As we approach the upcoming energy shift, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and tired of hearing the same old descriptors of intensity.
However, it's important to acknowledge that we're stepping into a potentially precarious and disruptive energy that may bring about significant change.
With Mars and Uranus joining us for the New Moon, it's time to take a closer look at where we feel our lives could benefit from active change, where we may be feeling stuck or impatient, and where we can move forward more vigorously.
The New Moon in Scorpio will occur in Australia on November 13th at 8.27pm. The Sun, Moon, and Mars will all be lined up in Scorpio, bringing with them the energy of team Scorpio. However, Uranus in Taurus will be in opposition to these three planets, triggering a potential for profound change, dramatic new insights, and breakthroughs, and possibly some instability. While this New Moon energy may not feel particularly comfortable, it does have the potential to bring about life-changing energy and help you have breakthroughs, especially in areas related to Scorpio themes.
As with all New Moons, we can use this energy as a marker for setting intentions and marking the changes we'd like to see in our lives. With the planets in the mix during this lunation, we're set to activate intentions around powerful transformation and change we want to see on a deep personal level.
The momentum, thanks to Mars, can help us actively and vigorously confront our fears and, more importantly, repressed anger that may come to the surface now.
The current energies could work positively to allow us to bravely acknowledge where we may have been holding onto anger and to more assertively find ways to deal with any dormant anger issues and find positive ways to set intentions for how we would like to deal with and express our anger moving forward.
With Uranus in the picture, the theme is very much about moving further toward liberating ourselves from what we may have been holding onto or even dissociating from. We may have sudden flashes of insight, an out-of-the-blue discovery about ourselves, or we may suddenly find out something that has been buried or hidden.
However, when Uranus is in Taurus, it may also manifest as shaking up our core structures and foundations. We might be asked to question the foundations and structures we have built around us and how these are or are not serving us.
Fortunately, during this New Moon, Neptune in Pisces is in a harmonious aspect to team Scorpio and plays a very important part in elevating this energy toward a higher consciousness, helping us see and trust our lives as part of a larger cosmic energy.
The stage is set for receiving some profound messages or downloads if we provide ourselves with enough quiet space to listen to what might drop in right now.
Part of the Scorpio narrative is about deep soul bonding with another, deep connection, and intimacy, and these themes may come up right now. We can set some intentions around where we would like to bring more authentic and possibly energetic intimacy into our lives now.
This can also be a time of working on any issues around trust in our lives, both with others of course but also how the theme of trust plays out in our lives. Are past hurts or anger around where our trust has been betrayed playing out in our lives via unconscious behaviors or indeed via a reluctance to trust and be vulnerable with trusting others?
We can sit with these themes and actively work toward setting new intentions around trust issues. Where may you be prepared to open yourself up more to trusting others without giving away your own sense of self-power?
Be mindful that power plays may arise in relationships now, jostling for power, especially if one person in the relationship feels like they are lacking agency or indeed power. This is just something to be aware of during this period.
Scorpio energy is also all about the quest for truth, for honesty, for revealing what is hidden, and these themes may also come to play right now. Questions may arise around what we may be missing, especially on a depth level. Are we too concerned with following the status quo and potentially missing an exploration to discover more about our own depth?
So yes this new moon is intense; we may be faced with unexpected surprises but we can utilise this transformative energy is such profound ways if we chose to.
I just want to let you know I am going to start winding down after December the 10th. So if you have been considering getting a reading or think someone in your life might like a chart reading, jump onto aspectastrology.com.au/bookonline to book or email me regarding gift vouchers.
Use this new moon to delve deep but remember to be kind to yourself and others