one is watching. Put on some music during this new moon and dance around your lounge room. Grab that hairbrush microphone, sing loudly, and allow yourself to play and have some fun. If this is not your scene, spending some time on creative pursuits or planning a future creative project is also an excellent idea.
The intentions and changes we seek to make can culminate as we move toward the full moon in Aquarius, which occurs on the 20th. This will be quite a powerful full moon, so set your intentions wisely to see them culminate during this time.
As we embrace this new moon in Leo, with the support of Mars, Jupiter, and Vesta, let us commit to living from our hearts, expressing our true selves, and nurturing our inner light. Let this be a time of joyful creation, bold action, and deep devotion to what truly matters to us.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO UNDERSTAND HOW TO HARNESS THE POWER OF YOUR OWN VIBRANT ENERGY, BOOK IN FOR A PROFESSIONAL CHART READING. We can explore how to help you unleash your creativity, boost your confidence and embrace your authentic self... or anything else for that matter.
I only have a few spots left throughout August and will then be travelling throughout all of