Oh my Lordy, what a Cancer season that was! And yes, it is over. Today, here in the Southern Hemisphere, the Sun shifts out of watery Cancer to where it radiates its most potent energy… Hooray for LEO SEASON, which begins just as the Sun sets at 5.49 pm in the eastern states. I'm looking forward to feeling that fire energy. As a double-fire sign, I have been insular for far too long and need to go out, play, and have some fun and to lighten up...literally.
Leo season is all about connecting with what brings us joy and pleasure in life and allowing ourselves to shine. This is a time of bold expression, creativity, heart-centered action, and finding our inner confidence to be our most authentic selves. We will hopefully feel a surge of creativity and an urge to pursue our passions with enthusiasm, not caring too much about what others think.
Traditionally, Leo season sees us bathing in creative pursuits, feeling vital, energetic, and playful. Leo rules the heart, so this is often a season of passion, warmth, and generosity of spirit. If there are creative pursuits you need to focus on, this is the time to do so. Leo's energy needs to feel appreciated, so this is a great time to review how you appreciate, applaud, and honour yourself and others. Are you shining in the areas in which you want to be shining?
Leo season is also an excellent time for tapping into our hearts and checking in on both physical and emotional levels. Are we giving enough love to ourselves? Are we looking after our hearts and heart's desires? Spend some time in Leo season tapping into the heart.
Leadership is another area ruled by Leo. Leo energy is not afraid to be on the stage; whatever that stage may be, it might simply be an area of life in which you shine or want to shine. This is an excellent time for honing one's leadership skills and checking in on whether you are leading from a place of authenticity and love or from ego and a need to be noticed and applauded. Both fall into Leo's realm but express themselves in very different ways. There is nothing wrong with having a need to be noticed and loving the applause you may receive; you just don't want to fall into the Leo trap of relying on it.
At a fundamental level, Leo is about fun. Are you having enough fun in your life? Recent energies have been very serious, and many of us may have forgotten what it is like to let our hair down and have some fun. Whatever fun looks like in your life, this is the time to make sure you have a lot of it. Be silly, play, dance, be joyous, and connect with your inner child; they may have been missing you. How are you going about authentically expressing yourself?
We have recently had twins born into our family, the first of the next generation, and engaging with them reminds me of that pure connection to joy, to our own inner child, to laugh, act silly, and play. We could all do with more playtime, especially now as the world feels so heavy.
As the Sun moves into Leo, we may still feel some heaviness as it opposes Pluto in Aquarius. When we bring Pluto and the Sun together, truth needs to come out from beneath, and honesty needs to shine. These first few days could continue the personal growth sparked by the recent Full Moon, fostering authentic self-expression.
Mercury's shift into Virgo on the 26th changes the tone of our thoughts and communications to a more analytical focus on details and practical matters. Meanwhile, Chiron, the wounded healer, begins its retrograde journey in Aries, calling for deep introspection and healing of old wounds, especially those related to our sense of self and identity.
The tension between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus can bring unexpected changes in relationships, values, and finances from August 3rd. This aspect challenges us to break free from old patterns and embrace new ways of relating and valuing ourselves and others.
The New Moon in Leo on the 4th is a potent time for setting intentions related to creativity, self-expression, and leadership. Mark this date to plant seeds for new projects and ventures that align with your true passions and heart's desires.
As Venus transitions into Virgo, our approach to love and relationships becomes more practical, grounded, and service-oriented. We might need to watch for tendencies to see fault in others and become critical. Focus on nurturing others through acts of service and attention to detail without being overly critical.
The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini on the 14th will ramp up the energy, particularly in politics, technology, and media. This aspect boosts our confidence and drive to pursue new opportunities and expand our horizons. However, Saturn's presence from the 15th calls for patience and strategic planning to navigate challenges and achieve our goals.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 20th illuminates themes of individuality, innovation, and community. This lunation encourages us to release outdated beliefs and embrace change. The simultaneous square between the Sun, Moon, and Uranus adds unpredictability and the potential for sudden breakthroughs.
We can harness this powerful period for personal growth, creativity, and meaningful connections. Embrace the warmth and passion of Leo, and let your inner light shine brightly as you navigate the transformative energies of this season until the 23rd when the Sun them moves into earth Virgo on the 23rd
If you would like to know more about how Leo energy manifests in your personal astrology chart, I am open for bookings through August but will then be closed for business from early September when I head off to Greece for an astrological mythology tour followed by a conference in Italy, so book in now to explore how we can explore your chart to discover where and how you need to shine in life. Book here www.aspectastrology.com.au/bookonline
Also, I would LOVE your support on Instagram for the Australian Arm of the Organisation of Professional Astrologers. I am the co-head, and we have recently set up an Instagram account to showcase what OPA can offer to all astrology enthusiasts in Australia. So head to www.instagram.com/opaaustralia to share the love of astro