New Moon in Capricorn
The first new moon of the year the beginning of a new Luna month offers us a wonderful opportunity to put our plans into action.
All those New Year's resolutions can be activated now and for the signs of Capricorn, Libra and Aries it makes its mark in more profound ways by opening up new opportunities.
Capricorn is one of the most forthright, practical and steadfast signs of the zodiac, hardworking, determined, strong and ambitious.
Tapping into this lunar energy offers us an opportunity to strategise, especially for business or practical purposes, and plant the seed for our ambitions in 2021.
The new moon is in aspect to Pluto which is the planet of transformation. This adds a level of intensity to this new moon and the ability to tune in on very deep psychological levels. The past year may have brought us many challenges and hopefully insights into moving toward positive change within ourselves and for humanity. If therefore there are strategies and goals you want to enact that evolve around changing some of your psychological habits, this is the time to get going.
Use the new moon energies to get organised, gain focus and put practical plans into action for the year ahead.